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pls marry me


>pls marry me

why would you want me...

Because you're alive~?

>Because you're alive~?

y-you too...


My future seems/feels different. Should probably ignore me~.


>My future seems/feels different. Should probably ignore me~.

what do you mean...





Letters are deaf.
And love is invisible.
My past hurts.
I hope yours is different?
I don't know.




>Letters are deaf.
>And love is invisible.
>My past hurts.
>I hope yours is different?
>I don't know.

no its not.
love is magic.
time heals.
same gos.
i know how you feel...



delete this

I see literally nothing has changed with your website. good work

Lol, time.
A shame how the past can ruin time~.

>Lol, time.
>A shame how the past can ruin time~.

a good how the future can fix time...

>I see literally nothing has changed with your website. good work

what do you mean...

I doubt I have a fortunate future.

>I doubt I have a fortunate future.

just like me...

But you live there.
How could you not have one~?

>But you live there.
>How could you not have one~?

where do i live...
i don't know how could i not have 1??...

probably deleting thread soon...

thank you...

>Error: You cannot delete a post this old.


With loved ones... obviously.

>With loved ones... obviously.

come with me...


I came. Now what?

I've missed you.

>I came. Now what?

i have no idea

>I've missed you.


Cheerful as ever, i see. I'm glad you're ok.




>Cheerful as ever, i see. I'm glad you're ok.

i am?... y-you too...

i have to go now...

thank you for everything...


I haven't kept up with this shit ever since it first came out

What the hell happened while I was gone? Anything substantial like a boyfriend or making improvements on not being a complete piece of shit? Or has everything remained the same for all these years?

You're still on the green side of the grass. We'll call it a win.