Who gets the seat and why?

Who gets the seat and why?

Show your work!

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B and E shouldn't be on the bus at all, C shouldn't even be in public.

D, if I even gave the seat up to anybody.

Yes with an if or No with a but

A, the seat is not marked as priority seating for anything or anyone. First come first serve, motherfucker.

If you're all going to glare at me like you're entitled to my seat, you can gladly go fuck yourselves.

I pay taxes. I paid my bus fare. I'm goddamn sitting.

The Woman with the Child. That Old Bat can suck a Bag of Dicks. It is not my fault that dude broke his leg and i dont offer my seat to Zombies on principal.

Thats discrimination to zombies user

The zombie: out of all those people in that line looking at you, only the zombie doesn't have that self entitlement for your seat. He just wants your brains.

Fuck off!! we've done this.

Now i feel ashamed of myself. Great job you wanker

Just let some other sucker offer their seat

The white male deserves his seat due to the authority of the patriarchy.

Old lady gets my seat. Not my fault b don't use contraceptives.not my fault D is clumsy. And E getting brained as soon as C sits down

None, because of that bratty experience on their face. Ask nicely and I'll consider it you entitled cunts.

A. Cis white male, should be killed immediately

B. Is she fucking pregnant AND holding a newborn infant? What the fuck? If this bitch can be double pregnant than she can stand on the fucking bus. Her man should be driving her around if it's a problem.

C. Old lady, trying to be self-reliant and not endangering people by driving herself. A+

D. THis bitch already has crutches, he can lean on them. Otherwise he should've stayed home.

E. Already dead.

Definitely the old lady.

I claim all the seats by throwing all the other cunts out.

Some People actually decide having a Kid. It is called the Circle of Life, havent you learned anything from Rafiki you retard?

B can't even afford her own car, she probably can't afford the kid either. Speaking of the kid, it's highly improbable that she's taking it to work with her, which means she's on public transit for pleasure instead of business. Not contributing to society like A, she can fuck off.

C is is old as fuck. I'm of the mindset that after your health fails to the point that you need assistance to move (a cane, for example), you shouldn't be in public. Have someone else run your errands, and have visitors come to you. C can fuck off.

D can still possibly work, depending on his job. If I give my seat up at all, it's to this guy. Unless he doesn't wipe that condescending look of his fucking face.

E shouldn't be on the bus. He's contributing less to society than the bitch with the kid. He probably begged for the money that got him on the bus in the first place. He should be on the shoelace express to his destination. E can fuck off.

There are two open seats on the right, fuck them I'm sitting.

looks like that A guy already took my seat so its not really my choice any more

Fuck 'em I paid for my seat. Seats for retards, cripples, pregnant people and elderly can be found next to the doors in my country and they are free for a reason.

No one deserves a seat. It does not belong to anyone. If I sit on a seat, I have the right to sit there until I leave, unless there is a "handicapped-accessable" sticker, in which I must give up my seat to the handicapped person.

However, giving up my seat purely out of sheer kindness, the most moral answer is C.
Everyone else is perfectly capable of standing up. If C wasn't there, then D. If neither, then B. Handicapped> Anyone else. That's how the rules just work. E will get pushed directly out of the fucking window immediately.

looks like he's had a worse day than the rest.


Eat a dick fagtrons if you wanted the seat you should've got here first

I do this all the time and people give me the stink eye regardless.

The real problem is packing more people onboard than total seats.


A has claimant right, but should uphold traditional chivalry and give to B.

B is young and carrying a child, the future of the Nation.

C does not require seating as her service to the Nation is at an end.

D most likely was injured in a civilian setting and does not require any honour to be accorded to him. Although he would be entitled to the seat if he were injured in battle, as a proud and serving member of The Nation, he would gladly give up his seat for the future of The Nation.

E is a representative amalgamation of faiths and ethnicities not in line with The Nation, and therefore should be removed.

Two more people besides A should stand up and accommodate B, C and D.

whoever can take it
survival of the fittest bitch, you want my seat, fight me for it

Dont make eye contract, give off hostile vibes like you had a bad day.

>A already sitting in seat
>B, C, D & E looking angrily and entitled to his seat
No one. I'd give up my seat to C, but not if everyone just assumes a false right to it.

the only right answer

B because continuing the white race is most important.

Find a flaw.... I really cant

isnt the seat behind A free? There are no people around E either so there are 5 fine free seats but instead taking them those jerks just stares to A as if being the first one to get there was something bad

And now enters option M. ME! A:Take his wallet. B: Grab baby and sucker punch bitch. C and D: kick cane and crutch out from under. E: bash zombie with baby. M: (ME) Go grab one of the three clearly empty seats

definitely not that old hag

C first, because he needs to heal as fast as possible because he's obviously trying to get shit done. He's on public transport probably only because its difficult to drive his standard transmission car with a broken foot.

its not a broken leg, its much less worse than that, and he's probably on his way to work.

Not to E, because imaginary shit like zombies, jesus, mohammad, krishna are stupid.

C probably is on her way to work also. I would then give it to her if someone else offered D a seat before me, or D absolutely refused to take mine. C is likely an integral part of the cleaning company, cafeteria, greasy spoon. When she dies they will have to hire two girls to replace her, and a new girl every three months to replace those with fresh willing help.

B only because i might get to watch B.1 breastfeed. Id eyeball her directly and tell her the baby was luckly and should grow strong and healthy, despite bullshit people trying to stop her from doing the best thing for a new Citizen- letting it grow strong and healthy so it can grow to be a productive member of the Republic.

if B had liberal badges or emblems on her knapsack id fucking trip her as she passed if the train lights blinked or it went into a tunnel. Fucking degenerate filth...

Otherwise if she seemed less inclined to breastfeed id let her stand. Pregnant women deliver more easily if they walk around a lot beforehand. This might decrease the chances of a botched delivery, resulting in Cerebral Palsy and causing the State to take it away for euthanasia should that happen. Regardless if it was noticed immediately, weeks or years afterwards it would be destroyed by the State. We cant have any loads on our society.

The picture's artist is a degenerate. The zombie in it serves as proof enough for all of the artist's work to be confiscated, the artist's license to create rescinded, and sentenced to a
lengthy voluntary work detail in the Kyzyl sulphur mine or immediate public execution.

shopped too much?
if real then its excellent

one flaw is belly button in a cruciform shape. A slit would be better, but perhaps the cruciform shape is due to an imminent tummy crease forming. This means she is As round and soft as pissible without becoming So zaftig as to have a tummy fold.

99 44/100th perfect.

post moar/name

Why are they lined up for that one seat? There's clearly more then one seat on a bus/train.

All i know is i will probably have been sitting in my seat(which i found and sat in early) and showing visible signs that B, C, D, and E staring angrily at A (who is likely back a couple rows from me) is somehow entertaining


She's first in line.

Just another Thursday. Glancing up from your newspaper you see a few different people that could use your seat. A woman with her baby, an old lady, a guy in crutches, and a smelly awkward guy. You ponder for a minute, and then you come to a realization.

If the woman came with her baby she must be doing some kind of exercies, I mean, she gotta' put off her weight somehow. So you leave it at that. The old woman, she was born during the baby boomer era, if she needed to take a seat she'd hire her personal driver, if she didn't want to stand she'd be in a different vehicle. The man in crutches just got out of the hospital, if he wants to repair his leg, he needs to move on it more, so giving up your seat would hinder him on his journey.

The nasty smelly guy on the other hand, doesn't have any of these reasons to stand. He's obviously hurting and in pain, you can tell by the way he sways from side to side. He also continuously demands 'brains' which must be part of whatever hallucinogenic he was on to stop the pain he's going through. I should get to him.

I shuffle passed the woman with the baby, the old lady, and the cripple, and offer my seat to the clearly needing gentlemen with the dried skin. He takes the seat, slowly, and sits for the entire ride. Everyone else looks dissatisfied at my conclusion, but I knew. The right choice was made that day.

He looks like he's seen some shit.

Me. It's MY seat. All of them can get fucked.

I tried to give my seat on a crowded train to a pregnant woman holding a baby once. She told me to go fuck myself. Several other women gave me a smug "serves you right, Shitlord" look.

Fuck them all.

A is the only person currently contributing to society.

B,C,D are sucking on that benefit tit and E is a meth head

Civilisation died the day that women felt safe enough to swear at strange men without fear of correction.

I don't care which of them takes my seat after I leave, but I'm getting the fuck away from that zombie.


fake and gay.

seat behind A is free.

yet an SJW pregnant mother of 1,
plus an old SJW midget,
plus a fucking butthurt leghurt dude,
plus frankenstein junior,

are watching A with the most hateful eyes you can imagine.

>why MY seat? there are other people younger than me wasting seats around you

Offered to help carry a pregnant womans flatpack wardrobe to her car once.
Told me "Im pregnant, not disabled".
Package weighed somthing like 40 kilos.

I hope she had a miscarridge.

Dumb fucking Whores. They shouldnt be allowed to take the Train in the first place. Get back into the kitchen, you fucking dishwasher cunts!!

Gonna give my seat to C.
Then gonna ask 2 more passengers to give their seats for B and D

A. Alresdy seat so he deserve it
B. Did i tell you go fuck with a poor man with out car? So fuck off
C. You arent my grnadma so fuck off.
D. Did i break your leg? So fuck off
E. I dont like zoombies so fuck off

A. B is a single mother out to bump her own social standing with a kid since she couldn't do it otherwise. C is an apathetic lonely old crone whose only pleasure in life is inflicting misery on others. D should've been more careful. E should be buried with his head decapitated.

Id stand up and let them fight for it for all i care.

The seat behind A and the seats behind E all are empty. They can take those if they need seats.
B,C,D and E can all stop glaring at A unless he let a real stinker rip


Based on the looks everyone is giving him, A farted something terrible, therefore for the comfort of my other passengers I must ask him to depart.
Aside from that, it is first come first serve.

I have a back problem, so me getting this seat was a godsend. Fuck the rest! Go glare at somebody else, you faggots! Besides, one of them is a zombie. We're all fucked anyway.



They can all go fuck off. I don't mind giving my seat away but when people just expect me to, then they can fuck off.

First in gets the seat so A.

>your seat
there you have it

Why is there 4 people lining up for my fucking seat? There are plenty of seats in that bus, go harass someone else.

B because it lessens the chance of the baby to scream.

Why the fuck are they all looking at me like i throw that woman's baby out of the window. I see plenty of other able bodied people sitting behind me.

That's still pretty presumptuous. Lady could have been raped, and dude could have broke his leg saving a child from a burning building. That old lady could have killed and eaten a hundred japs during ww2

Well I'd make a point about how fucking wide that isle is

1. stand up
2. let them decide

my bet is both old lady and crutches boy will defer to fertile woman


B should've fucked someone with a car and the rest wouldn't get my seat if they give me that bitchy look!!!

I'd offer it to B cause she's carrying a lot
C and D could stand or find another seat
E looks like a retarded bum that'd be happy to sit on the floor

Crutch boy can go fuck himself, he can make do fine.

Old lady is a though one as age isn't a disability in of itself. If she's in pain standing up or whatever I'd say she takes priority.

Preggo with baby is helping two people, one of which can't figure out what the fuck is going on. Might scream less if she can sit with it so it helps everyone else on the bus to. Due to sheer amount of people who'd benefit I'd say she makes the most sense.

Sitting down guy is totally entitled to tell her to fuck off though. On the same note everyone on the bus is entitled to call the guy out on being a jerk.

A - because, FUCK YOU

none of them with those mean faces they're making

they all should beat the shit of each other, and the winner takes a sit

I really don't wanna fuck with zombies.


e if he is a vet, others can fuck off. Busses have a designated places for women with kids, elders can fuck off, because of them the economy is fucked, i am disabled as well and i don't get any special rights


They have a job instead of exploiting welfare with parental payments, senior payments and disability payments. The bus is basically theirs, they should also be free to take the children and force the old woman and disabled guy to make cheap textiles.

realistically this is what would actually happen

Let E eat D, B will flee, C will flee slowly.

This. If you're gonna fucking glare at me, eat a dick, find someone else to scowl at.

Anyone i see frowning i treat as a zombie.
But i guess the woman with the child.

A and if A decides otherwise the Person who he gave his Seat to.

>stand on seat
>proclaim i'm the buss driver at the top of my lugs and that i'm suicidal
>bus proceed to plummet off the cliff because these ignorant asses were to worried about sitting their lazy asses down then wondering why the fuck the bus driver was back here sitting with the patrons.

B: don't fuck a dude without a car. Keep your legs shut, ya dumb bint.
C: you got three legs to stand on, use them.
D: i aint giving my seat up for a dude with that fuccboi haircut.
E: hello sir

>A, the seat is not marked as priority seating for anything or anyone. First come first serve, motherfucker.

Under German law for public transportation the only people who have a right to a seat are pregnant women, disabled people and elderly people who have problems walking.

So C or D would have to figure it out among each other - unless C is pregnant again.

trick question, only i deserve my seat. show up earlier if you wanted one so bad, niggers.

B because she is closest, and it's pretty hard to say who deserves it the most anyway

Germany is also a retarded cuckstate that instigated two world wars and ruined the EU so why do we give a fuck what they think?

The child, of course.
It is the only one that isn't frowning feeling entitled to my seat.

If I were to give my seat up, I would do it out of kindness, not out of guilt.

Nobody DESERVES the seat.
A has occupied it, it's up to him, I give no fuck whatsoever about social pressure by stereotypes.

Chilvarly is dead, I don't know any of these people and since the transport has no empty seats we're in a large city where nobody gets mercy. I keep my seat.

I would give my seat to d

>Germany is also a retarded cuckstate that instigated two world wars and ruined the EU so why do we give a fuck what they think?

Inferiority complex much?

A. Instead of the retards all standing and staring at the same guy they could wait until a stop and go to the open seats.

>B because she is closest
user you're retarded. A is closest to the seat. Even if he wasn't and we weren't going by first come, the disabled or sick should get it.