Why did he do it Sup Forums?

Why did he do it Sup Forums?

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He was murdered...

He didnt, he was murdered

Why did he get murdered? Im sure if he had a choice he wouldnt of...

lol when did this become the consensus

It's common knowledge user

It's pretty obvious.

who took his mantle when he died?

Honestly? Female singer-songwriters.

Lana Del Rey

murdered, kikes used the story to sell records and get some fucking mazuma


I think it's a legitimate possibility that got kinda undermined by the ridiculous Courtney Love theories.
Elliott Smith may very well have gotten murdered by his girlfriend by the time, there are tons of sources (including people who were personally acquainted with the two - check his Wiki) that believe it to be true.
Whereas the Courtney Love theories are basically just conspiracy theory bullshit. Kurt obviously committed suicide. Even if you read his suicide note, and compare it with his earlier, edgy, angsty journal writings, the writing style is the same.

The murder of that one girl in the Hole band was true though.

one red pill at a time

It's a meme.

Elliott Smith definitely killed himself. He had quit crippling alcohol, heroin, and crack addictions cold turkey some months before, as well as going vegan. From common knowledge and my experience, these are the kinds of things you need to do gradually, with lots of support and supervision. If someone's been using drugs or alcohol as an emotional crutch (albeit disfunctional) and it's suddenly pulled out from under them, they suddenly have nothing left and nothing holding them back.

That's such an oversimplication, and does a discredit to the man.

It is horrible that blatant signs of murder are overlooked because of a man's disposition. Have you not read The Stranger? Do you not see time and time again people in power, e.g. cops, getting away with murdering the mentally ill?

Yes he had given up multiple addictions, yes he frequently spoke on his suicidality and his depression. Yes, him killing himself would not be a suprise to (mostly) anyone.

But the reported facts of what actually happened do not support suicide at all.

It scares me that it's a fact of life that you can get away with murder if the victim has a history of self-destruction.

I mean his songs were depressing as fuck.

Its not too far fetched to see he offed himself

it might have been antidepressants
the reason they list suicidal thoughts as a side effect of antidepressants is because they don't make you happy, they just make you feel active and energized again (lethargy is a major part of depression)
some people too far gone in suicidal depression just use this energy to do what they never had the energy to do

>nobody ever kills themselves ever
>kurt cobain? nah he was murdered. Why? because acknowledging facts is for cucks!
>elliot smith? definitely murdered. Facts say otherwise but like I said, facts are for cucks!
>chemtrails MAGA the earth is flat the moon landing was faked global warming is a hoax XDDD

if you squint he looks a bit like the ugly version of brandon from sean cody.