Consider this...

Consider this. Most people in 1st world countries would like to believe they are free but there is no way to opt out of 'the system', you are always held hostage by a government. Sure you can leave the country you are in but only to go to the rule of another.

Now im not talking about a system you preffer or one with more freedoms, I mean a lawless land or an option to simply exist in the land you were born where neither you or the government bother each other. Is it really democracy if a system you didn't ask for is forced upon you at birth whith no way out?

I cannot speak for every country but im from the UK, there is no where i could go and simply exist where the police wouldn't remove me or put me on the register of the local law that I would have no choice but to pay them for being alive and abide by any rules or laws they want.

Im not stupid, there is Overwhelming reason to be part of a system for my own safety so that's not up for discussion, simply that there is no way out.

So, are you free? Can you ever truly be free on this earth?



Just learn bushcraft, then slowly stop bringing your tools, and use natural tools. Then once you are able to do evverything for clothing/shelter/food&water starting with just stones go live in the wild.

If you're rich , there are no laws, therefore you are free.

I'm free. I can decide against the ruling forces, they would punish me or rigid me back into place but I still can do whatever I want.
Freedom is always relative. Saying "I'm not free I'm locked in the system" is like saying "I'm not free because I can't fly I have no wings". It's not stupid, but freedom can be expanded further and further, making ultimate freedom literally unreachable.
But what do I know I'm just a stupid ass bug.

There is also a porn section but ive seen more dick and tits here than pornhub. Besides i want to see what the nutters have to say.

what do i do with the rozzers when they bang on my bush craft door mumbling about tax?

i bet there are locations in the earth you can be "free" by your definition. the most obvious country might be canada apart from the less confortable places, simply because there are shitloads of wildlife and free space between civilisation where you could "hide" from any system.

the real question is, wuold you give up your human needs (safety, guaranteed food, sleep, whatsoever) to get this "freedom" you're talking about? and start from scratch?

sysbots detected
go back to your office

By that interpritation of free, north korea is also the land of the free

No income, off the grid living. Few people do it, mainly 'cause it's hard as fuck work. 24/7 looking for the next meal.

I've never heard of police bothering these people.

>I mean a lawless land or an option to simply exist in the land you were born where neither you or the government bother each other.

Enjoy getting buttfucked by biker gangs and the local mafia.

Freedom is a lie used to control the drones in Burgerstan. There is no such thing, and there never was. Humans live in societies, and these always involve stratification and obligation. This is not a bad thing. But what you really want is not freedom, it is a society that enables you to do things that make you better at what you can do that is worthwhile, instead of grinding you down and tossing you away so that some wanker billionaire can show a .0002% annual growth to his fortune.

Yeah, I'd guess there's some north koreans even who believe that.
I'm convinced that no matter what law you go by, there's a way to attain even more freedom.
Because the logic behind law is to trade freedom for safety, to exchange individual satisfaction with mass pleasure, the government is not supposed to be on your side or let you "break free", if it was it would be worthless garbage and we would need to get rid of it.
Because politics is a concept founded by the people so that others don't take your stuff and women, but many people think it's some sort of etheral power that popped into existence one day and has the ultimate power over everyone just because.

Is it even legal to take taxes from someone who is not involved with the government/doesn't benefit from society at all?

>a way to attain more freedom
Not as in: you as a person can have freedom in any nation
More as in: No Nation offers the most possible freedom

Juat to clear thimgs up for everyone, i understand why we need a system.

My point is my birth wasnt my choice and now im forced to live under the rule of another.

Use a wild animal as the examlple of freedom im implying.

The computer says yes

Criminals opt out in their own way.

Also people who live off the grid.

I totally get what you mean. The land is all claimed. There is no island you can move to and figure it out.

The only people who get a free pass from existing systems are native tribes preserved for research by anthropologists.

Is totally be down to live in a village/town where everyone just supports each other, barters, and lives off the land.

Very few people are raised with the skill set to even be able to do that.

EMP and most of the world is fucked.


Taxes generally only apply to income. If you have no income they can't tax you. In the US you still technically have to file a return, even if you have no income and thus no taxes. There's little to no probability that they would go after you for this, however.

The military bombs, invades and destabilises other countries, just to keep you safe. There is literally no escape from the benefits government provides. So pay up and show some gratitude.

yes is is democracy. its an integral view. you are just one participant. eg youre not free because you could not go inside your neighbours house.

The uk has council tax, this means if you are alive and live in this area you owe the local goverment money.

I mean homeless people are default off the grid, no phone, address or ID makes you invisible.

you can have what you described but first you must get money and buy the land

If a homless man went to the woods lived of the land and constructed a hut it would be crushed by buldozer, he would be given a fine and probably locked in a cage.

This is just idealism. The world won't conform to your expectations, however "right" you think they are. You have to reach a compromise with reality at some point.

Ideology of any kind is doomed to disappointment. We will never live in an ideal world.

for a night if you're lucky they'll give you a bed and a meal but then its back out

You could burn your ID right now, start working for cash only and make private arrangements for lodging.

Just abandon your identity.

Its possible to live your entire life like this.

True, but the poor don't pay council tax. Which is ironic, because most of it is spent on supporting them, and dealing with the consequences of their delinquent lifestyle.

First, tldr
Second, that looks comfy

Im not saying i disagree with the system, to be honest the system works for me , i have a well paying job, car, motorbike, nice home and money to burn. My point is the system isnt optional and thoes who try to avoid it are punished, how is that fair?

You can only escape CT by proving your either incapable of working or you are looking for work, and to work is to be part of the monitory system

>how is that fair?

Life isn't fair.

People aren't punished for it, unless you consider "sub-optimal" living conditions punishment. They choose that, so I don't think it is. Look up wilderness living and vagabonds.

To thoes who are suggesting just "going on the run" thats not opting out of the system. The system its self should have the option to not be part of it .

Thank you for your enriching contribution.

Or you can just claim incap, which is the standard way to dodge responsibility and stay on the benefits gravy train.

Incapacity benefit claimants doubled during the Blair years, when spongers realised they could pretend to be "depressed" or even "alcoholic" and get an instant income boost.

Trying to kick malingerers off incap just leads to accusations of cruelty and victimisation, so it's politically costly to do. Playing the victim card is a guaranteed way to prosper in UK society.

Seriously, it's the one fact that distinguishes children from adults. Adults realise that life isn't fair.

Clearly you haven't reached that stage yet.

Wow. I make a thread about how life isnt fair and your attempt to undermine it is to insinuate that i dont realise life isnt fair?

>I mean a lawless land

first one showing a gun, he's the new Law of the former Lawless Land

Yeah i suppose that's a way to avoid contributing to the system but that's still not being out of the system. Fro what someone said earlier the Native Americans seem to be Able to achieve the life im referring too - that is what everyone should be Able to choose

I live in a small 1 street town in the yukon. nearest walmart, or department store is miles away, I love it

I guess you don't actually want to opt out. You only need to opt out the usual cuckoldry things.

I see the most appealing life is vandwelling. That is,
- not having to pay for a house you only use when you're tired
- not having to fill the house with furniture and shit you seldom use
- not having to pay utilities for things you don't actually need
- not being forced to live in the same place until you can afford some new house

You can lead a horse to water ...

Lets say you tried to do this in the UK, can you even get insurance without a address?

and then drown the horse in it.

Sure easy. Buy a sailboat and live on the ocean. Come ashore occasionally to fill up your water. Eat fish. Learn some skill you can use to make some cash to buy stuff when you're ashore.


Then fuck it's corpse.

>When you actually believe these people live some sort of philanthropic society and just help each other LOL

They're humans. They're the same as all others. The only difference is they don't have our technology.

register some sibling's home as your address, and go vandwelling 364 days/year.

internet made this life totally feasible, because
+ internet banking
+ internet news
+ internet communications
+ internet gaming
+ internet part time job searching, if you really want to

Meant for

By land in some *stan and start breed the sheeps!

Internet hero, your fedora must be dripping with Animie pussy juice now, better ask your mum to wash it at a temperature that's divisible by 5 so you don't blow out your support workers ear drums with autistic screeching.

fake and gay.

there he will always get some gang raiding his stuff, just because.

tl, dr --- ''fuk da system'', fake and gay and idealistic and delusional and prone to supreme immediate failure
''being marginal to the system you want to fuck'', like vandwelling, possible good outcome

>live in ocean

>come ashore to fill up water

You know you can process salt water to make it safe to drink right?

Native americans have a system opt out and its going grate for them

>no bread
>no sauce
>no bratwurst
>no meat
>no French chips
>no hotdogs
>no pizza

only fish, fucking fish and fucking rotten fuckfish

gypsies also opted out, but they're worse than the mafia.

opting out while ''alone'' grants you the most gigantic failure

I did not know that.

How do they work? Are they expensive? What powers them?

>there is no way to opt out of 'the system'
its not illegal to disappear

That is the key. Instead of bitching about government etc... just focus on making lots of money.

>fish, crustaceans, sea plants, sea mammals, plus you can sell/trade your shit for stuff when you go ashore


See this

Where too? Where can you set up a home where your not eventualy going to have a bulldozer or cops at the door?

it actually is.
local laws here require you to register as ''not having a house address'' to the registry office of a city, and still required to have valid ID and stuff.

you literally can't escape the system.
you can anyway circumvent some of its ugliest practices, most of them related to living in a house.

How much water do you get from that thing in like 1 day?

The thing is that the system itself is relatively "free"

You can do it faster by boiling it in a pot with a reversed cone in the pot to collect it as it boils down. That way you get salt and safe water. You can do this with all clay things if you want.

Dunno... luckly in international waters there no law on how many you can have

In America its not illegal to disappear
as said before by other anons, if you can learn to live in the wild it wont be easy but it could be if you are a pro
I can't give specific examples but there has to be forest areas in some states you can live in without being legally bothered

Yeah, i chose to show that one because im sure this guys ppint was to find a reason that you have to go back to shore for water, eg fuel to boil it

and no ps4?
fuck off

Can the people living in the wild like this be drafted?

If he wants to be a dick about it, you can go to shore and start a small fire to do it. Even a small campfire can be hot enough to water-proof clay pottery. No society needed.

Where are they gonna send the message too?

Put that question into perspective
Chances of being drafted? near zero
Chances of being drafted and legally off the grid?
less than zero

You dont need a goverment to have a ps4

Bearlevard of Broken Glass

>implying a PS4 would be anything other than a rip-off machine without consumer protection laws
>implying internet commerce would function without regulation

Your not getting it

If you opted out of the system it dosnt mean it would collapse. Im talking about a legal option to leave the system - which i assume very few would take but the fact you cant is what means your not free

I see what you did there


you kidding me mate? there are miles and miles of wilderness in the highlands of Scotland you could just go out to

ever heard of a bothy? literally houses in the middle of nowhere where anyone can go and rough it out if they want

>you cant

What the fuck are you talking about? You could leave right now and go live in a forest.

Bored of this shit now.


Where would you keep all of your clothes?

Also, wouldn't be rather electricity and gas intense to keep this lifestyle up over time?

Another question, this van wouldn't last forever, at which point would it need to be replaced?

no. OP needs to quit being a faggot