Okay guys. I have a wonderful idea for a TV show

Okay guys. I have a wonderful idea for a TV show.
We get 20 professional Traps (You can't even tell a difference even with swimsuits) God tier traps. Ok.
Now we put 1 straight male in there to live with them in one house. Ok?
And they are all looking for love. Now he thinks that they're all women. He is a first time dater, all virgin desperate. Now he knows that 15 of them are woman, and 5 of them are males because he was told.
How does that sound?

Other urls found in this thread:


it sounds kind of gay

No Homo.

oh, well then. It's a fantastic idea I think

Is it anime trap grills

or live action tho?



What was the point of starting this thread? Did you think 'Tee hee! I bet all those anons will lap up my le epic post XD'? Well, congratulations you got yourself a response. You're lucky I'm feeling merciful today, or there would have been hell to pay for the near aneurysm your post caused me. Stay in your dark moist basement and leave my board alone.

nah be they anime or live action grills that makes the thread tbh

Tell me what rule this breaks. Go on, go to the rules page and find that shit, I'll wait.

No? Then fuck off and stop being so triggered over things you don't like you fucking snowflake. You are as cancer as any trap thread by bumping this stuff and making a big deal of it. KYS.

nah but like, anime girls or IRL that really makes the difference

literally the difference between a yes

or a no

Look man, don't say no to this reality show idea, just think about it. Let it sink in. Your too negative.

holy shit OP you havent answered my goddamn quesition IRL or anime? Holy shit it's so easy oh my good just answer dude ogh my god

if you don't I'l kill your thread with anime girls and whatever else dude

What do you think? In Narnia? gtfo

alright, you asked for it homie









Traps only, gtfo

>Anonymous 04/17/17(Mon)04:06:40 No.729486

Sounds gay.


>We get 20 professional Traps

you are clearly a gay homo faggot

sorry dude, you was a fag, so you only get fag treatment



No worries, it's just a shitty pasta









yoko is the only reason your thead is still alive man




I am a hammer and I strike when my bammer has been too wrong for the crammer of the school shootings that have been ruining the BM of the PM

I don't enjoy your threads, they make me puke

I wanna finna man who I can juke

Cool girls with their tops off, my crop top is a knocked off loft full of too many socked clocked.

I'm bad at rap lyrics at this point. sue me














sorr y drunk as shit and had to switchsongs lo



holy shit the captchas are really annoying tonight






gay spongebob? Or some random anime girls? If not respond then I'll do the sponge






