Why is my eye Mongol :'(

Why is my eye Mongol :'(

Your eye is cute and smol :3

You know it could be way, way worse.


Am I white enough?

slanteyes are different but not necessarily ugly.

am i mongol enough?

Translucent eye with double eyelid crease thing...

My dream desu


Self hating cuck

Why do you want to look like another race?

Why? I find Japanese eyes quite attractive.

>Am I white enough?
>Leaf flag

Rate my eye pls

Are you implying my country isn't white?

CHI here
Am I white yet?

Fucking huge pupil there mate

Should I get more light? I think it's pretty easy to tell my eye color from that


They look blue-grey

>tfw too white for the mongols
>tfw too mongol for the whites

are you really a CHI or just latino?

chicano reporting in

I am Mexican.

Chicanos are actually just the Fremen from Dune. Pic related

am I amerindian enough?

>tfw that picture of my eye triggered you that bad
Stay mad Anglos

actually I just wanted to post in the thread

chicanos are hilarious though

>actually I just wanted to post in the thread
Then just post your eye desu
>chicanos are hilarious though
How so?

Actually I like Chicanos. That's why I roleplay as one whenever a Sup Forums guy makes a racebaiting OP


>Actually I like Chicanos
y-you too

mongol is not bad thing

suomi cute!


Why'd you delet?



not even remotely close

at least your eyes aren't japanese eyes

single eyelid 70%
double eyelid 30%

me on the left

Good afternoon eveyone
I am proud of be far eastern Aryan

unironically never heard of this single eyelid double eyelid bullshit until I started learning more about Japan and Korea, didn't even know it was a thing and like 10% of my local population is asian. So much self-hate in asia, literally no one else cares about eyelid type

Eye thread?
Are my eyes acceptable for a human being like yourself?


Your eyes are cute. Are you a girl?
Will you be my bf?


How many monitörs are there? And your eye is cute Fingol.Lets make Turan happen.

what did he mean by this?

because you are chink'D
>chinky eye
>short spear not reachable females orgasm
>short height
>less physical strength
>beta personality
how can Japs compete with westerners?


Ask your mother. lol

Nah you are alright.


I'm as mongol as you are, only my eye colour is light blue

Post eyes

Can't, I'm at work right now. Perhaps later.


>I'm at work right now.

Japanese are so agly both gender but we too. Mongoloild is a disaster.

>born with decent orangish centers
>born with cool greenish outer
>tfw together they make boring hazel

life as an American mutt tbqh

>be guuk
>born with dark and dark combo
>people have hard time reading my feeling because it is full of void in my eyes


Mongol eyes are cute cause they look alien.
It might look better blue though.



The money is all that matters, not complexion.

My eyes are mongols or they're just small?


At least you are not a nigger

You don't have an epicanthic fold

I have one... Some of my friends say I look Asian. Do I?

yeah, you look SEA

Rate mine

>tfw shitstain in the center

Heil Hitler.

are you 12?

>short spear not reachable females orgasm




Can I join the IRA yet?


>short spear not reachable females orgasm

asian reporting in


Based on ur eye I'll guess ur Chinese?


how can you tell?

he's got that virgin gaze

Am I white, Sup Forums?

One of my eyes is mongol while the other is not.
How fucking ebin is that?



On an unrelated note, I find this feature of the asian eye very aesthetic for some reason.

It's such a clear-cut, elegant shape, I really enjoy it.

because nips are subhuman shitskins

your eye is qt

Cute boy :3


Do I have a pretty eye?

Kys you azn cuck

fuck off leb