In light of this gay ass thread:
Post your tattoos and fuck the world.
>Some of my ink
In light of this gay ass thread:
Post your tattoos and fuck the world.
>Some of my ink
Op here:
Also before anyone talks shit about my man tits, learn about the curvature of optic lenses and cameras, cell phones distort shit haha
>So insecure about a thread on Sup Forums that he proves everyone's point about tattoos only being for attention whoring degenerates
If real, epic haha
Naw, just saw a lot of cancer in the last thread, but nice b8 m8
Also, eat a shit hah
got this when i was 16, ill probably will end up covering it with another tattoo, it was also homemade by my sister
Tattoos are for degenerate NEETS
Almost looks like the symbol for bdsm enthusiasts, triskelion.
Atleast it's small man, I've hd a few shit tats before that had to get covered
its actually sasukeĀ“s curse mark.
yeah it would be easy to cover up
the edge
Hey nothing wrong with loving your anime show.
Sup Forums is full of hate naturally but itherwise if you dig it you do right? I always thought Alucard from Hellsing had some tattooable moments lol
Traditional American, looks good user
What symbol is that? Or was it just some random design on a whim, I got a few of them lol
i mean i was 16, watched the show since i was 9 or 10, and only finished watching s few months ago, so it kinda was a part of my life
Scrolling quickly down the catalog, I thought this was a pic of a necrotic dick.
Turned out to be a tattooed asshole.
Here ya go. Yes it is finished. I only wanted black lines.
because you use youtube-app, you deserve this tattoo
Go back to the notepad, weak ass comments are fun confetti and all here in Sup Forums but I'm looking for a good laugh in an insult haha
I dig it man, almost looks like mythological creatures to me all morphed together, the line work ain't all bad either
People who are down to get ink and people terrified of a couple thousand needle pricks haha
Damn brotha, callin' the shots like a boss over here haha XD
I tattooed it over a scar I got from a coral while snorkeling
Show me yours
Gnar dude, tattooing in scar tissue is rough. My left chest plate sucked near the armpit due to stretch marks, needle kept catching on the loose skin. That's why I avoided the ? Mark brand cause I didn't ned anymore damage
Can't atm, female is passed out, about to crash out myself but otherwise I have sigils tattooed on me that I saw on a herpic mushroom trip haha
OP here, gonna catch some zzz's so work doesn't suck ass tomorrow.
To all my tattooed Sup Forumsrothas, fuck the cancer, fuck bananas, fuck the haters, fuck the trolls, and fuck others opinions.
Pay good money and get good tattoos.