When I get drunk on night out with girlfriend I am always desperate to see her fucked by another man.
I'm working towards making it happenow, anyone got tips?
When I get drunk on night out with girlfriend I am always desperate to see her fucked by another man
I've managed to get guys touching her in clubs, but she always acts like it didn't happen even when I've seen hand up her dress
need to make her see its okay and take it further
Keep voting democrat.
you need to get a guy back in your house where he can actually fuck her
I am trying to that as the next step, invite a guy back to get stoned and see where it goes
sharp knife to the arm
sharp knife to thee arm
once she gets stoned she gets really touchy, just got to find a way of getting the clothes off
is this real? do guys actually do this?
you must be fucked up to want it
does your gf know you like it?
Stop being a cuck you pussy faggot
sharp knife to the arm
I'm not sure
not told her specifically but I encourage her to dress slutty answer dance with guys on nights out, and I've seen her touch guys while she dances and let them touch her
don't know what she'll think if I tell her I want more
Kek'd & Chek'd
just ask the guys to start doing more..i like where your situation is going.
i am trying to do the same. i managed to get her to flash a guy and let him grope her. and then she sexted another friend of hers. lets see where it goes from here
you still here?
What you need to do is leave her totally sexually unsatisfied, then she'll want to fuck other guys. Drop hints that you want it here and there too.
trying that with my wife
ejaculate prematurely, eat her out and leave it at that, massage her feet and legs but go no further, etc.
thanks for the suggestions, I'll try those.
Good luck!
Post your girl, cuckles.
ok, my wife
do you have a race fetish too, or would you be fine with a white guy fucking her?
I'd be fine with a white guy doing her too
How do you feel about that?
Just let her see you watching her when the other guys are feeling her up, let her know you like it, but dont come on too strong the first couple of times
What mental disorder is this topic about?
perhaps touch myself after a few times and let her see that?
Does she has an innie or an outie pussy?
You dont even have to do that, just smile and let her carry on being touched up, while you watch, she'll know you like it from then
her pussy, it's an innie
Is she kinky in general? Have you hinted her about swinging for example?
yes we've talked about going to a swingers club, she's still on the fence though
She doesn't like the idea of other men fucking her or she's just shy and normal who doesn't see pleasure in that?
Also, other idiots mentioned leaving her hungry for cock. That's great...if you want for arguments to appear and shit.
She liked being groped by that stranger?
seriously talk it through with her, if she likes it and loves you she'll probably play along, but if she doesnt then you have a choice happy with what you have or you really need to change
he's mostly shy in that regard
Dont ask....dont get
like I said mostly shy
Actually I vote republican.
have been at home with a friend of mine and girlfriend was wearing short dress, we kept asking her to pick things up so we could watch her bend over
once she realised what we were dking she seemed to enjoy it, even lifting dress a bit to show off thongoing and little ass
seems like a good sign
really good sign!
I want to get her stoned and then get her to undress in front of guys somehow - how can I suguest the clothes come off?
no idea working on that myself
I know my GF has a fantasy of fucking another guy. But when the opportunity comes she chickens out.
My wife and I are older and we've done it many times. Go to a sex club and let her know what turns you on.
yeah tell me what state your in and if its the same i will come fuck her