Alright Sup Forums .. I know how you all feel about tipping.. im furious. Long story short...

Alright Sup Forums .. I know how you all feel about tipping.. im furious. Long story short.. I go out to eat with the fam.. get shitty cunty waitress.. eat.. leave.. find her facebook.. see pic related.. should I get her fired?? Im too lazy.. any ideas.. her name is on pic related and she works at the cheesecake factory near Oakbrook IL.

I just assume every shaming receipt post from a sever is faked and I'm right 98% of the time.

Wait, is your name the same as the skin around a nipple?

its oakbrook IL what do you expect from a failing state

Don't worry about it, VANESSA ARREOLA

trips checked

lel newfag goofed

mail screenshot to mgmt.

You're furious?

Cause you're a piece of shit that doesn't know to tip correctly? Or cause you're such a try hard beta faggot that you'd actually take the time to stalk a waitress you felt was sub-par?

Kindly remove yourself from the genepool you shitposting faglord.


Not faked..
No worries a inlaw paid.. I fucking hate my wife and my inlaws.. fuck em up

samefag here

I believe it's only U.S. and a few other that have "mandatory tipping" I know for a fact some Asian countries can find it offensive if you tip when they're already paid to do their job. goes to show how twisted our views on tipping is in the U.S. Shit if your gonna complain about not getting tipped enough maybe don't work at a job that survives solely on gratuity

>boss literally asks customer to pay the employees wages for them

>mandatory tipping
Why don't they just raise prices and pay their employees properly?

Hm... so you say you didn't pay the bill... so why is any of this relevant to you then?


stop being a cheap piece of shit, if your gonna be cheap dont go out to eat.

I can see why u think we under tipped. We actually left far more than 15% if you factor in the ten we left on the table. Which ij my opinion she did not deserve. Poor attitude and cunty. Yes I looked her up. Yiu would have too if you had the experience I had. Bitch talked like she was black and had a poor fuckin attitude and was insulting

But they paid a hundy. The business made a decent amount

I'm with this guy... unless she was terrible. If you had average or above service you should tip. Otherwise your check will be 120 for the same food because they have to pay them somehow. While I would prefer that scenario, you not tipping isn't going to change it to that and all you're doing is fucking over someone who worked hard.

oh shit I know that location. I live in Willowbrook.

U think its bait. Yet I left her facebook credentials on the image.. im sure her status is still up

So the receipt was essentialy 'faked' as she doesnt mention the cash tip.

American logic

>We'll pay you less but you can accept tips
>This way we can charge less for the food
>but customer can choose to pay more for the food because they know we're charging them less and giving you a lower wage
>Some people don't tip, they just accept the cheaper meal
>This causes people to spit in your food and provide shit service and all restaurants have high turn around for staff
>Everybody complains about being forced to tip
>Everybody complains about how little servers make
>We can't think of a solution to this problem
>We literally only have one option for solving this problem...
>let's bomb the middle east.
>clap clap clap clap clap

some of these normaltards have no idea how shitty of a service they provide. either that or they feel that providing excellent service doesn't necessarily yield higher gratuities, so they aim for just above mediocrity.

if you really want to fuck her up, she's revealed the name of the payer with that FB post and receipt - surely that's gotta be a violation of a privacy law ...

you should have lead with this information. It looks like you're a piece of shit and you're not.

Cash on the table gets stolen quite often though. Perhaps she didn't get it.

Yeah awesome I hope everyone who lives in that area is not a female wigger "cash me outside" cunt.

pulled this off Reddit

Also tipping is a way to offset the cost of service staff, the idea behind it being that it will motivate wait staff to do better at their job so they get better tips. If you don't tip, nothing will happen. The restaurant is required by law to offset an employee's wages if they don't get enough tips to make minimum wage. That said if you are a regular and make a habit of not tipping, don't expect great service your next visit

make of it what you will. personally I hate tipping but I have to if I go out with friends since it's "the right thing to do"


You tipped her eight dollars for nothing and she still complains? Is this a stealth rage thread?

>Suggested Gratuity
fuck them

I'm surprised you actually tipped her. If a waitress has an attitude with me, she's not getting shit from me. Well, maybe a penny.

Well if the cash git stolen.. that entire operation they got going needs to be reevaluated. Do background checks. Wtf. Who woukd risk loosing a job over ten fucking bucks wtf



>let's bomb the middle east.

Human logic

for nothing?

don't eat out if you aren't ready to tip. unless the service was fucking pitiful, I always tip. She doesn't have to be an angel or be extra super attentive to my needs.

she's human, faggots like you seem to forget that and think the world revolves around you just because you sat your fat, sweaty ass at a booth. check your privilege.


what the titty

this is the correct response, fuck you op I'm glad she roasted you online

>Suggested gratuity
>We underpay our employees by this amount
>That's on you
Why don't you find a way to destroy the cheesecake factory as a business instead?

I'm pretty sure everyone who's calling OP out for not tipping enough at one point worked or knew someone who did work in the tipping industry. My question to you is why should we feel obligated to tip you for doing your job? Do we tip firefighters or ambulance workers for saving lives? Just food for thought.

Yes the extra money was for nothing, considering op said she was shit at being a waitress. Or are you one of those entitled faggots who thinks people should be throwing their hard earned money around because waiters have a tantrum every time they arent tipped half the cost of the meal?

Man.. it was hard.. yeah spent over a hundred dollars and had a horrible experience. Im far from the type of person to complain also I swear it takes alot to get me goin. Shit dont mean shit to me. I just feel bad for who ever has to fuck that waste of life

ITT retards not realizing a company has to pay their employees minimum wage if they don't make up the difference in tips, so literally no waiter can go underpaid

i actually agree with this. weird.

Send it in, post to Yelp, etc. If this is real, you're in the right OP

Do you expect to get tipped for JUST DOING YOUR JOB? Or is that what your paycheck is for?
I dont know anyone that would turn up every day for a random amount of money, unless there were days when that random amount was really high

>go to restaurant
>know I'm never going back
>get receipt
>"Tip: ___________"
>Mfw no face
>Mfw face anyways
>write "200.00, if you can find it"
>Put exact change on table and leave
>Watch through window
>waitress looking underneath napkins and plates and shit
>looks distressed

Restaurant scum identified

>im wasting my day taking care of your family when i could be with mine

Oh no! The horror of taking an offer to be paid for your labour! How does she cope?

when you agree with bait, it's time to end it

as a customer I can feel your weird greed for money the entire time you set us and especially when we pay. get a better job. faggot

>don't eat out if you aren't ready to tip. unless the service was fucking pitiful, I always tip

>OP literally said the waiter was shitty

Great reading comprehension, champ.

>That's sarcasm, since I don't think you have the intellect to pick up on that.

so she was rude to you. what is "rude" to you? she didn't smile? she didn't engage in playful banter?

you seem EXTRA uptight. which, living in the western suburbs, isn't that farfetched.

Why is tipping mandatory in America? Is it just because the minimum wage is so utterly piss poor that these people are essentially working for tips?

>Just food for thought
Why am I supposed to tip more for eating a more expensive dish?

If you're bringing me pasta or a steak how much more work is involved for you?

Being a waiter is one of the easiest fucking jobs ever. They're nothing but entitled

you just went along with it? what was shitty about it? the faggot OP hasn't really given any details.

>it's okay to not tip due to shitty service
>OP is a faggot for not tipping due to shitty service
what am i missing here

ya, fire her.

Who cares? As the paying customer he gets to be the judge of her behavior in whatever retarded way he wants

because they don't pay them a wage so they have to work harder to get tips.

why does it matter to you what he thinks? OP was the one who was serviced and if he didn't like the service then he can tip how little or how much. $8 is borderline 10% but apparently 15% is the new bottom now

Get the fuck out faggot


at nice places you can pull 40k a year being a waiter. outside of that it's by far one of the more profitable jobs for students.

Dude y do u think this is bait? I literally went out to eat. Had shit experience.. found the whore on facebook.. saw her post and lost my shit. Is it really that unbelievable?

YOU didn't spend a cent in your story and the real situation. Quit baiting people to harass a girl that you're stalking.

it's widely known that you tip in resturaunts. it's just how the U.S. culture is.

do I agree with it? no, you shouldn't expect to be paid extra money for just doing your job. I agree with that. BUT you can't ignore it is the norm to tip at restaurants.

Fuck anyone who thinks tipping is mandatory under any circumstance. Tipping is purely at the buyers discretion. Wait staff who complain about tips have no job skills and will remain in sub-minimum wage jobs.

Never dine anywhere that has a forced gratuity charge. Yes, there are places that automatically add a 15% gratuity fee when you have a party over a certain amount or spend a certain minimum. These places generally have shit service.

>>retard who links minimum wage is livable

The guy he agreed with was bait. I am fully on ops side

everything isn't fucking bait. you fucking loser. you summer kids are fucking annoying with this bait and troll shit.

Its a bunch if beggers bringing you your food. Literally picking up a plate and walking from one side of the room to the other

You gave her 8 dollars for filling some drinks and moving plates from 1 spot to another, and she complains.
This type of sheltered bitch deserves to be raped. You should doxx her as well as getting her fired.

>retard who thinks the minimum wage should exist

It does have a layer of creepiness in it.

op plz kys 4 doxing your food

move to russia i think u will like their social 2.0 weebo


Sorry I hurt your feefees champ. I'll be sure to pay you an extra 1% tip at your dead end waiter job next time I eat out

bitch shouldnt be whining about an 8 dollar tip.
delivery drivers make jack shit compared to waiters.
ambulance drivers should get more than 15 an hour, minimum wage needs to be at least 10 an hour, ceos are overpaid cunts, seize means of production socialism communisim Bernie Sanders

>tipping in 2017

Why? The only reason I tip is if I get good service and even then It's just a few dollars. What makes them better than the people at Mc Donald's or BK that have to deal with shitty people all day.

Every single person in the US who is a US citizen makes at least the federal minimum wage. Most states have a minimum wage above the federal.

If she's shitty enough to post a receipt online to "shame" someone , that tells me a lot about them. There are two parties involved.

It is liveable.
A switch, breath of the wild and a 70 inch 4k TV are not essentials to living.
Get your fucking priorities sorted before reality comes along and skullfucks you.

the OP has to fucking remind himself that no one is perfect and therefore he shouldn't hold a fucking cheesecake factory employee to high class 5 star fucking queen of england elegance.

im just saying people like OP needs to lighten the fuck up.

But still is tipping mandatory? I agree she should be happy with whatever money she gets extra since she's already being paid to work so why is she insulted at $8?

I'd love to hear a good answer to this question as well


Dude fuck she even shared the cardholder's name and everything. Fuck this waitress

It's a stupid norm at that. As I said earlier that in some Asian countries people can get offended if you tip them. As much as I would like not to tip them at all, that said norm is so ingrained into my head growing up + in front of friends and family, I at least tip 10% but that isn't even the standard anymore. It goes up all the way to a quarter of a paycheck according to OPs picture
What the actual fuck.

>unless the service was fucking pitiful, I always tip
Did you read OP's post? He said the service WAS terrible.

min wage is 1000 a month. that's not even enough for a studio apartment in most cities. transportation, insurance, food.

No one mentioned tv's or switches. You're a moron.

tipping is not a law and every societial norm has been degraded.

i will never tip 4 food until medical professionals can legally accept tips/gifts

kys kitchen staff youre ruining civilization. no one knows how to cook and the government has to fortify all the food because the restraunt experiment is about as useful as the chinese revolution

nigger slaves in colonial america ate better tasting and healthier food than any of us do today

And OP went trolling for her Facebook profile like a fucking creep for no apparent reason.

When she seated us she threw the menus on the table in a impolite manner which didnt bother me but that was a tell.. then would say shit like what rather than excuse me.. she was rude.. I have a 5 year old son and when he asked if she forgot his order she replied with "im going to get them I said" hes 5. She was just shitty in general. I am understandimg I know its a holiday and is human. She was on her phone not talking but texting. Still I didnt give a shit.. she talked black.. general poor grammer.. rude body behavior with a "huhhhhhfff" exhust pooring from her mouth anytime anyone asked her a question. Like wtf.. we were not a pain in the ass group either no special requests or anything. We did have 2 children with us.. not badly behaved either

If you can't make do in a city, why not just move away from the fucking city?

Immigrants make do on fuck all

I think regardless of what she is complaining about, and regardless of your feelings on the matter...

You have a solid case for retribution based on leaking personal information contained on that receipt. I mean, you did, before you posted it online yourself.

>Lives with parents
>Never paid a bill in his life

did you think maybe just maybe the OP is a fucking tightwad? she couldv'r mispronounced his faggot name incorrectly and he would say ''oh, she was soo rude to me''. form your own opinion, faggot.

Tip the chefs