I'm about to get high, who's with me?
I'm about to get high, who's with me?
the fuck u got a women's purse for boy
Wtf is that weed
More pictures
Looks shitty
Checking in OP, lonley stoner in north Thailand here
ptsssshh, hey, hey, hey man you know where i can score some weeds?
Is that basil or oregano?
You didn't pay 40 dollars for that did you?
Fuck yeah, same here.
looks like rucola or is it arugula for you murriclaps?
I did before I smoked about half
it was a gift I didn't end up giving, I use it to keep weed related things
I gotta scrape up but I'm with you
Cheers from Spain dude. I'm enjoying a good ol' AK joint.
cbf now, it's good though, maybe a little dry
looks like some shitty weed OP
>Smoking Marroccan Hash
aussie weed always looks shit
grow your own non shit weed , aint no rocket science and its cheap as fuck to grow now
i agree with the tripdubs.
It is good though. And I have a roommate who wouldn't approve, I call her Mum.
Doesn't look flash at all what's with the Linx and fishermens freinds. ??
From Australia?
I dunno. Who's with you?
Im with ya faggot
yes, the lynx has a pipe and lighter in it
move the fuck out then duh
nigger that's oregano
Naw, I've seen that kind of shitty looking weed here on Spain.
right there with ya my dude, have fun
Got about 100g (3.52 oz) yesterday for like 350$.
Pretty good material for that price