Yo Sup Forums assist me

Yo Sup Forums assist me

Turn 21 in two days, never really drank before as a solid follower of the law. Dad offered me a beer once at 16, did not like it at all.

What do I drink/what beer doesn't suck?

Try Everclear

Id start out with something like Popov or everclear

I find that whatever you normally drink, there is an alcohol that tastes good mixed into it.
I used to drink ginger ale, now I just add whiskey.

Start with what you like, and google a cocktail with that as an ingredient.

drink a fourth of rum with coca cola like a real man.

Grt off Sup Forums dad

don't drink, it will kill you

Get a 40oz of beer. It's best to get ya piss drunk for cheap.

>rum and coke
> man
okay ma'am

op should do it. he'll have fun breaking in his 21st birthday. drink a whole bottle op. Do it do it do it

What softdrink do you normally consume?

Dr. Peppah

drink fuckin hennessy and coke or black cherry grey goose

Ah, can't help you there then, no idea what goes well with Dr Pepper as we don't have that in Aus

nigger drink until you black out dont be a pussy

Just get Rum and Coke, do you have Captain Morgan Spice/White?

Dude... Makers Mark and Dr pepper is baller. That is your new drink.


>what beer doesnt suck

if you want to get yourself liking beer i would suggest blue moon. it has a pleasant orange flavor. also always draft not bottle if possible, for any beer

alcohol sucks and is nothing but a waste of time

antifreeze is nice