You broke me

You broke me.

I can now identify Jews at first glance.

I hate most other races unless they're at least white.

I don't even know why I hate. I just hate.

I'm an internal supremacist, it seems, and Sup Forums has begun to unleash it on the world.

Should I just embrace it and become a racist fuck or is there something I should/could do to change it?

There's just so much impurity and Jew-propaganda to deal with, guys.

>I don't even know why I hate. I just hate.
you hate because you realized, you suck.

From being racist, or do I just suck?

I'm fine with either, I just want your opinion, man.

Dubz chek'd

>I don't even know why I hate. I just hate.
if you hate for no reason, you're not a racist.

I hate. There is a difference between racism and prejudice though. Do you hate them simply because theyre not white or do you hate them for being retarded and a detriment to society as a whole? My hate is caused by a mix between life experience, history, and simple observation. Niggers are niggers regardless of color and the same goes for faggots and jews.

Shia? is that you? You get your pom frites?





You don't have to be a supremacist to be aware of Jews and their devious ways.

work on your hate,
realise that identifying things with racism doesn't mean you have to be a racist, it just means you see a certain stereotype in that person (remeber your likley to be full of them as well)

and don't worry about jew propaganda, that issue has been solved, and what we are experiencing now is just the shacking loose of shackles.

good luck and day to you sir.


I hate them because I know what they do to society.

Niggers, longnoses, and damn near most the rest of them.

They're destroying things and nobody notices.

I just can't really fixate on my hate for a reason at first, though.

I just see a Jew and immediately hate without finding a reason. I -could- find one, but I don't usually. I just instantly hate.


>it just means you see a certain stereotype in that person
that doesn't go for muslims though. they are really like the stereotype. in fact, they are worse

Im fucking jewbait anons. I don't understand it. I live in a part of the USA where jews make up less than 1% of the population yet of the ~25 girls ive slept with since i got my vasectomy last year almost all of them have been at least half jews. The thing is it isn't selection bias. I'm a fairly good looking, lazy, manwhore. If you approach me and youre fine ill shove it in there. I never approach women, im very shy regarding approaches.

But it makes me wonder. I don't have many shekels. I'm degenerate as fuck. I refuse to date and have a vasectomy. Why am i jew bait?

islam is not a race. hating people who are just assholes is pretty normal

Honestly, just stop. Leave this place. Sup Forums are not "woke". Sup Forums is just the opposite side of the tumblr coin. They're just another bullshit circle jerk echo chamber, just instead of reaffirming each other's bullshit SJW delusions, they reaffirm each other's insecurities and irrational hatred. They're no less deluded.

The thing you learn about hate as you get older, it's not usually the target of hate, it's the character of the hater that hate reflects. Sup Forums hates because they know they're woefully inadequate people. They hate themselves, but in their despair, they turn their hatred outwards, because facing one's own weakness is a very scary, difficult thing to do.

Sup Forums is seductive because it offers easy answers and a community willing to support your delusions. They're able to provide information that seems just compelling enough to seem legitimate if you don't bother to really dig into the meat of issues. In the end, though, they're just Tumblr for alt-right.

you got a cut cock? They can jewdar that shit from a mile away.

You hate because we all hate. Hatred is the truest language of humanity.

Im from the usa, even the neo nazis were robbed of their foreskin at birth


I don't hate. I only love. You wouldn't understand because you're not mature enough to understand.

>has a kykecock, a shalomi salami
ewwwwww. I'm from the USA too but my parents aren't stupid.

I get it user. Like i said here if you're aware of how much they hold back humanity its easy to hate them. I think of myself as prejudiced and not racist though. There are some who actually do contribute that are other colors. Hard to find most of the time unless they're Asian though. I mostly just hate people for being so blind as to not even care that they're uneducated and brainwashed.

awwww it's a wishy-washy kind of hate then?


u cant identify jews
and u were weak and worthless anyway, if u got broken and "just hate", instead of having a reason

Whites are the most insecure race. Always talking about other people holding back human progress then making fun of the black man for saying the white man is holding him down. White people are the shit stain on the earth and need to go.

Because, most other races are by nature out to get you. I'm not kidding, every black friend I've had has in some way stolen from me. I literally don't hang out with black people anymore!

I hate jews too, just don't go full mel gibson in public

Hey guys! I found the Jew!

Sup Forums made me hate the falsehood of life while being a moron unable to suicide myself.
Racial hate and all that... that was there before I was into here.

White here. Can confirm, aside from the last bit. A lot of whites really are insecure little faggots. They don't like to think that maybe they're just shitty people, so instead, they blame all their problems in life on minorities. I mean, prejudice exists in every race, but this kind of insecurity does seem to be a white thing. I should point out, it does also swing the other way, where white people are hypersensitive about race and self-loathing because of their insecurity.

It's all kind of disgusting, honestly.

Case in point. /pol' has no response other than to call you a Jew or a shill or a cuck.

Take note, OP. There is no substance here, just delusion. He thinks he knows things that other people don't know. He thinks he's enlightened and everyone else is a brainwashed sheep. He won't believe anyone who tells him he's wrong, accuses them of being shills who are working for some nebulous enemy. This is what cults do.

Do you want to be a cult member?







Daily reminder that "Red Pilled" is literally just a different flavored Kool-Aid. Just because it says different things than the SJW Kool-Aid doesn't make it any less Kool-Aid.