Great albums with shitty album art

It looks like something a highschooler drew in an intro to art class

pleb doesn't get that the cover is intentionally evoking a victorian-era beardsley piece

lmao wtf are you talking about user this is a great cover

This on the other hand

>Anything by the beatles

not a great album (although at least one song is 10/10) but a good one
album art is still amazingly shitty though


Anything released by Devo
Especially this unsightly monstrosity

This is good album art. Sister on the other hand...


this cover is pretty funny though

quite honestly one of the best albums covers of all time tbqhwy

art is not a picture, fucking ignorant


its not great but that album art is shite


Low has a great cover, it's a pun "Low profile" as in when Bowie went away from America after Station to sober up


all of these are great album art


inb4 someone posts Lift To Experience

Giger made an interesting sketch but it's aesthetically displeasing and makes for a bad cover. also owning this on vinyl is a bitch since the cover always tears

Can't even do a proper squat. Western Spy.