Hey, look, I found these tissues lying around in your room! Why do they smell so weird?

>Hey, look, I found these tissues lying around in your room! Why do they smell so weird?

How do you explain yourself?

how dare you speak to me, cripple.
in Trump's American you're not a person

I'd just tell her that I blew cum in them and she should wash her hands. Also don't touch my shit


"Who the fuck are you and how the fuck did you get up the stairs on your own? Now, get the fuck out before I show you a very quick way to get down the stairs again."


Get out of my room

I fuck its mouth

kick her off and throw her out of the window.
Finally a Wheelchair for me

If they are just lying around it means they are USED tissues,why the fuck would you pick up used tissues and just smell them wtf
if the tissues werent used youd find them in the package with the others you dumb bitch

reminded me of the time when i saw a disabled guy fall off his scooter.
he was having trouble getting back up.
i slowly drove past him.
always felt bad about it
and then i heard he touched a kid in the restroom of a public pool
i am still an asshole but im not a kid toucher asshole...not yet at least

>tell her that the tissue isn't mine
>the tissue can only be from someone else
>notice her wheelchair
>Ask her if she wants to be my wheels
>I'll be the legman
>she rejects
>she knew it was my cum tissue

how the fuck did you get upstairs?

Oh my GOD look at how tiny her legs are!!!


Isn't there some kind of electric muscle stimulation they can give people like her?

I mean, I know she can't use them, but isn't it bad to let your legs atrophy like that?

There was a picture going around of a wheelchair girl lying on a bed trying to look sexy - with no ass. Her ass was just her bones with skin hung over them. It was horrifying.

You'd think they could at least put these people on mild steroids or something to force the body to build muscle and not become some revenant living corpse.

theyre baby wipes and ive been using them to wipe off my sweat after i work out, not that youd know anything about exercise with those toothpicks you call legs

If you're paralyzed, loss of muscle mass can only be prevented to some degree, and it doesn't have any practical application.

purely for looks?
i read your post as a dumb blonde

I would fuck her all night, the way I want. What bad can happen? She's already in a wheelchair.

Sometimes when you walk some waking juice comes out of your third leg you wouldn't know because of your disability and what not.

She could get pregnant.

damn, sex dolls have come a long way. at leaast they fixed the running away problem

I jacked off in them bitch.

What the fuck is Hila doing in a wheelchair?