What's Sup Forums's opinion on Xxxtentacion? Is he the best Soundcloud rapper in the game?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Xxxtentacion? Is he the best Soundcloud rapper in the game?

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no me

yeah hes fucking awesome. nothing else quite measures up.

everything else falls short

he's the worst rapper in the game generally

Hard to get shorter than xxxtentyscion

no ones on his level

Why isn't anyone calling this stuff hair-rap?

all style. no substance. may as well be a boy band.

you guys are gullible pseuds

Honestly I'd like give him a benefit of the doubt and wait till he actually drops his two records. He has quite a lot of promising tracks that could probably make up for a great album, and he proved that he is quite versatile in terms of styles as well.

Alright, XXX's PR team. I see you over there.

versitility =/= quality
i'd rather have an artist who is a master at one style than an artist who is mediocre at 10 different styles.

also his sappy emo stuff is legit embarassing

sippin tea is fucking awesome faggot

>deathgrips ripoff with a more basic beat

Thats not sappy emo stuff. The new song is fucking trite and all of his fans are praising it because his camp knows how to strum 4 chords on a guitar.

His recent compilation proves that there are actually several styles he's great at.


so spot on. he may be an obnoxious goof but he's doing a pretty good job of imitating this hack's obnoxious fanbase

Versatility and loads of potential

He's quite literally bringing punk back to life. 'talking about the musical ideology behind punk, not the genre.

i hope xxx runs hands on this fucking faggot god i wish he gets beat to fucking bloody pile

because he's a criminal with DIY music?
Doesn't that describe the vast majority of underground rappers?

lmao u rping bad cuh

he said he hopes xxx gets fucked up
not that he's gonna fuck him up

don't throw the "rp" shit around for no reason you're weakening it

Fucking awful, but yeah he may very well be the best soundcloud rapper considering the average quality of soundcloud rappers

>melon beating x in a fight
hahahah really, in what universe?
fanny is slow and flabby x is quick and powerful the fight would be over in 2 seconds

say that to my face not online and see what happens

More like XXS tentacion

He's a fucking biter. No

holy fucking shit

XxxTentacion x Ratatat

>405 lbs
not really impressive, im not saying hes weak but i really think xxx can probably fuck his shit up hes way quicker and punches more powerful

that's nice, but can he even reach Melonhead with his tiny little arms?

Melon would almost certainly beat testicle boy in a fair fight because of his bodyweight alone, and tentacle would also try to fight like an anime character I'd bet.

What if Tempertantrum manages to climb all the way up Melon's leg and bite his ass real hard?

lol anthony could just sit on him and win

That would simply make the cantaloupe more erect

Ok X and/or his PR team if you're listening, this shit here isn't acceptable.

>Has no setlist
>Plays same song 3 times
>Stops songs in the middle
>DJ plays wrong song