You know why people get cancer and die so quickly nowadays? Because they use fucking vegetable oil for frying...

You know why people get cancer and die so quickly nowadays? Because they use fucking vegetable oil for frying. In the past your grandparents used lard for everything and look how long they lived. This is a conspiracy. Buy lard and boycott vegetable oil and margarine. They cause cancer.

Real butter is redpilled, too, right?

Not for frying but still better than the oil.

It's hard to beat pig fat for most frying, but now you have me thinking. My babcis and the recipes they brought down through the family frequently use butter for frying, but I suppose it's possible that some of them were changed as a byproduct of WWII rationing.

I'll have to ask about that while they're still alive.

They advertise oil and margarine in here. Nobody advertises pig fat.
Why is that? Good products need no ads.

Thankfully, now that WWII is old news margarine has become a niche product here like powdered eggs or aerosol cheese spread product.

The problem with most household cooking oil here is most of it is derived from corn, which means it's probably GMO corn. Bring back the days when fast food french fries were fried in beef tallow!

In here they make oils from canola. I still don't trust it.

>Rapeseed (Brassica napus), also known as rape, oilseed rape


lolol yeah

But actually the mustard family is pretty rad in terms of its various uses, including oil quality. I keep some canola oil around for when oil just works best (e.g. fixing cast iron that somebody washed, or to seal a bad gasket in a water hose without poisoning the water, or to lubricate machinery that operates at cooking temperatures.) But when the definition is all about percentages of certain molecules then that's basically asking for cheating.

pig lard for cooking(or really pure butter, but thats basically impossible to find out nowadays, unless you grown your own fuckin cows and make it yourself.Ox butter is the shit tho)

olive/peanut/coconut oil for cold meals dressing

everything else is trash

Yes you found the magic bullet. It's the vegetable oil! Retard.

my fucking keyboard is rretarded and keeps double typing letterrs so fuck you and my spelling "errors". too fucking bored to edit. do not buy corsair products, overpriced shit (nowherre nearr as bad as razr lol).

unsalted/sea-salted butter is apparently grreat for you.
fuckken love butter. butter is the best.

coconut oil is supposed to also be good but i prreferr to buy stuiff grrown and made in my country, the less niggershitskins involved the better.

marrgarine is utterr shit for insane n00bs, rrapeseed oil is utterr shit. don't fry with olive oil, it's only good for drizzling on things afterr they've been cooked because overr a certain temperrature it apparently becomes really bad forr you.
olive is rrreally good if you use it right tho.

rapeseed planters are fucking faggots too, it ruins honey as it crystalises in the comb and even the bees have a hard time licking it up but they love collecting rrape because it's easy nectar.
if you want a good beehive trry to site it at least 3 miles away from any known rape plantations.

rapeseed is only good for oiling machinery (hence why it has become so poopular over the years and been pushed as a foodstuff - £££ and inside deals) and seasoning crricket bats but for that you should use linseed anyway.

again, i fucking hate this shitty corrsairr keyboard, overrpriced shit.


I only use olive oil. Besides being gay, is there anything wrong with olive oil?

>coconut oil
You weren't around during the Nutella controversy? Coconut oil is also a poison for your body.

Shit. We have mods on Sup Forums now?
I'm impressed.

Every once in a while they're nice enough to move a thread instead of delete it.

I might just be one mod. But that mod is a decent mod.

yeah but moving this thrread to Sup Forums has killed it. b is forr porn and shit, nbot cooking oil discussion, wherre is the cooking oil subforrum

no mods no gods

Olive oil doesn't tolerate heat very well. It's not for frying with.

>Nutella controversy

pretty sure you are wrong and you are mistaking it with palm oil, which is utter trash for you and its what the big companies use in their products since its the cheapest

coconut oil is great anti-cancerogen(is that the word in english?) and has amazing benefits on your heart

ofcourse, in moderation like everything, even if nutella had coconut oil in it, it still would've been bad for you considering that you basicall eat spoonfuls of grease mixed with sugar and some kind of plastic nut flavoring...

also, shitty mods

>b is forr porn and shit
I remember when Sup Forums was good.
Fuck this porn bullshit.
Asian Moot should ban all of that gay shit.

the only point of using olive oil is if you are using the extra virgin and that one is only good for cold dressing(salads, etc)
if you use other types of olive oil like pomace, you might as well use sunflower oil or whatever

>coconut oil is great anti-cancerogen(
It is? Source.
Everything that is advertized nowadays is said to fight cancer and free oxygen radicals.

dude I first came to Sup Forums in 2004. My initial response was wondering why I'd want to sift through so much gay porn just to find some neat posts.

Of course that was when it was clever either way.

>I remember when Sup Forums was good.
Sup Forums was never good, newfaggot



>so much gay porn
Sure it was gay but it wasn't like 95% gay, plus it had some dank memes. Now it's not about the Lulz, it's about porn.
Fuck Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums 2.0 for oldfags.


well, google it and find sources you do or do not believe, i can not convince you, but 2 years ago i was a fat fuck weighting 150 kilos before starting keto diet and losing ~70 kilos in 9 months, so ive made shitloads of research what type of oils and fats are good for me

zomg what the fuck are these Sup Forums ads?


decades of nuclear testing has rendered our environment hostile (if you beleive nukes exist).

the "cancer" epidemic is due to everything being radioactive to some degree (and plebbit/kikebook/smartphones intensifies it). enjoy