
Thierry, on the front page! edition

How dig is your bick?

your thoughts

>it's another /brit/-tier /cum/ thread

Well duh? I want to breed a few bastards and conquer Canadian genetics

use tinder to fuck hipster bitches, the girls in bars and clubs unironically have herpes, and being a finn euro will score you brownie points with the art hoes.

so much nicer to meet a girl, grab coffee in the pleateau or sud-ouest, go to her apartment, smoke a joint, fuck, relax. than pick up a club slut imo.

450/438 is the area code for montreal suburbs. 514 is the area code for montreal.


very good pencil

I have a similar pencil


Well damn! I have to get you a beer



nice script faggot



sounds good brah, i can also tell you a bit about the night life if you'd like. there are lots of different scenes desu, everything from underground raves to commercial clubs

>receive raise through hard work and dedication at work
>hours get cut
I really really really really really really really really really really really really *inhales* really really really really really like my job


Canadian hospitality at it's finest! I might bring you Salmari kossu for your troubles

good digits but you suck at quoting your own post

>tfw mom doesn't let me leave the house when it's dark outside


you wouldnt go out either way though..

kinda tired since i woke up early and went to the gym today buds
nice change from insomnia i guess



*wakes up from his name*

whelp there goes my sleep schedule.







>mfw people bitch about Bombardier receiving government loans
Are they seriously implying that Boeing, Airbus and Embraer haven't also received fuckloads of loans and bailouts over the years?

I mean for fuck's sake, Boeing almost went bankrupt when they were developing the 747 in the 1960's, and yet the 747 ended up being a cash cow for them, and it took nearly 40 years for any other company to be able to design an aircraft to compete in the same market (the Airbus A380, which actually has had a fuckton of issues and overall has been a failure in many regards). All of this was possible thanks to extremely generous aid from the American government. In the case of Airbus, while it's technically a private company, in practice they might as well be a government-owned company given the amount of government support and involvement they have.

Canada is literally the only country where people are indignant that their own local company, the world's 3rd largest manufacturor of commercial aircraft and one of the world's leadings manufacturors of trains, gets a few hundred million from the federal government. Even fucking Brazil invests more in Embraer. And the bottom line reason for this is that Bombardier is in Quebec, with a francophone name. If it were called "Johnson Aerospace" in Ontario, it would have received much more generous aid a very long time ago.

why does ontario keep buying trains from {{bombardier}}
something fishy going on here


desu i only drink for the social aspect so you shouldnt go through the trouble, its nothing for me to just tell you about montreal off the top of my head.

we need more tourism, and our mayor is kind of like Giuliani in NYC, he's cleaning up the downtown and making the whole urban core tourist friendly

just hit me with any questions you have.

heres a map of the city:

black: downtown: looks and feels like any major north american CBD, plus some nice churches.
Burgundy: old urban area
Red: newer (1920-1950s) urban area
green: post 1950s suburbs

*gets mail
*sweats nervously*

women are gross


That money could be going towards killing isis

s a u c e

Always makes me happy to see a girl getting off with a dildo smaller than my dick. I want to pat her on the head and call her a good girl.

why is bombardier so corrupt lmfao

>Quebecker thinks private industry deserves unlimited taxpayer handouts
>immediately plays the "if it was Anglos" card
Truly the niggers of Canada

quebecois genes

Reminder that mother's day is in 2 weeks.

Do something nice for your mummy

>American flag

why do you suddenly come here out of nowhere
and start using autism flags
proxy? pls go

Because that's a term for mother you uptight cunt

Hiljaa saatana : D

> : D

>Quebecker thinks private industry deserves unlimited taxpayer handouts
did you literally not read any of my post?

Not one that Americans use you fag

I'm American and I just used it pussy, what you gunna do about it?

after finding out what bacterial vaginosis is im never talking to a girl again

ame ame ame

ame ame ame


So I've been looking at pictures of a "hood". Is it basically an abandoned district with ruined buildings?

they aren't abandoned, just unkept.

Now get the fuck out german

Nobody kana stop it

>Bombardier is in Quebec
ok, but "Airbus" was certainly a better name for airliners.
Do they specialize in military planes?

How many of these interest free loans does a private company need? One that can't even deliver on it's contracts?

just a really poor inner city district, usually populated by black people


gettin real tired of doing nothing but browse 4chins and watch youtube
>continues to do so

It was a snowmobile company

*teaches you how to shoot pistols*

order dope online

*accidentally breeds you*

oops lol

Thanks for the answer. I was expecting worse images to be quite frankly

I carry a unloaded gun where ever I go, so I can get into standoffs whenever a ruffian jumps me at the saloon

Going to smoke a joint have no idea what to do afterwards

Disregard the "to be"

>Do you intended to do that?

>doing drugs

Can we be proud of Kwebec for a minute? Or is it condescending?


Hello we are here to stay

i thought you frogs hated quebec and so on

>use to always have weed
>in my dreams anytime I want to smoke weed I just go get it from the hiding place
>wake up
>I havent had weed in over 6 months
It's a bad feeling

nah, all my rich friends move to Montréal or spend some time there, very trendy.

>not taking drugs

Its 3 am and I don't know if I should smoke a joint or not I'm kinda half tired and listening to white noise ambiental music

Depends on the city.

They are where they are no thanks to you bud

Product idea:

A soft, rubberized pressure pad that instantly pulls the trigger of a gun whenever hit.

but the reason most of us exist is because the king of france sent a bunch of orphan women across the ocean

I hate the feeling of not having weed, especially after a long day at work and coming home late at night there's nothing better than lighting one up and just play vidya or watch movies

You can always order from the internet

btw isn't Bombardier also the last name of one of your most awful radical feminists?
Might be why I don't like that name.

sorry bud i left that thread, whats up

>sent 5000 trash people
>the only major investment they ever did in the colony

fuck off redditflag

Denise Bombarder? Sans relation.


I met a Quebecois girl once. She was pretty cute.

drugs are degenerate and disgusting

druggies need to be jailed or deported

Thank god weed isn't a drug

are you this kind of man