Oldfags, where were you during 9/11?

Oldfags, where were you during 9/11?

middle school

What happened? Did they let everyone out or show the news in class?

i was playing day of defeat and noticed a lot of bitching about sand niggers and ragheads. went to the living room and saw the first bulding smoking on the news with my stepdad.

was playing Tetris.

About 10 feet into the building


At home watching CSPAN

news in class and kept TVs on during lunch.

i got pretty bored after like 5 hours of it

old gif is old

Sleeping in my college dorm. Late classes that day. When I woke up I was pissed off that Price is Right was preempted.

Just getting home from work and seeing my mom glued to the tv and on the phone with my grandma

In bed at my place with girlfriend. I was about 23. Phone rang and I picked it up. It was her mom screaming about how we were under attack. We went out to the living room to watch the news. Was cray bruh

idiot user is idiot

Jerking it

triggered normie is triggered

Dancing with a bunch of crazy jews

bigmouth shithead is bigmouth

singles getting faggot is getting singles

In my living room, watching the chaos on tv with my parents

My mother was breastfeeding me

Was at work doing IT. One of the folks i was helping over the phone said on the news that there was early reports that a missile hit the one of the towers. Didn't hear more for a bit. Some of us were chatting in my cubicle betting on what it was. I figured there was an accident involving the Navy and a weapon mishap. But as we know the rest is history.

High school, Latin class.

Crawling out my mother's vagina

Sitting in sophomore Italian class.

in argentina where I live

being german so it was early afternoon. Driving home from shopping with my mom when they told the news on the radio. At home dad was already watching reports on TV and shortly after the Air Force stationed nearby went into the air because a few miles away was the european headquarter of us forces

Same. I was in social studies of all classes. Also the teacher who I had then in 6th grade died a few days ago :( getting old sucks.

What year?

9th grade art class.

eufag here. was in high school, we had this week long english language course and this news ruined one whole afternoon, which was spent watching TV instead of... whatever we were supposed to do.

Working at Lloyds Bank in Southampton. Used the bank's computers to look at footage of the an heroing.