Hey Sup Forumsros

Hey Sup Forumsros,
someone has the video of this guy killing? is for curiosity.

Other urls found in this thread:


just go to r/watchpeopledie its like one of the first posts


i give you this pic instead

I hope everyone learn something from this... that we do not get bitches like Joy Lane for a girlfriend....



Check the facebook messages from the victim too... cringy as fuck.

OP, in a few days you'll go back to doxxing girls and posting fake celebrity nudes. If you start having suicidal thoughts, act on them.

Have the police found this guy yet?

(: wtf :)

He ded.

We should start posting this more, or email it to the go fund me guys since they "promised" they'd raise atleast 20k for this "good and innocent man"

He shot himself earlier.

Fake as fuck

Your mom is fake as fuck nigga

Why are you offended?

A nigger got killed, the world is better. I don't see an issue.

Cant Corner the Dorner

thats what i said bro!

Can anyone confirm this post (link) can't find it anywhere

Cunt just shot himself


How the fuck do you misspell Easter?

Who fucking cares. He hates white people. He's probably not very smart and poorly educated, and liberal media and the black community echo chamber has convinced him that white people are the cause for all his problems.

Just because black people are less intelligent on average doesn't mean they don't feel the same emotions, and shouldn't be treated like human beings. He was loved and he probably loved others. Think about the pain it caused those people.

If you aren't capable of empathy, you're the highest level of degeneracy, on par with the nig with the gun.

There's such a thing as a rational morality. Regardless of what you think of the superiority or inferiority of races, all people have the natural right to life, so long as they aren't infringing upon the natural rights of others.

>How the fuck do you misspell Easter?
Ebonics... "Essuh"

I hope this thing catches on:
niggers "joylaning" other niggers.

Black Lives Don't Matter