Well Sup Forums? Who gets it?

Well Sup Forums? Who gets it?


Old lady every time. I wouldn't give my seat up at all for the lady with the baby(if she was pregnant I would)

A because he was in it first

E because he looks tired and dirty. Hobos want to sit, too.

A. Becuase the others need to grow the fuck up and get over it. He got there first so he gets the seat.


A cause he was there first

C or D I guess

A because he bought the ticket.

If I were A, I'd likely give it up to D first

These are correct
These are cucklefucks

Asshole, you can do shit without your balls

D, for sure.
Lady with a baby can carry it, she doesnt even look pregnant.
Old lady got a cane, she will survive standing for 10 min.
the zombie hobo got legs, because he is ugly and poor doesn't mean he cant stand.

actually now that you mention it, everyone has the most cunty facial expression, like they expect me to move for them, and I'm in the way and inconvient, they are all looking down angrily at me even the zombie.

I take the woman's baby and give it the seat, as it is the least cuntish person there.

B. because two humans could occupy one seat in that case, which is the most efficient. C. needs to be dead and standing a while longer may speed that up. D. is a man and therefore should be manly enough to keep standing. E. needs to be put down before he spread the zombie virus. A. is white and male so he was screwed from the start.

A gets the seat because he's sitting in it. It's fairly his, that being said, the nice thing to do is to give it to someone else, no one is going to force A out of the chair, it's just about being a decent person. It's not about who deserves it either.

Is it really so hard for A to stand up? and only because of the 'principle' of it?

Being a decent person also means not glaring at someone for not giving up his seat because of the problems THEY got going on that HE isnt responsible for.

Is it really so hard for B C D and E to ask nicely and respectfully?

The idea that it is nice to sacrifice yourself for someone who has not earned what is yours is programmed into you from birth by a parasite culture.

Morally and rightfully, the chair DOES belong to A, and to suggest anything else is an attack on A that A did not deserve.

Sorry to get so Fountainhead on you.

E is a zombie, dumbdumb

What about the empty seat behind?


>E is a zombie, dumbdumb
>implying zombies aren't (by default) also hobo's.

Nobody deserves the seat. Public transport is first come, first serve, unless there is a legally designated handicapped/disabled/pregnant designated seating area.

A could very well have a disability that you don't know about also. It is racist and ablest to assume that white man who appears to be successful and clean cut is totally fit.

D, why does a woman with a baby need to sit? Old hag need to move more to avoid arthritis, and zombie is dead, he doesn't need to sit.

A. cucks the rest of these faggots as he sits atop his throne.

None of them. A already has a seat, and B-E are all glaring at A. So I ifnore the fuckers arguing behind me and keep sitting where I am.
>tfw open seat beside me
>tfw they'd all rather stand than sot next to me

scary monster gets it....all others are progressive liberals, fuck'em

I deserve MY seat, they can all fuck off until i'm done with it.

none of them "deserve" the seat except for A. A is already in the seat. the others may feel free to ask though.

definetely D

>B should have been with an idiot that could provide transportation
>C she soon will have the rest of eternity to lay down with no worries.
>D he should stay standing up just to learn his lesson about driving bikes
>E hobos/zombies have no rights fuck em
>A hard working man coming home from work contributes to society,taxpayer, has earned his position.

I deserve my seat but I'm a nice person I'll give it to someone who might need to sit down more than I currently do. Don't be an asshole.

A keeps his seat.
race/gender etc social construct.
amight self identify as a disabled minority.
check your pro-nouns.

or b cos the kid says she puts out.

Plenty of conservatives are disabled, pregnant, and elderly (and zombies). The only progressive is A if he gets up.


Get up and let them decide.
>not your problem anymore

B give that Hoe my seat? why? cause she spread her legs for some chad, and now expect to respect her? Fucking Bitch. Nobody is spreading legs for me, fuck you bitch and that thurd you call your child!

C Gave my seat that Old Granny. Fuck you Bitch! I worked my ass up, so the you can get Money from the State you didnt deserve. Nobody is paying for my retirement, cause declining population and shit. I Hope you die tonight!

C Stand up for that Cripple? oh, sorry to hear that you was dumb enough to broke your biggest bone. But hey, you obviosly have medical insurance, something i dont have. And they gave you drugs for the Pain, while I have to buy from some Niggers on the Street, hoping not to get stabed and shit. Fuck You captain Jack!

E Fucking Zombies. First you where just fictional characters in movies, but now you re everywhere. On TV, on Parties, in Books. Wut? u want more Rights? Like me standing up just cause you get bitten in some secret Labratory, or infected by sharing the needle with some other Zombie. Fuck you Stinky faggot, get a job!

If they look angry like that and EXPECT to be given the seat then they can fuck off tbh

Let C sit and give her the baby the rest can sit on the floor

A: that nerd bitch better get out of my seat or hes getting some balls in his face

B: fuck that bitch. Just because she shit out a kid means she gets my kid? If she made better life choices, she would have enough money to own a car. Instead she let mommy feelings take over and now the bitch is stuck standing while carrying 20 lbs of oppressive burden.

C: What, just kaus she hasn't died yet she gets preferential treatment? She's never fucked me, so why the hell should I give her my seat?

D: Clumsy bitch should be at home.

E: This is the thing I hate the most about trains, fucking homeless always hassling people for change, their seats, anything they can. Fuck the homeless. They're scum of the earth.

Am I suppose to be A in this scenario or am i sitting across from them?

Only if they ask, and it don't seem like they're about to.


"A" deserves the seat because he already had it? Lolol you fuckers wouldn't give up anything

the only right amswers are a and dm. A got on the train/bus/subway at a reasonable time and had enough yime to beat the rush and snag a seat. D is someone who obviously is injured and could use a seat. Being a mother or old is not a handicap, being female is not actually a handicap. That zombie can fuck right off and take a cab.

A. Because it even says, "your seat".

Not B. cause maybe next time fuck a guy with a car. Fuck off.

Not C. cause who cares about an old person they don't know? Fuck off.

Not D. cause if it was that bad, you'd be able to get handicap seating. Fuck off.

Not E. obviously. Fuck off.

B for Baby Lady, so she doesn't risk dropping her baby,because thats how we end up with people like OP

You guys are all doing it wrong.
>get up from seat
>look all of them in the face
>walk to the back of the bus
>watch them all argue about it

B, if the retarded bitch manages to fall the baby can be killed/maimed for life.
Or better yet, C or D get to sit (they're vulnerable to falls) and hold the baby.

Why? That fucking bitch chose to get pregnant 99 times out of 100. Fuck giving pregnant women special dispensation.

I see 3 empty fucking seats in the background. Much easier to glare at someone then look around I guess?

Is as original as it gets

Given they're all giving me the stink eye, I'd just stand up and walk away. Watch them fight over it.

D is the only valid answer.

Old lady,

I didnt ask the gurl to get pregnant and im not responsible for someone elses accidents or retardation.

So you are responsible for people getting old?

Nope, but if i were old i would appreciate a young man giving me his seat. I treat people how i would like to be treated.

a because aside from the baby he is the only friendly person there, and the baby is linked to the evil looking mother

so if you break a leg you want to get treated like shit?

Holy shit I hate this
>get out of college after like 10 hours
>tired as FUCK and carrying a heavy backpack
>Stand the whole time, waiting for the bus to arrive
>finally get a seat and put the heavy backpack on my lap

>bus arrives right in front of old people's home
>like 15 fully rested old people get in
>they all expect you to give up your seat for them, immense pressure
>all the other cucks offer their seats and I look like an asshole because I don't


No, if i brake a leg i dont expect anyone to do me any favors.
Wether it was an accident or not.

I chose A. Why? Because he is a privileged white male, so of course the others will fight him. Old lady easily dies in the carnage and cripple topples over. Depending on how insane the guy is, he will either let the pregnant women have his seat or kick her in the stomach. In the event of the former, I now have two life forms that serve as meat shields in the zombie invasion. In the event of the latter, I have a guy who was brave enough to punch a woman in the stomach beside me, if he can't fend off the zombie nobody can.

I invite C to sit on my lap. If she doesn't want to then I'ma tell them all to fuck off.

None, because clearly in the picture there are three open seats. 1 Right behind A, and 2 behind E.

A, because he pays taxes for the four others.
He's gonna pay for the baby's school.
He's paying for the pension of the old lady.
He's paying for the healthcare of the jackass.
He's gonna be eaten by the zombie.

E. hes dead tired

Unless I'm sitting in marked priority seating, none of them.

I want B to sit on my lap

Elderly lady, possibly weak legs/hips/back which means keeping her balance could be difficult. And if she falls she's the one most likely to be seriously injured.

A is a seemingly healthy adult, no problems standing up and letting someone else sit who needs it more.

who cares? Be a man and give your seat up. Let them fight it out. Its not you to decide who gets it, once you give it up.

None of em withthose shitty faces, some looked at me like that I'd probably stab then with a serrated blade


A because his wife just left him for a black bull, his son revealed that he has been on horomones for the last three years and loves the dick, his daughter is a pregnant crack whore and his dog died just that morning by being run over by the garbage truck. So all he wants to do is have a nice quiet ride to think over where did he go wrong in his life before going into the office so that he can jump out window and end his ride on the crazy train.

I would just stand up and let them decide

A, because he was there first.
If he were to give up his seat it'd go to B, because she's first in line.

The rest can get fucked.

THis is the most alpha way

E is a a fucking zombie, holy fuck, why is everyone concerned about proper seating etiquette when there a fucking outbreak happening

fokkin normies m8

Answer is simple...

>looked at me like that I'd probably stab then with a serrated blade
found the nigger

She's preggy. Take a look again fucktard.

The seat behind A is clearly empty

There are seats all around you. Yet for some reason you have a mob trying to get you out of your seat. This seat must be valuable. It must be made for only the holiest of butts, whereupon sitting upon it gives you immense pleasure in a way no other seat ever could.

Let the hunger games begin. You take your briefcase and swing it at the nearest person, who happens to be a broad who slept with some guy and expects you to give up your seat. You could have kicked her, but better to let her live with the mistake of a second vermin, so you just wack her bluntly in the head. Woman is now unconscious.

Zombie comes from the rear and attacks cripple. Cripple can't turn around, nor can he really fight back, so he dies. Now we got 2 zombies, an old lady, and an unconscious woman. The baby is by this time logically crying due to all the commotion.

The old lady will by this time be rushing forward and swinging her cane like a madman. If you noticed, there is a guy in the adjacent seat. If I jump out of my seat momentarily, he will get hit and fight her. I regain the monarchy on my seat and acquire a nearby providence.

Zombies shall by this time convert the old lady and the guy sitting next to me into zombies as well. Now the only thing protecting me is a baby and an unconscious lady. I use the opportunity to hit the female over the head again with my briefcase.

Everyone gets overrun by the zombies and get turned as well. As I was eaten in my seat, I never gave it up. Zombie mob goes to asian man behind me. I retain the monarchy on the amazing seat.

B, breeding should be encouraged because of declining birth rates.

Then D, it's temporary and you'd want the same thing extended to you if you were injured.

Then A, assuming I don't need the seat anymore.

C doesn't deserve it, old people got my country and by extent me in debt and promoted dangerous world views that might shatter our civ. I'd still give an old person my seat because I'm a gentleman, but maybe not her because she looks like an ass.

I'd kick the zombie out and call the police regardless.

Everyone in this thread is retarded and i hope none of you leave the basement and have to deal with actual people. If i was A which ever person with an issue came up to me first, i would move for. Only way i wouldnt move is if it was another grown ass able bodied man of any race or sexuality, then they can go fuck themselves

E because the zombie has zero privilege.

I don't give a shit who gets my seat, there's a fucking zombie on the train. I'm getting the fuck out of there ASAP before it infects me.

It's physically impossible for her to be that pregnant with a baby that young. Bitch is just fat

Yeaaaa but you were sitting in class all day too sooooo.....

Would only ever give my seat to a child. None of these people deserve my seat.

A always.
why are they mad at that specific person? the 4 rest should fuck off.

whichever one pays me the most.

A because it isn't priority seating. That being said if she wasn't a cunt about it and she was struggling with baby I'd let the mother take over my spot

A is literally Neo from the Matrix. The others are designed to eliminate him because he knows too much. Not choosing A is destroying all hope of escaping the Matrix.

>implying it's her baby.


user, I think you are onto something. She is actually just an insane woman from the mental ward that broke into an orphanage to steal a baby and is now using the bus to get away.

now it sounds like >