You ylyl you lose!

You ylyl you lose!

Only post stuff you have ylyl'd to!

offensive jokes allowed

So this is a thing now?


yylylyl Threads?





Singles get


You stole my digits satan

be careful
you almost got

Oh shit, nice satanic quads.
Good form pupper!










Good form, satan pupper







I guess it's a fail either way.

Good form, pupper


good form, pupper


Checked. But that's a pit bull pupper not beagle







darn it


is this what redditors fap to?


Got me


whats with this fat kid? new meme?



this one time where pewdiepie was actually funny



you seem to be new here

>been about 2 years since i've entered Sup Forums let alone a ylyl thread

this place has really gone to shit. nothing here is funny

good form, pupper


good form, pupper

Lost. might as well just kill myself

in this thread, yes
so wat u want fat boy? i aint giving you my shekels






good form, pupper


br? br? br br br br br br br gibe mony pls


I'm not a funny person tho



never seen a dog with autism before



is that Pepe?




hye is everywhere



Good form, pupper

good form, pupper

thanks for blurring out the name





motherfucker that inst ylyl

fuck i hate snakes

So you're telling me there's a way to get rid of the left without mass genocide?


For anyone interested, It's a white lion with what the handlers believe to be the first case of down syndrome in a large cat due to inbreeding.

good form, pupper



Well played


>mfw white lion


>mfw 9/11