Prove your an original Sup Forums user

Prove your an original Sup Forums user

>Explain raspberry heaven and what makes it important ill believe you

>inb4 "i dont need to prove shit"
>inb4 "i didnt know every meme back then" that would be like not knowing what greentexts are
>inb4 "i know what it is, but im not gonna say"

Other urls found in this thread:

love and shit
>fuck off summer
also suck mydick

Good job looking it up on urban dictionary faggot...that what it says on there

Made sure to check all normie definitions just to get that extra laugh when i see an obvious newfag, like you, go ahead and post it

Think real jard on why the fuck "love and shit" would be important here? Its not

Just to further prove my point, what other colors of text could you do in the begging?

so.. you're an oldfag by saying random shit with no context whatsoever? lemme try

Brandon, you're a newfag

What exactly do you want? Praise?

I want a good laugh reading newfags try and pretend their oldfags

A Wild HonestFag appeared

i have literally no clue what that is since i only knew about chan 4 years ago, but only recently started
browsing heavily

so if someone could actually go ahead and explain this shit thata be cool

No one can explain shit because OP here due to his rampant daddy issues decided to make up some random word to try to fill the void
>inb4 "ha another newfag time to stroke my cock some more"
Try again bud. Been here longer than you

been around since the time of IDs

Roody-Poo Candy Ass

That was a ship in some anime, right?

you are thinking of Boaty McBoatface

stop using the term normie, you normalfag

Op here

Newfag you may be, but potential to not be cancer is there for you.

All i can say is lurk more and you'll get your answer...well maybe not anymore

Its pretty much something that was very relevant in the first few months Sup Forums was created...

Best laugh all thread user.

Alright since i cant really prove that its real without another original user to back me up and actually get it right, or me ruining the thread by explaining it

Tell me what other types of texts you used to be able to do back then, and how to do them.

Thats not very specific...ids have been on and of for a while, so have dubs

Roody poo and candy ass have long become safewords for newfags to pretend they're not new. Same with shiggy diggy, and triforcing

Probably but thats not the right raspberry heaven related to Sup Forums

Also i want to know if there really arent any original users left...

you mean the dc hub? rait?


Rasberry Heaven was a secret project headed by Eben Christopher Upton. One of the major reasons for the existence of Rasberry pi's today. The name comes from his extreme interest in Eproctophilia. A fart fetish driven so deep into him after the spawning of Sup Forums that he dedicated his life to reaching what he would later call Rasberry heaven. Which basically summed up is: through the use of single-board computers having access to farts and fart porn at any possible second. As well as being able to essential livestream his and others farts through the use of small hidden computers and in public situations. essential creating a utopia for those who indulge in his gaseous fetish.

Fuck off nigger.

DING DING DING. Nice to see someone still remembers, just to make sure you didnt just get lucky and looked it up right, what exactly did they do way back?

Suck a very hardy cock newfag
Dont come back next summer (fun fact: the number of users dont actually increase much at all during the summer, its just a meme with no reality behind it)

Theres your answer, sorta, you still dont know its importance

I just looked it up, thanks for sharing some interesting stuff with us OP

Raspberry Heaven is the ED for Azumanga Daioh

i don't remember honestly how i found Sup Forums, my memory pre-BEAST MODE on Sup Forums is kinda shot

Raspubary heven

Aium cohming bach tu yu

Fuck man, I'm gonna download that series again.

Damn, fuck you for getting my hopes up. Good job fooling me, should've expected.

seeing as it doesn't seem anyone has been here that long, explain why moot got pissed at snacks

Not the right raspberry heaven

where is /i/?

also OP is a faggot please rape his face.

also sage.


Havent seen that for a while, it just stopped being a meme like 3 or 4 years ago...

Also, no U!

I'm trying to think of the oldest thing I remember from my earlier Sup Forums days..
Not even sure when I used to come here, I kinda left for a few years.

It was definitely around the time of shit like Cracky-chan that I was first here but idk even when that was. I'm sure there's much older oldfags

I wouldn't really call sage a meme, since it was an actual function. Many threads were saged to death in them days

I also wasn't here then, sorry OP, but I really wish I was

i didn't know saging didn't still work.

would explain all the shitposting.

I really hate 99% of Sup Forums nowdays, it neds more lulz or something, stuff today is way to political

▲ ▲

saga goes in a fields

It's weird because most recent people think back to old Sup Forums as the internet hate machine, but I honestly had a lot of fun here. Like, some seriously funny shit had it's starts here. Picture sharing threads for humor or actual discussions.

Ofc it was also rampant with porn and gore and cp but it had a more coherent feel to it. Threads weren't created to troll or bait or be cancerous in general, but cause people actually wanted to engage with each other, depraved as most of it was.


how fast was it back then?
nowdays its extremly fast and most other chans are extremly slow.


Haven't seen that one for quite some time! Been lurking on and off since 2008 or something. Posting rarely.

Op here


Michigan reporting in.
37 GET!
Hey fags tell me what to show.
Show tits or GTFO.
Show poonanny! Show your fanny!
I herd u liek mudkipz.
Please stop with that Sup Forumstard shit.
FAP THREAD! Post sum pics!!
Post moar goatse! Eat a dick!
Vagina full of centipedes,
Milhouse is not a meme.


OP can't inb4.



Newfag pretending to be oldfag
How can we tell?
Oldfags don't use grammar or puncuation
>punctuated because can't stop autocorrect on phone fag


Pic related

What the fuck are you smoking? Sup Forums became cancer when heaven became mod. Which was literally like 10 posts after it's birth. Trolling and baiting weren't called trolling and baiting back then. You were just a cancer spreading faggot like everyone else.