Imagine being a NATO-soldier during the battle of Moscow. I would break into the home of some cunt like pic related...

Imagine being a NATO-soldier during the battle of Moscow. I would break into the home of some cunt like pic related. Kick open her door as she lets out a silent cry from under her bed, drag her out on the floor and start beating her face. At first she would try to act brave and defiant as only Russian women who have been beaten their entire lives can but no sooner she would be screaming in pain, fear and humiliation as I force her mouth open and rape it, throw her on the bed, tear off her clothes and force myself inside her tight virgin pussy. I would look her in the eyes and spit her in the face and call her cyka as I push myself deeper into her. She would cry and scream but deep inside enjoying it all and we cum together as my superior Finnish sperm fills her up and I would whisper in her ear "this is for Karelia" before pulling out my gun and blowing her head off.

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Mongols have a history of doing shit like this

why go through all that bullshit just to kill her in the end. Sounds exhausting desu. Put one Bullet in her head and go fap in the corner.

>Imagine being a NATO-soldier during the battle of Moscow.

I would simply torture and execute any russian in sight. Women, children, old people - doesn't matter.

t. son of a government worker who sucked commie dicks for money

Hello Achmed

rich whores like these would be evacauated by their pimp way before you get there
the poor ones would suck your little willy for free and you wouldnt hurt them

t. tough guys from Sup Forums ghettoes

10/10 thread

This is why I come to Sup Forums

mammi sauna

>raping the mouth
t. Sven "Dick bitten off" Johansson

Looks like he's packing a massive dinger.

Drunk Pekka have lack of sex.

>Russian girl
>her tight virgin pussy.
>in Russia

>NATO-soldier during the battle of Moscow
>battle of Moscow

The fuck is wrong with you

Going to takeover with a battle this time.

t. Fifth Columnist

>during the battle of Moscow
What happens with the nukes?


Fucking nukes ruining everything, I wish they were never created. We can never have an old fashioned war anymore without risking MAD.

>NATO doing anything

Finnish magic stop them

You completely lost me at the "virgin pussy" part, as the picture in your post depicts a slavic woman of pubertal age.
The probability of her being a virgin is approaching zero.

Last Soviet nuke expired in 2011.

/t. Achmed Ibn Al Habib of the United Caliphate of Sweden

It's the same everywhere tbqh.
Except for some religious shitholes

it's lie! Kazakh girls are virgins!

What about Russian Federation nukes?

Guys, I have a problem.

I was reading and watching a bunch of stuff about the refugee crisis in Europe, I read how the Muslims are destroying the way of life of the Europeans and that they hope to take over Europe and genocide the citizens there purely by out-breeding them.

The shocking imagery and utterly disgusting behavior of these refugees drove me into an adrenaline-fueled rage, I wanted to protect the innocent women and rally the men.
These primal feelings spiked my testosterone, so I did the only logical thing left: fap.

I searched pics of the most innocent-looking girls I could find and unpeeled my banana, but here is where the problem started:
I started fantasizing about brown mongrels attacking and raping the girls I was supposedly breeding with, almost as if I was one of them. Once I reached the point of no return I WAS the monster I hated so much, and exploded inside a pale girl with particularly shapely breasts.

Once I regained my senses, I realized the ironic tragedy of my situation.
I became the Hulk, the Mr. Hyde, the very thing that I was meant to destroy.

For a few seconds, the Bomberman took over and I don't know if I will be able to stop him next time.

Same as Samoan electronics.

The idea of helping non-Slavs, and especially Germans, destroy Russia, is odious to me. After all, aren't the Swedes partly guilty of the Holocaust for speaking a language similar to Hochdeutsch and thus having a similar mindset?

to bad sweden isn't a member

proper polish response

Nukes are for pussies.

We've done more than your bitch ass has

>implying Muslims hate Russia

>aren't humans partly responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs, since whatever made the dinosaurs go extinct was made of atoms, and we're made of atoms.

>This is what Europeans dream about daily.
Thank god for nukes that keep you animals at bay.

>imagine being a Dutch soldier in Moscow

>this is 10/10 in Sweden

>oink! nukes! oink!

fsb thrust needles under your nails, and after 15 seconds you sell your family and country

Whatever you want to tell yourself to make yourself feel better.

But, I'm just saying....
Svetlana was 14 when she lost her virginity to Sash and Ilya and then dzyadz Vladik had his turn

you will dead first from nukes

real talk mate me and you both. truly strange times were living in

tfw i can fikki fikki with russian girls, but some non-successful Pekka can't do this


This is just a shit version of the powerful Ukrainian arms pasta


religious Muricans fight against human nature yet .

>>implying Muslims hate Russia
Muslims can't into politics, they are just eager for the white women