Friend just offered me his little sister, in her bedroom, for $50 so that he can go buy heroin

>friend just offered me his little sister, in her bedroom, for $50 so that he can go buy heroin

Well, how old is she?

do it fag

wrong answer. do it op


Sweet deal do it

nice qauds

Offer 100$ for threesome and incest


No he didnt. grow up

Too young, and that's the problem. He "let me in on the offer first", so he'll ask someone else soon if I don't get her out. Who should I call, CPS, the police?

Damn, that's like half price. You'd basically be losing money by not taking advantage of this sweet deal.

thats a good deal, assuming she is of a legal age and you use proper protection

the police will respond more quickly. tell them everything so they can apprehend them both when they leave to buy dope

The police, you fucking dolt.

Like, emergency services.


Do it but don't pay him, friends don't let friends do heroin

sounds like you hang out with some really classy people lol

Anyone who will respond quickly, but try avoid the police.
Where the police get involved, so do utterly ridiculous jail sentences, and that's the last thing a criminal needs.

Fucking this, Jesus Christian op

He is not your friend
also you should question your position in life
if you have a "friend" that make this kind of

Problem is I'm a heroin dealer. He once sent her over to pick up. She's 13. I told her don't dare take 1 (vicodin) but I was told the amount she gave her brother was 1 off. It could have just been his nodding and he couldn't count right ATM.

People saying I'm classes...poverty is a bitch but I try to make ends meet.

And now you see the consequences of the poison you peddle you piece of shit

>making clients into friends
>making friends into clients

>Herion Dealer
i am not one to lecture what people put in their bodies have at it. But you know damn well
its a terrible drug, switch to something else like shrooms

Deal what you want bhoyo

Do it OP. Or if youre a faggot, tell him no way dude that's not cool.

This up the anti and see how much some heroin is worth to him.

Is she in on it? Or is he selling people permission to rape his little sister?

Why does a herion dealer post
cute PEPE rares?

this confuses me