Amerigoys literally call their teams "franchises"

>amerigoys literally call their teams "franchises"

how dare we call a franchise a franchise

>Europeans are poor and smell bad


>real al sadinini air Madrid

>euroshits still think multi billion dollar teams are friendly athletic clubs


americans call fat women thicc


How will Yurop ever recover?

Kek'd and checked

You realize you are the only country in the whole of Europe which can't make this argument?

>he calls his franchise a club
>he isn't a member

excuse moi, but what the HELL does that mean?

Dustin being a spry foot skill guy,possible talent, if he wasn't British.

>Euroqueers call their coaches managers

They literally are franchises, though. In (American) football in particular, the teams are really just subdivisions of the league. They have the same salaries, they have the same's not like baseball or soccer where different teams can have different endorsement deals and payrolls (Yankees with Adidas vs Cubs with UA, Barcelona with Nike vs Real Madrid with Adidas, etc.).

>Brits are literally unironically ruled by a woman, both nominally and legally

>muh local club
>owned by foreigners

>muslims own your franchises and make you change the logos
aught to be ashamed

>shitposting about semantics while soccer coaches rape you children

>implying >muh passion/history creates a better onfield product than a quasi-socialist economic model

>be american child
>want to play with friends
>tfw get drafted last by designated franchise owners

Não shitpostes, filho

>best pm in Britain since Churchill
Kill yourself, faggot

Fuck all of you fat niggerfaggots.

but... they literally are franchises.

>wanting to fuck your sister but settling for a sheep

>they don't offer sandwiches cut in triangles with toothpicks in them

>owning a multi billion dollar team
That's the opposite of being a goy

>being Scottish

>be white American
>be fat and balding
>go every weeks with my wife's son to Burger King Arena to watch my team
>become a huge fan of the team star, DaTyrone Johnson
>the team owner Moshe Greenbank decides to move the team to the other side of the country
>my wife's son hates me now

What should I do with DaTyrone's jersey now?

based USA, always on everyone's mind