Lets see, that'll be $23.99, plus $3 delivery fee, plus tip

Lets see, that'll be $23.99, plus $3 delivery fee, plus tip.

You can have my tip

Im british. We dont tip

Here's a tip: you're a freak.

> plus tip

You were THIS close to getting a tip. Now fuck you.

I enjoy living in a country where minimum wage is enough to actually live on. Fuck this tip shit

Just give her a 30 dollar bill

I'm not paying 23.99 for that shitty ass looking pizza. I want to speak to your manager.

ass backwards country.

My tip is, quit horsing around on the job.

Here is $27.00. Keep the penny, you deserve it for being a tip asking sack of horse shit.

i would give him $27 and wait for 1 cent change.

This broad needs to get off her high horse.

>your tip
>not wanting to take that futanari horsecock tip

What's are you? Gay?

Does a female centaur have a vagina in the front, back, or both? Also is it a human vagina or horse's (if it isn't both)?

where's my drink?
you forgot my Diet Dr. Kelp?

I didn't order any pizza you bitch

oooo you fucker

(done it before too)

where the fuck is my sausage and why does it look like you put hotdogs on it


Would you settle for a wittwe nose wub instead of a tip?

You expect me to tip, well looks like you don't get a tip tonight.

How does she even get dressed?!?

Delet this

I'll give you more than the tip, baby girl.


For ONE pizza? Wich doesn't even fill the box?
Get a 10 and fuck off


Best girl is best girl

I always tip $5, because i know how it is being a pizza delivery centaur.



