I fucked this guy's wife and now he wants to kill me, what should I do?

I fucked this guy's wife and now he wants to kill me, what should I do?

may as well fuck her again

Kill her then fuck him

Post nudes of his wife.

Take him on OP,I believe in you.

keep fucking her. it's the only way for betas to realize they need to change

Break his phone case.

This is the only one I have

Fuck him, too. Then you'll be even.

This, serves him right for being a man-child.

get trips and I'll tell you what to do.

Battle him to the death at medieval times


Nope, get the fuck out op, you are hopeless.

OP your a fucktard a 10 year old can kick that guys fat ass. man up and kick his ass OP. .

you should start with a penicillin shot

Easy - Fuck him in the ass and everything balances out

Can't believe you're falling for this bait, just google Izzy Nobre

Advice wanted.

Known P for over ten years. Met A 9 years ago and married her. Always sexual tension with P. Just recently got laid off from my factory job I've had forever and P has been sending me messages lately offering to come take me to look for a new job (wife and I share the car). Is she sending signals that she wants to fuck me while my wife, A, is at work? For reference we're all over 30.

Let him fuck you but dressed as his wife


Fuck better looking women who can keep their white mouth shut you beta neck beard cunt fzggot.

Fortunately all you need to do is keep up an accelerated pace when walking away from him and he'll eventually just die.

Unless you're made of Cheeseburgers like Mayor McCheeseburger. Then you're fucked.