Hey 3rd worlders, this woman and landscape could be yours if you lived in a 1st world country like I DO...

Hey 3rd worlders, this woman and landscape could be yours if you lived in a 1st world country like I DO. How does that make you feel?

Pretty trash picture

Well it would make me feel German or French.

I don't give a shit about women. In fact, I'd live in a country where they're no women at all. And your landscape is total shit. Try harder and post some yummy burgers.

Why? No girl like this in Dutchland?

Well yeah enough girls that look like that here... But I was actually talking about the environment/nature.

There's still places like that here and there's some females like that too. What's more important is that I don't have a bunch of sand niggers as of yet.

This, even we have snow.

>frozen wet shithole
no ty

>wanting to see a barren wasteland everyday
No thanks leaf.

yeah i could live

She looks like a shitskin

> What's more important is that I don't have a bunch of sand niggers as of yet

Yeah, but youre stacked to the rafters with Argentines.

In high altitudes as everyone. I'm not bragging about my females and nature, I only brag about the fact that there's no fucking mudslimes around in here.

It's not so bad, except for the incestous rape province.

Nice to know, that you are happy. But to be honest, landscape is not a picture of a dream. And girl is average. But she is 10/10 for you and you are happy, so it is important!

Already can have a landscape like that in Himalayas.
Women, I wouldn't be able to to get in either country (autismo), so who cares?

>And girl is average
Fuck off, if you only knew how ugly and fat the average girl in her 20s is here

Landscape isn't special :/ you should've posted how it looks in spring or summer (sunny blue sky,green mountain & hills)
And that girl looks like lots of college girls

Not him, but in most countries, she's below average.

Anglo countries are just particularly ugly.

The only good looking girls here are eastern european, it isn't fair they all walk around in couples while all the overweight English women are on their phones yelling at their partner

You've really touched me my dude. I'll go apply for a visa right now and start looking for cute girls in canada to date and hopefully have my children.

We're all gonna make it.



Cold temperatures are ok for a month, it gets boring after that, at least here.

In Spain we don't have the cold temps of nordic countries but we build our houses with no kind of "cold-isolation" whatsoever, we had a lot of shitty infrastructure building in the last decades, so we end up being inside home at 5-10ºC of temperature, which is a shit temperature when you are resting in home with a slower metabolism because it slowly numbs and gets your hands and feet very cold, it cripples into your bones and the humidity makes it worse. In my shitty apartment during winter the cold air comes from the gaps of the blinds like a jet stream. A lot of homes also only have electric heathers which are shit and wasteful so we end up not using them and try to just dress with thick clothes.

Meanwhile, all the Nordics are in their heated super-homes at >20ºC perfectly warm, perfectly dry, perfectly isolated, boasting about resisting the cold like polar bears.

Thats because Spain is third world. Memes aside Im sure anyone with a decent budget can have good isolation and maintain a 20 Celsius temperature? Cold inside isn't that bad like you say its walking outside with -25 Celsius that sucks dick

Oh same here, insulation is awful here. Last night was 5℃, I atleast had a large covers.

>wanting to live in a snowy shitty country 24/7
thanks but no thanks

She looks really south of the border

Is it hard for asian people to handle cold weather?

She's a shitskin though