What is the best Ty Segall album and why is it Goodbye Bread? also garage rock thread
What is the best Ty Segall album and why is it Goodbye Bread? also garage rock thread
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ty segall has no good albums
Brave. Dude is a beast. Ariel Pink wishes he were Ty
They're all good
his last two were kinda boring desu
Melted obvs.
Finger, Caesar, and Girlfriend are 10/10
Anyone check out the new black lips?
close second. i wish he had more streaming. i bought his vinyls and have seen him 5-6 times but no download codes.
it's good. i enjoyed it.
It's like a 17 year old from 2005's wet dream in here
>hhheeyy 2005 called and its music from not current year
you're a faggot if you listen to ty segall or the black lips. pop groups for people pretending to like rock n roll. fuck off.
>rock n roll
you know there is a ton of different "rock and roll" styles right?
I like Melted alot more tho
But what is the greatest Ty collab, reverse shark attack? Hair?
This or Fuzz
Definitely this. He played this whole thing with Mikal at in the red records anniversary concert. fucking awesome to see live
slaughterhouse is def his best. but i haven't been able to stop listening to pic since it came out. i think it's my favorite by him. it's so developed and well-executed. it feels like a conglomeration of all his abilities up to this point. plus i like that it's not as lo-fi as his other stuff.
warm hands is a masterpiece
Definitely have to listen to the album all the way through once i start. no tracks to skip. it is hard to keep up with all the shit he releases tho. just got sleeper and his ty-rex album
>it is hard to keep up with all the shit he releases tho
true. i can't say i've listened to all of his stuff
especially cuz it doesn't spotify. but at least there is so much to keep coming back for.
I heard all the obnoxious noise on my radio
I immediately look down and its alway ty segall
isn't that a twist on the nick cave quote where he shits on rhcp? justifiably of course
>obnoxious noise not being the draw of garage/lo-fi
>ty segall on the radio
>listening to the radio
so much wrong on this post
this ones good too
I second this. Lemons is also the fire.
Anyone check out the new Wavves? Kinda redeemed themselves here after the garbo that was V.
truth. of all his old stuff, i think twins is the most boring
desu never got into Wavves. good place to start?
king of the beach
thx. anyone here Cherry Glazerr? new album was decent, didnt realize she was on Death Grips giving good people bad ideas
reverse shark attack
Melted or Twins is the best
no there's not. true rock n roll has the same feeling. Motorhead to the Sonics it doesn't matter. It still sounds like rock n roll. Ty Segall is garbage.
king of the beach is good. if you want more lo-fi wavves/wavvves are good too
saw them with wavves on one of their last tours before i learned she was on that track. shes pretty good
>still calling it rock and roll
>not understandign different styles of rock
their first album is better but have hope. clem is like 19 so got time to get gud
Melted>S/T 2017>Manipulator>Sleeper>Emotional Mugger>Goodbye Bread>S/T 2008>Twins>Lemons
we're not talking about different style of rock. we're talking about rock n roll.
you mean boogie woogie? fucking rock pleb
No i mean true rock n roll like The Stooges and the Reatards
pretty sure iggy would punch you in your faux-elitist, dorrito encrusted face
Iggy hates being labeled as a punk. He doesn't think the Stooges were a punk band. They're just rock n roll band. Maybe know what you're talking about before screeching on your keyboard
no one called him punk. but seems like he hates labels being put on his rock. like you seem to want to do. go to plebbit if you wanna jerk off to your boring ass classic rock circle jerk
Rock n roll is a spirit in certain rock music. You're the one being an asshole about it. Fuck off. I'm not talking about classic rock. Led Zeppelin isn't rock n roll. The Oblivians are.
no rock and roll was a style of music congealed with chuck berry and stolen by elvis and then branched into a million different styles and sounds. learn some shit before you speak you raging cunt
No. Rock n roll isn't just Chuck Berry. You're fucking retarded.
Listen to some rock n roll youtube.com
i am, currently listening to sleeper by ty segall
You could just pause it and listen to the song i posted
Sorry I don't like Swans a lot :(
Solid contribution, guy
Swans is for hipsters
just to spite you i will never listen to the reatards again. you and your retarded idea on what le true rock is
Your loss. They'r one of the greatest rock n roll bands of all time. Stay pleb faggot.
Going to see him live again in the upcoming weeks. I remember last time I went he put up a great show but didn't even know who he was so I didn't know any of the songs.
Also didn't say true rock. Just talking about the spirit of rock n roll. Glad I could get you assblasted though.
probably. but if such a gigantic chode of a 15 year old is that into them i guess its a small price to pay to never be associated with you
>le spirit of le true rock and rolling
Truly the opinion of a self conscious indie rock faggot
>I can't speak unless it's in reddit terms and meme arrows
Am I still garage rock guys?
Yeah I just picked it up last week actually, after hearing Trash People on the local college station. I like it
Def listen to haxel princess, a great album. And her song "had ten dollaz" is fucking awesome
step aside faggits
I mean obv jay reatard. Too bad he is kill
Cocaine is a hell of a drug
I fucking love everything Ty has done. I just saw him and the freedom band a couple days ago in Philly. What a fucking crazy show. I was right in front of Ty and he did not disappoint