Bands that could never live up to their debut album

Bands that could never live up to their debut album.


river's demo solo album is fucking great




those fucking hacks! how did they even make their first album?


Red is better.

The Killers

>my name is jonas
>his name is actually rivers

Fuck this album.



Pinkerton is better

Live, throwing copper

All other albums flinging shit

Not even in their top 5



The Cars
Death Grips
Violent Femmes

100% this


ITT contrarians

only because Noel didn't use the b-sides for WTSMG...

Discipline tho

Only if you are an insecure edgy teen or someone who hasn't grown up


>implying that isn't every Weezer album ever


Anthony, is that you?

whats it called?


Whenever someone says Pinkerton is better than Blue Album you know you can instantly discard all of their musical opinions

he released 3 of them, nigga

when someone listens to weezer you can instantly disregard all of their musical opinions

Pearl Jam

>only because Noel didn't use the b-sides for WTSMG...
This, can't believe Noel left Rockin' Chair out for Wonderwall.


Listening to it now, what's so special about this, up to the Sweater Song and the only song that I really liked so far was Buddy Holly. Anyhow decided I'd give all their albums the ol' 20 listens each, what am I in for.