Me and my friend wanted to get a tattoo like pic related but have heard Nordic symbol tattoos are a big neo Nazi thing in America, how much of an issue actually is it? Britfag for context
Me and my friend wanted to get a tattoo like pic related but have heard Nordic symbol tattoos are a big neo Nazi thing...
Paganism is inherently aligned with racial and cultural traditionalism, which is often espoused by National Socialist types.
is your white guilt prohibiting you from tattooing yourself with a /letter/ from the alphabet of your ancestors? It's the fucking letter O. Japs get their bodies covered in shinto symbolism, africans get covered in whatever tribal bullshit they worshipped. Are you that genuinely concerned you'll be branded a racist? (assuming your white, otherwise, fuck off)
I'm obviously white firstly, I'm using the internet. I'm just worried about getting thrown out of bars and stuff, also my heritage isn't Nordic but we both have a scholarly interest in it so
the runic Futharks were used throughout teutonic europe. Scandinavia, Germanic countries, even Anglo-Saxon brits used the runic alphabet. Unless you're exclusively from southern or western european heritage, you come from a people who utilized some adaptation of the runic alphabet.
Get it anyway.
Scottish/Portuguese but very white, I'm less concerned about the heratige side and more the getting the shit beaten out of me side
if you're that much of a pussy, don't get an Odal tattoo.
Eh I guess. Any advice on what others are big Nazi signifiers?
Maybe tattoo a spot that's under the t-shirt?
If you tattoo something different you will be seen as degenerate independent from the actual motive
add in bracktes below (no nazi), that'll do
Oh I have to get them in not so easily visible places anyway, I'm doing Law
Black people in America will chimp out on you over anything.
Before they ask, "What that mean?" one of them will sucker punch you before you even answer.
>Black people in America will chimp out on you over anything.
Implying they can read
> Portuguese
> white
pick one
When I'm in England I live in one of the areas with the high white percentage so I'm cool here, but planning on going to America soon
can you read runes?
Britfag also, really, I wouldnt. Especially at the moment. Know a guy with something similiar on his arm and fuck me, the abuse he gets is weekly.
Well yes
Ginger mother
Still Portuguese... being a red haired Turk, still makes you a sandnigger.
I'll have you know Portugal is a rising star in europe. Our aids is way down
> rising star in Europe
kek'd! Just because you crawl out of a gutter full of shit, doesn't mean you climbed the mountain. It just means you are no longer drowning, but it also means you are shit stained.
Yeah, ignorant faggots will see it as a nazi symbol. I say do it. Fuck em. You only live once and why let the PC social gestapo control what you decide to do? question still remains: