give me one good reason i shouldn't kill myself :(
Give me one good reason i shouldn't kill myself :(
Bump, I also need this
Feed the babies.
Life is fun.
Bitches and hoes.
because it's literally not worth it and by doing so you are selfishly taking yourself out of this world because you don't feel good enough for your friends and family. I know the repercussions of suicide after losing my cousin in January, do yourself and your family a favor and don't kill yourself.
Pizza, naps, beer
Da gurlahz finally came out, bro~.
youll never find out what happens next season of your favorte show
Kizuna Ai desu
Suffer longer and more painfully thanks to our "loving" Creator.
If you were going to do it soon, you'd be off loading a gun or tying a noose or something, you're on here because you want what you already believe to be solidified, that there is a reason to carry on.
You think that reason is out there and someone else has discovered the secret, but here's the rub. There is no secret, there is no reason. Suicide is like a fuse, once started you can see the very obvious end coming. One day it'll burn out, and so will you.
People who encourage others to commit suicide should live by their words themselves.
Haha, what?
You are a virgin so if you kill yourself you never fuck
your KSing someone who could do with the improved KDR
You can change your life in a day. It could always be worse also.
I'm 21, been wanting to die since 17. But I can't do it bc I don't want my moms to bury her son. So I'm still holding on.
Toti powur~, yay.
Go home. Leave. Fly away.
the dead can no longer know the jous of cute puppies and warm blankets!
Living well is the best revenge.
Jesus Christ, don't do it! Have you never watched Beetlejuice? Don't you know that suicides spend eternity as civil servants in Hell?
such is life
Man, I wish I knew what you people complain about all the time.
no one will know you're gone and they won't be able to harvest your organs in time.
You haven't fucked a robot yet.
Better than reading~.
*tips fedora*
Nicely said fam
U would lose the firework that north korea will be in the next weeks, after that you're free to do it
because, in all of history that is past and yet to come, only YOU see life through your eyes. are you watching this? seeing this? I am too, from my own viewpoint. maybe you only get this one chance to see life from your own eyes. and maybe your viewpoint sucks right now. but that doesn't always mean it will.
shit changes. things can get better. i've been there and seen it myself. maybe you will too, but you won't know unless you give it a chance.
I'm not saying to rely on blind luck or faith, either. No. You are master of your own destiny. If you try hard enough to make it happen, it will happen. Maybe not on your timetable, but on the universe's time. I've seen that happen too. But the more you put effort into it, the more you can get back.
No bullshit. Try to make it better, and it will get better. Wallow in self pity and you will get nowhere.
You think a couple of nice words on a board full of faggots and part-time criminals will help you heal your wounds? You're literally just another day to us. We live for people like you to make us look better, if you killed yourself no one would care. Your entire existence, your mother, your father, your dog. It means shit to us. We just want to see you die because thats another person who went before us. No one will make threads about you in two years, no one will care. If you kill yourself you'll be tossed in with all the other anons over the years who've done it. You'll be remember for a couple weeks and then you're just another number. You're not here to kill yourself though user. You have a life ahead of you, a life outside of this place. Life isn't beautiful but it's the best you got. You have three choices: You can A. Kill yourself
B. Contiunune with your mediocre life and shitpost on Sup Forums until you die
C. make something of your pathetic life. Start off by never coming back to this place. Leave everything you own and go on a walk. It doesn't matter when you return just pick a direction and fucking walk. Days. Weeks. Months. Years. A lifetime. No one will judge you. Find your calling. Do something that no one here could ever do.
Stay alive for the cunnys.
Because there isn't one good yourself.
Do whatever the fuck you want; go travel; go do something fun, crazy whatevr
But start with fitness and health..
It may just change ur.outlook
Personally what i keep telling myself is that the only thing that really happens when you commit suicide is you just remove opportunities and chances to experience, for better or worse. Its kind of like putting coins in a slot machine then walking away.
If you kill yourself, how are you supposed to eat food and play video games?
Jesus gives you 70 traps when you get to heaven. kys
I like what I read here.
To see what happens next in the world