shiny new banana girl thread, queen of Sup Forums, roll trips if you want to
Shiny new banana girl thread, queen of Sup Forums, roll trips if you want to
please join us queen Sup Forums and post more new pics for your banana fans
banana girl is queen of Sup Forums
will post 'secret' pic if banana queen arrives here and posts something hot and new.
banana girl is queen of Sup Forums
Banana-fan, did I give you permission to start a thread in my name? Only I have the right to post Banana Girl threads.
only started so could send the 'secret' pic to banana queen.
does anyone have this roll image? mines all cut up
my Queen, may i please cum for you?
if banana queen is here please post a brand new pic as proof it is you and then the secret pic will be posted. Don't want to break word to banana girl without hard evidence.
banana girl is queen of Sup Forums
eh? no, banana fan here waiting for banana queen, just need some proof though.
banana girl is queen of Sup Forums
nice. Do you have any really good quality bikini pics stashed away? picturequality I mean, you look quality in them always!
why do you want the 'secret' pic? have you lost it??
great to have you back on Sup Forums queen Sup Forums
please dont ignore me my Queen
lemme guess.
you have a great personality.
fuck off ugly nigger boxy will always be queen
Keep your part of the deal, or you're not getting any more photos from me
Nigger? Lol have you even seen me? Pretty sure I'm not black
Not black nigger as in trying to steal something that's not yours
don't want to post it without a final check queen Sup Forums, here's a small version, is this the one you mean? don't want to break my word to banana queen if it is an user pretending! why do you want the 'secret' pic?
Yeah, that's the one! Now the full size version please.
why do you want it queen Sup Forums? seems odd! or have you deleted it or something??
Yeah, I don't have it on this computer, and I obviously need to give these losers more ammunition. Their attempts to insult me are pathetic so far
>samefagging this hard
not samefagging user, a genuine conversation!
If that's what you call it
do you want the other 2 peoples faces left in the picture? could block them out if you don't want other anons to see them
I do... and so do I!!
Yeah, if you could blank them out that would be good!
no problem. while I do that could you post something new again? a bikini pic in the same picture quality as the one in the blue dress in the garden would be awesome! thanks
here it is queen Sup Forums looking hot as ever.
do you want to start your own new thread and post some new pics or just carry on here? great to have you back queen Sup Forums
hope that's what you wanted queen Sup Forums good pic of you too
banana girl is queen of Sup Forums
banana queen still here? or vanished again?