Post age, income, and whether you're circumsized or not
I'll start
23, 92k/year, circumsized
Post age, income, and whether you're circumsized or not
I'll start
23, 92k/year, circumsized
34/idk/can't circumsize a vagina
>Chef at wendy's
Not with that attitude you can't.
Also Tits or gtf circumcised
23 unemployed but my parents pay my bills anyway. Uncut
none cause currently NEET
Yes you can, also prove you have an uncircumcized vagina.
18 / 0 / uncut
20 55k/year circumsized
18 / 21k before taxes / uncut
38K/year w/ benefits and company car
36, 52K, Circumsized
How is a 20 year old making 55k a year? I call bullshit.
She has to do this now, quads demand
You just can't fathom that some people are more successful than you?
55k zimbabwe dollars
20, online wholesaler and manager retail, 48k,cut
21/college student(11k)/not circumized
this is the dumbest thread on Sup Forums
You all make a lot of money for a bunch of assclowns sitting around on Sup Forums on a Tuesday morning.
320k last year
>none besides the money I get for studying
27 - 183k last year - circumsized
FIFO hyperbaric welder for the past 5 years on offshore oil rigs
You don't make 92k a year. Maybe you suck 92k cocks a year, but you certainly don't make that amount of money. It's likely you're just some lonely kneckbeard, who compiles cp daily, and forgot to take his daily meds. As for 92k... That'll be the day. Now go cash your welfare/giro.
seriously unless its daddys business
29, lawyer, 240k, circumcized
Everyone lies in these threads, making them pointless
i dunno dude the numbers are pretty reasonable
just like making up numbers?
Of course the circumsized guy wants to compare shekels.
18/Sup Forums poster/764k
My weiner is circussized but I can velcro back the foreskin whenever it's not in use.