This came out my mouth

This came out my mouth.

Is death?


Op. are you bleeding internally? do you feel a warm spot over a large bruise. also

3 questions:

1) Are you a chronic smoker?
2) How old are you?
3) Does your parents or siblings have any history of cancer?

The older you are, and if you answer yes to question 1 and 3, see a doctor immediately... a sign of throat cancer.

then put it back

Yeah OP You are dying. go DIRECT

Looks like tissue. You smoke?



Hate to be disgusting but it looks like womb lining that can come our during a womans period :/

Looks like you spit out a piece of your fucking tooth gum. Just go to the hospital, matey

that is a fucking starburst you fucking idiots

Don't do anything, should resolve itself

looks like super aids im sorry op u dead



Yes. But now it's not in you anymore.

It's your brain....



thats is a part of your lungs, dont worry, you have 2.
