Hello, Sup Forums. I am looking to kill myself. I do not have access to guns. I am an 18 yo living in the United States...

Hello, Sup Forums. I am looking to kill myself. I do not have access to guns. I am an 18 yo living in the United States. I would like it know what the least painful way of killing myself would be. Thanks, Sup Forumsros.

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Don't do it brother

You'll find things will improve

yea two things first off whatever dont do it i guess yknow i dont really give a shit but probably no reason to kill urself

anyway that being said
18 in usa no access to firearms
doesnt check out fam are you in some northeastern shithole or something? anywhere in real america you can walk into the hunting store get a shotgun same day no check cash money cya

suffocation is probably the least painful aside from shooting yourself. How you go about it is up to you. A while back there were schematics for a helium eugenics thing circulating. No clue if it works.

I don't have access to firearms because of my financial state.

I'll look into it.

If you want we could meet up and I could shoot you.

Go sit on some active railroad tracks at night in dark clothes.

Jump off of something.

That's assisted suicide user

Not worth it for some fag

you really wanna pull that shit then go to a firing range. buy a small box of munition, shoot a few rounds, shoot yourself.

if you truly want to be that much of a pussy as to kill yourself just because you're a little sad. fuck off. easy way out fucking queer

>least painful way
you fucking pussy faggot

just hang yourself but from a building and make the rope long enough so the drop will snap your neck faster than your nerve can register pain

You didn't have 100 bucks? Sell whatever you're using to post, get a cheap 90 dollar single shot and a box of slugs, blamo.

Take sleeping pills and lie down in your bath, you'll drown in your sleep

Carbon monoxide. Run a car in the garage with all doors closed.

Bungee rope. But really depression is temporary. Improve yourself. First love yourself first

But I get to kill a nigga?

as if the NSA isn't reading this right now

Cut off your cock, shove it down your throat, choke on it.

I'm liver - transplanted. I did it when I was your age, now I'm 30.

I smoke, have fun and live every day like I have to since then. Dead is not escapable, your condition is.
At least think about it, I know what the world can look like at 18. After that point is even less worth trying, but it gets better when you manage to "find yourself a place".

Do it. Or kill youself, whatevs. The tip I'm givin you is just going on, and see what happens. Just to be sure you're not missing anything worthy.

Why go out like a bitch?
If you're going to die anyway, spend your time right.
Live recklessly for the next 24-48 hours and I assure you if you're not dead you'll wish you were.

Go out, drink heavily, do a bunch of random drugs, fuck multiple hookers, snort cocaine off one of the hookers ass cracks. Live a little, go out with a bang!

>as if the NSA didn't read ALL of Sup Forums and constantly back ups all the post and logs

As a nigga with depression. Shit is temporary, except that it comes back. So yeah OP will feel better, but not for long. If he wants to off himself that's his shit. Fuck he could do it for funzies or to get into Valhalla for all I care. its a free country

>implying anyone with half a brain thinks Sup Forums is a threat to the union

Also this, but ultimately a rope is probably the easiest and most reliable way out after you are done.

Thanks for the the suggestions. I'll look more into everything.
Sounds pretty painful. I'm a pussy. I've cut myself all throughout my arms, but that seems like it'll be too much.

chase a cop around with a kitchen knife...that'll get the job done

Make yourself a potatoes leaves tea... or eat a bunch of leaves.

Bro, there is an eazy escape.

I love sleeping my time away when im depressed. I love that feeling of drifting away to sleep.

You can exit life in that way, use helium to end it.

It is the most humane, 100% painless, comfortable way to end the life.

You will just drift into sleep without feeling anny pain, and just be gone forever.

Yeah, its called an exit bag.

You just put on a mask and breath in the helium. you dont feel anny difference then when breathing normal air, you dont feel suffocation, your brain simply goes to hibernation mode and then you die peacfully, and 100% painless.

I just looked into this. I think it would be the best way. I may do this or hang myself for the last sense of feeling.

If you want to hang make sure you drop a long distance so your neck snaps. Dead before you know it. Get boat rope.

Dont do it, embrace it and learn to live in it

>Also this, but ultimately a rope is probably the easiest and most reliable way out after you are done.
nuh uh

Watching this guy's videos youtu.be/xf3CvzSoXOs

Go somewhere isolated, carve your own grave, lit up charcoal nearby, rest in there, fall asleep because of the carbon monoxide, leave this fucking life.

That's my plan B. I haven't done it yet because some people depend on me, but when the time comes... Rage quit!

>Go somewhere isolated, carve your own grave, lit up charcoal nearby, rest in there, fall asleep because of the carbon monoxide, leave this fucking life.
>That's my plan B. I haven't done it yet because some people depend on me, but when the time comes... Rage quit!

got a car and a plastic bag??

Find a tall building, with CCTV. Walk in normal, like nothing's wrong.
Slowly look more and more panicked, constantly look over your shoulder like someone is following you.
As you make your way to the roof of the building go from being slightly nervous to full sprint panic mode..
When you get to the roof, put your back to the edge and look like you're pleading for your life, before finally turning around and jumping off.. like you'd rather end your own life before facing whatever it is that was following you.
The footage will freak everyone right the fuck out, and you will be a legend.
Plus if the building is tall enough, you won't feel a thing.

Go out like toastie Steve, he was a hero!

head or neck on train tracks

heroin OD, buy some from a black guy bc they stomp it with coke. Sniff a whole bag or two, you'll be dead in minutes