Anyone else doing benzos tonight? i'm planning on taking 3mg clonazepam soon

anyone else doing benzos tonight? i'm planning on taking 3mg clonazepam soon.
btw, i've heard you can sublingual them, but does that apply to all brands? can i sublingual the ones in my pic for a better effect?

Tastes like shit. Just eat them

Waking up to 5mg of alprozolam & coffee. Gonna be a great day.

good shit. been trying to get my doc to give me xans for a while with no success

nobody else?

get a new doc

Fortunately my pill mill running doctor believes in the "I'm not gonna stop yoy from living the life you want" attitude & landed myself a 4 bar a day habit/script. Benzos are besto's:)

xanax sucks. Kpins and Valium are better. xanny is for people who don't want to enjoy life, or function. Valium are for people who want to sleep, and kpins are for people who want to be functional with their anxiety.

I do benzos every night

Got 20x 5mg diazepam. Currently taking 10mg when anxiety. Feels amaze. How much would i need to get high, but not make a retard of myself?

i'd say a good 25mg atleast

40 mg then bump it up user
I used to drop wobbly eggs until they were banned
Also tamazipan juice
This was ten years ago every now and then I get some codine and CWE the fuckers
Them warm legs mixed with a nice joint shits cash

Seriously? Wouldnt 5 pills just make me pass out and sleep it off?

for how much do you guys gets a 2mg xanax bar?

This, ive never felt a "high" from benzos, what am i doing wrong?

it might, but if you fight the urge to sleep it should give a decent high.
don't worry about overdosing. it's very hard to overdose on benzos by themselves (a whole other story if mixing it with opiates or alcohol).

Dropping benzos with fentanyl gives you a gf

Hmm. I always planned to do three the next time. Then four etc. Till i get the high i want

I only subling benzos. No fucking point in swallowing you will feel it within seconds of subling.

Also, don't take benzos just to get fucked up because that never works the way you intend. There are better drugs to use for a high these are supposed to be used for anxiety n muscle spasms. Respect it and do heroin instead

I got some 3mg bromazepam pills
What do

if you smoke weed and pop like 2mg klonopin, will you get higher than if you took them individually?

i personally enjoy mixing benzos and bumping a few lines.

take it your bro

Is it okay if i have a cold? Ive never taken it before

yeah it's not a problem

i have to set up appointments for my benzos and opiates.
i can get both cheap on the street but im neet atm.
at least i have an adderall script to look forward to in a few days.