Waifu claiming thread.
Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Waifu claiming thread.
Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Other urls found in this thread:
Happy Easter, Faggots.
Still here
Neighbors will complain about all the stomping and screaming and swearing.
I thought Mado was a girl, wtf.
Let's get high and watch Groundhog Day ALL DAY!
"You are a real follower of our survival gamers. It is fantastic to be atrocious! You must be the one beyond good and evil."
Sonokawa Momoka-sama is now OFFICIALLY claimed! ^^
Who's this velvet nigger
How many of those do you have?
And not really. Even though Jotaro couldn't hurt him, Dan can't hurt Jotaro either, since he can just use StarPlatinum to defend himself from his attacks while not harmng Dan.
And even if Dan threatened Jotaro to harm himself, he won't do any permanent damage on himself for obvious reasons.
Happy Easter to you too, faggot.
You're pretty fast Syndra :o
Who is this cute and may I have a dropbox of her images? She is too smug for me. Also I am asking politely, please.
How is everyone tonight?
Thats sad. Its only for one day though right?
How goes it?
Hi Mado
Claiming best girl.
That's fucked.
I guess
I don't spoonfeed newfags.
It goes alright! How about you???
Hey tomo.
Hiya saya!
hi rem
How's life?
Calm down a bit Rikka. Just about to play tanks.
How is egg day?
Hai 2B
So how come you made a new server, and how are you?
>be me
>in high school
>I'm a weeb
>meet two weeb girls
>they like Naruto, AoT, Yuri On Ice, the usual
>I like actually good anime
>they talk about it in class and shit
>I call them weeaboos
>I get suspended for insulting them
hi daddy.
egg day?
whats that
How are you?
Yes maam sorry maam. Oh have fun shoot a couple for me
I don't know! I hate sports! bbl
You seriously need to man up.
You need help, 2B
stahp, bye
Finally going home. Only 3 hours to go
Fam, pretty good.
I have seen your steam library, you're pretty rich eh?
How about yours?
>not just accepting their shit taste to make a weeb sandwich
Gib invite.
Lmao sociopath.
Why would you get Esdeath to cut himself for you?
-claims Ikarous and looks around for her hopefully, holding multicolored rabbit eggs.-
Easter silly
Oh ok. Bye.
What happens in 3 hours?
So-so. A bit out of it.
How's you?
Dude they tried to make me their sissy slave lmao
Fujoshits shall not be tolerated.
I get home
Oh man, whenever I get to drive at night in the rain I'm sure I'll do that.
I do drive alone, it's pretty relaxing, I kinda stress too much over others watching me not "drive perfectly".
Heh, Jotaro did let him harm him, a little.
All of them, I got a .psd of it and can make them pretty fast.
That's nice.
Nah, I wish I was.
I just try to buy as cheap as I can, lul.
>How about yours?
I'm good, can't complain, same usual life.
What do i need help with?
bye daddy.
Maybe later.
I did try, but instead he sent a fake one with marker.
What's easter about?
I'm alright drinking coffee, might play vidya or buy stuff.
>they tried to make me their sissy slave
>I would have had to embarrass myself by wearing girly clothes and then fucking them like a futa
Life sure is pain.
>Maybe later.
You aren't doing anything right now. Don't try and lead me on with bullshit promises.
One was a short fat lesbian who thinks Trump is gonna take away their gay anime and the other is a genderfluid biological female that's dating a transgender
They call each other Yuri and Victor. Its so gay
Oh. I hope you last.
How is your egg day?
Depends if you are religious or not. If not its about a rabbit that leaves eggs with candy inside them for kids to find
Hi Tomo, I'm up to a IV tank now also how has Easter been for you
I saw Miho a few hours ago here
Nobody said hi to him and he probably left crying
fucking fatass.
he probably went and bought a full menu from McDonalds.
Please, do.
And don't worry that much, I bet you drive perfectly!
I am will be going.
Good night, everyone.
Hmm, maybe you did dodge a bullet. I bet you could still have gotten one to suck your dick.
The M3 lee? Its the only actual grind tank in that line. Poor
-squeaks at you-
Give me that psd boy. Just text me on telegram with it. I could make some stuff.
In turn, I'll give you my psd for this
Well, you know, he cares about Joseph, he doesn't want him to get hurt for no reason. That's honestly one of the reasons I like Jotaro so much. Even though he's an edgy autismo, he cares about others too much.
Oh, never heard of it.
seems kinda weird
Piety is meant to be ironic im not religious.
Just realized I've been posting without my trip aaa.
k just ignore me as always
You are posting on Sup Forums and probably /r9k/.
Maybe playing a MOBA.
You aren't doing anything important.
If you don't want to add me just say so.
Pretty alright.
Probably went to check that niggers didn't steal his truck.
More grenades for that squirrel, or perhaps a claymore mine?
Messed up that other reply.
Good night, lovely thread.
Jesus be with you, everybody!
Maybe this one? Fuck.
And wow, trips.
Gotta go make some food.
The ultimate waifu
Night banana boi.
I think according to the rest of the cast, the edgy autism compliments it well. Who else would say yare yare daze if not him?
That's a nice pic and it even has best girl, deal.
I'm bored.
didn't notice, i got bored and made a new one.
when im back.
thats in russia
gtg now cya
I didnt think you were.
Ehh. Just drinking coffee
Sorry I missed the end if last thread, so was that you in the image?
Another gay waifu discord:
But we are nice in there.
Alright, bye.
Send me an invite too (´・Д・)」
I mean, he's supposed to be the "cool character", but for reasons that I think were explained by the episode you're now, he just can't get his feelings out so he ends up being kind of autistic about it.
That's also a nice pic, specially because it has best girl in it.
Haven't actually played with it yet yes I will just rush this tier
-squeaks back and smiles-
Yeah just try to get through it.
>he just can't get his feelings
Wowie, that's quite literally autistic. I'm hyped for some character development since so far it has been mostly "encounter of the day".
Tits owo
Pink hair is for winners
belly owo
Nier is turning my computer into a fucking jet engine
Has to draw all these polygons, fam.
Best of luck. That tank sucks
I guess, but goddamn is it distracting
I guess it's time to upgrade
Lewd pizzas owo.
Well, it's kind of like that tbh. Season 2 of part 3 is where it starts picking up pace and things start getting a bit more serious.
And Jotaro is said to be literally autistic. He has his reasons, though.
Bet you didn't even finish the first playthrough SMH.
totally worth it
Bet you didn't even know Yako Taro's genius before this game smh
I don't have a PS okay?
My set up is pretty old, running 16 G of DDR3 and an AMD FX-4100 @ 3.6 GHz and an AMD Radeon HD 7900 (that fucking runs at an average temperature of 70 fuck you degrees Celsius)
I'm pretty sure my rig would melt if I tried to play NieR.
Is it okay if my waifu comes from an H work
Shouldnt matter what I say
Yours is better than mine.
Intel Core i3-4010U CPU @ 1.70 GHz
I knew it, fucking casul
>he actually doesn't know Kainé
I'm running 8gb of DDR3, an Intel i7-3820 @ 3.60GHz with a GTX 770
16G DDR3, i7 6700hq @2.6GHZ and GTX 1060 works in a laptop
also claim
It's up to you, if you don't feel bad about the fact that she was made to help people get off.
I'm not even sure if I'm mad that they slowed down the pacing this much from the first 2 parts, the stands already changed it so much. I guess part 4 is like this as well.