Whats a good project to program for beginners?

Is a hotdog a sandwich?

Not OP, but most universities start with Python so i suppose that would be the foundation.

And a project?

How do you join faze?????

do you suggest I fix the exhuast on my truck first or the leaf springs?

I would say a hot dog is a hot dog nothing else haha
I don't have clue clue but good luck
Wish I knew been trying for years

Whats the average flight speed of an urban swallow?

if a bear farts in the woods, does a lumberjack hear it?

no, bears dont have ass cheeks

What is the quickest and safest way to alleviate the possible conflict going on between North Korea and the rest of the world?

Can I see ur vagina you've got a hot body type

what. the. fuck.

He didn't ask for a language

I can't help you on that one maybe try making a simple puzzle game or something.

I haven't started Uni or even tried learning languages yet haha so not much help

Nuke it.

>implying he makes programmer salary

All the se's in svalley use the work gym.. well most anyway


There are like fifty billion sites on how to program that literally hold your hand user. Go to one of them, and attempt to code.

if you can't torrent books, tech ain't for you.

I would say do your exhaust first
I dunno but I would guess about 35mph
If he was up close yeah I guess he would
I would literally say just ignore North Korea they are attention seeking dick heads if every other country just ignored them hopefully they end up killing their selfs

Dont know why, but i havent thought about torrenting books. Thanks for the suggestion

is there a food that you really like but think that not many people know about and would recommend?

Also, if you work for google or facebook, use their gym. So you don't end up like OP.. And walk 2 miles every damn day.

Salary is well worth it if you can code well. I make almost 200k a year with bens and I'm 28

I really like a lot of different foods as you can tell !! Haha but I don't think I actually have anything special sorry

Post another pic op
Ill show u my vagenis

How old were you when you started learning?


Does your pathetic flab make you want to an hero?

No I don't want to be a hero

What is the meaning of life?

Working to die

How old are you?

Why don't you go to snapchat__y__me and leak all your snapchat friends


instead you should just snapchat__y__me and leak all your snapchat friends

Why don't you go snapchat__y__me & fap to THE schools hottest girls pics

instead you should just Snapchat--y--me and leak all your snapchat friends

Have you tried losing weight or are you comfortable with yourself?

Food is fantastic..

Bored of snapchat? > snapchat__y__me can help you tonight!

When I was about 17 I was slim tbh and gained ever since but yeah I'm comfortable with my self !! And yeah food is amazing haha

Why don't you go Snapchat--y--me & fap to THE schools hottest girls pics

instead you should just Snapchat--y--me and leak all your snapchat friends

Pretty much same thing for me, Im 21 now. Dropped to 145 from 176 though. Highly recommend, it feels wonderful.

Just literally eat smaller portions and you'll see a difference. But hey if you're happy, you do you.
How are relationships for you?

Yeah that's great ! And yeah relationships are fine for me tbh

instead you should just Snapchat--y--me and leak all your snapchat friends

So what brings you here making threads about yourself sir?

y u so fat?

I've got a day off work and I'm super bored haha

Because I eat a lot haha

What's it like to be a fat fuck?

Be abit more specific a lot of things change when your fat

instead you should just snapchat__y__me and leak all your snapchat friends

Bored of snapchat? > snapchat__y__me could help you tonight!