ITT: Write your deepest thought about anything

ITT: Write your deepest thought about anything

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Every time I masturbate I'm committing genocide

the nothing noths

Sometimes i love life

We are currently living in a post-1984 police state.

masturbating is a homosexual act because it is a sexual act with a member of your same sex

I like dubbies


China is gay


I was passed up for a promotion at work. They hired someone else who ended up being kind of like my boss. The situation was very difficult for me. I loved my workplace, my work, and the people I worked with. I felt rejected and unwanted.

I eventually quit. Been unemployed ever since. Before quitting, I had a couple of conversations about my grief with my direct supervisor.

I remember her saying, with this weirded out look: "I didn't know this position was so important to you. Most people just bounce back after a while, but you're taking it really hard."

The way that she looked at me, it was like I was wrong for caring. Like it was unusual, or even inappropriate that I still felt aggrieved 2 weeks later. Now, I was voicing my discontent professionally, but it was still obviously a difficult situation for me.

Is it awkward to care? Is it awkward to feel pain or embarrassment? I quit, not so much out of anger, but out of not wanting to expose people to my pain and embarrassment. Why didn't I just "bounce back" after two weeks like she suggested? Am I fucking autistic or what? Is it wrong care about shit? Is it wrong to vocalize your thoughts, even if they are measured and respectful? WTF is wrong with me

The attacks on the world trade centers on 09/11/2001 were most likely an inside job to justify invading foreign countries and it's going to happen again to the trump tower sometime in 2020

Democracy is a charade in its current form

First layer of perception: random movement, reactions to surroundings. Most humans live their whole lives on this level.

Second layer of perception: goal-oriented movement, reactive.

Third layer of perception: endogenously derived goals, proactive/avoids conditions which could derail goals.

Fourth layer of perception: by studying one's surroundings, a deep thinker can perceive hidden information. Using hidden information, one can make the best possible decisions to approach ones' goals.

i miss having sex with my sister. especially when she was 13.

Everything in life has been easy. Everything I've done has come easy. The problem? I have no motivation. I can't find a reason to do anything. I can't think of a reason why any of it matters.


are you lena dunham?

no. but i understand her.

I dream frequently that I am controlling another version of my self but in another time line.

In every single time line I never manage to shoot first. God fucking damn it!

How many versions of myself have I gotten killed because I try a peaceful resolution!? Every time I say "This time it'll be different" but every fucking time I always manage to hesitate too long!
Waking up in a fit of adrenaline and sweat but its always to late.

Fucking home invader getting to a version of myself's hidden gun and I get shot through the wall coming back up the stairs with my spare to shoot his ass through the wall.

Another version of me dies because I try to talk down a cheating fuck with a gun.

Another dies getting blind sided by poorly equipped bandits in a long eroded and lost to wilderness version of the New York while trying to lose a puma in the grassy alleyways.

How fucking many of my versions have to die before its my turn? What version of me will do it? How's he going to be controlling me when its my time?

Will he fail too? HE BETTER FUCKING NOT!

I think that you're a very sensitive person, user. Nothing wrong with that.

Try to realize that the person you were talking to is just a person. You can't take their reaction as the means of all life. She probably had a mini panic attack because she wasn't used to dealing with actual emotion. She probably didn't realize the true pain and fear behind the statement. If you're really looking for honest feedback to your problems (and I'm not saying this condescendingly), try a therapist.

nah, but a lot of cops act untouchable until the united thing happens and then poof! all credibility gone and maybe the career, too. north korea is a 1984 police state just like russia and china. trump wants to turn america into one, but he'll fail.

I didn't fix my sock before I went for a long walk and now I have a blister. I should have fixed the sock. ):

If god created us in his image, and god by nature is a formless infinite spirit, does the Genesis of mans creation begins as a soul? Or are the heavens filled with empty shells waiting for our forms to be placed in them?

Yeah, I don't take her specific reaction that serious. That's just one aspect of the entire situation that replays over and over in my mind.

thanks for your thoughts. This happened over a month ago and I think about it every single day. Still waiting to bounce back.

I'm not good enough.

its all fake. dont worry about it.

I'm waiting for the bounce back, too. It's not easy, but I know it can be better, as long as I don't let the negative shit bring me down.

For what?

for dubs.

nothing's gonna stop me, i won't let them.

The world is a business. The problem is we are the consumers.

you mean the product, dumbass.

Good luck man. I think we will both be alright.

Image isn't fully about appearance but also character traits, we were created without sin just as God is without sin, created to love one another just as He loves us, etc. While its true that God doesn't have a 'form' we are a perfect organism designed to function above the creatures of the Earth.

I feel you buddy. I recently quit my job of three years. I wasn't exactly superseded by the new guy, but I left my position knowing that the new guy was itching to take on my responsibilities. No worries. I've been unemployed for one day now but I can't afford to wait for a new job. I had two interviews yesterday and I have another one lined up today. I'm determined to be hired by the end of the week. I'm nervous af though.

Nothing matters here. You are a little tiny dot in an astoundingly huge universe. Don't try to look for any reason to live. Just live. Because in the end, you'll end up dead, no matter how rich, powerful or happy you are. We are all the same in the end. Get out of here and go tell that person that you love him or her, go spend time with your beloved ones, or go have a good time with your friends because one day it all will be over. Nothing matters, so don't try to look for an objective in live. Enjoy life with the rest as long as you can.
We are all gonna die. Thank you.

No, I mean consumers, because each one of us chooses to drain more from the earth and destroy it. Each one of us contributes to slavery just to have some gay fancy shirt. Each one of us is the cause of a 10,000 dead animals, domestic and wild. 100 acres of forest cut in my name. In your name. We are the enablers of the fuckery going on in the world. I see your viewpoint though. I won't say you're wrong. We've been conditioned this way.

If you're brave enough, you can fuck anything.

just enjoy the ride down user. dont fight it. its over. its been over for a while.

What the fuck is the point of anxiety? Why does it even exist? All it does and did is ruin my fucking life. I can't drive a car, get a job, get groceries, or talk to people. I feel like I am in a constant state of fear.

I just want it to stop.

The only thing keeping me from suicide is knowing that it's as pointless as living

your lion detector is broken.

its not that it has no purpose.

I wish that I had done that differently...

Best of luck to you my friend.

I received a job offer today, but only part time and not a great hourly rate. Perhaps I'll take that and coast along for a while.

There are some other opportunities as well. Yesterday I had an interview at the local NBC station for a summer internship. Fingers crossed...

There is only one problem in the world. Its not guns, its not violence and rape, it's not drugs, its humans. Once you solve the human problem, you solved every problem the world has.

Unfortunately, the human problem is also the solution to every single thing that will came from a lack of humans.

Ask yourself if the human problem is worth the human solution

Lol, butts

Have you even read 1984?

It's called a disability for a reason.

The best way I found to deal with it is just pretend it isn't there. Most of the time it doesn't work, but every now in a great while, it works. And every time it works, I feel that much stronger.

Think only of the positives that have come as a result of your decision

I wish I was better at writing, however I'm an artist that wants to display deep shit visually, trying to figure out how though. I want my drawings to present the kind of visual depth found in the Berserk manga and Gustav Doré pieces

Thanks user, I try

OP: I am a faggot

right in the feels ._.

Anxiety has many purposes. Namely, keeping you alive. You exist today because your ancestors felt the exact same anxiety you believe is ruining your fucking life. & yet somehow they managed to survive and procreate....hmmm.

Fear is your friend who is misunderstood. Just because you are afraid to take action, or feel anxious, doesn't mean you can't take that action. Obviously, this is easier said than done.

One of the dangerous pitfalls of mental illness like depression or anxiety is that we build walls around ourselves and set unreasonable limits for ourselves. For me, I have lived with severe anxiety for my entire life.

If you want my advice or care to consider it, here it is: Change your vocabulary. Do not say I can't. Ever. Do not assume your life is ruined. When you say these things, you believe them. When you believe them, they are true. Even if they aren't actually true. Whether you're willing to accept this or not, it's true. You have the cognitive ability to process your stress in a proactive and reasonable manner. No, it's not easy. No, it's not always our first instinct. But you ARE capable of organizing your sensory input. You are capable of making distinctions between real threats and imaginary threats (getting groceries). The kicker is that you can only break the cycle if you change your vocabulary and give up the "I can't" attitude.

Write. Just write. Take a night where you're feeling particularly full, and just unload. Leave it for a day or two, then come back to it. Remember when you're reading it that it's pure emotion and it might not make sense. This is your block of marble. Use it to craft whatever it is you need to. Also remember you aren't doing this for anybody but yourself.



Not that user. I read it once. All I remember was the main character banging that girl in the woods or something. It was doubleplus good.

The force can only truly be in balance when there are no force users.

good advice

Why does 1 minus 1 have to equal 0 when 0 already equals 0?

Then we must seek Buddha, we must seek Christ, we must seek therapy, I was just saying that we probably should...

She probably expected someone in your position to bounce back.

To see your "rejection" as a set back, a hurdle, an obstacle to be navigated. Rather than having a tantrum.

I would suggest your reaction to the situation, is indicative of why you were passed over for promotion.

In future, ask for feedback, and build on any weaknesses.

Pineapple goes on pizza

This too shall pass.


because 1-1 = 0 and 0 = 0, they're both true, kek

Point being, there is no reason to have two entities if you can have zero entities with the same result.

feel you man. worked a shit dead end job for 3.5 years. quit after my bosses denied me vacation. when i came to drop off my equipment and get my last check the owner of the company told me i was one of the worst employees they'd ever had and that they kept me around because they felt bad for me. i thanked them for their charity, drove out for the last time and felt alternately nothing and a thousand pounds lighter.

don't ever fucking work for a small family company. they're slave drivers.
yeah yeah inb4 blog.

If the official narrative denies any problems with minorities and the majority has to do or say things or is not allowed to do or say some other things, when is the majority acually "opressed" by the minorities and there allies like the media, government, etc.?

When did it become neccessary, to care about everybody's feelings? And when did this "hatecrime" and "fakenews" thingy rise?

Why isnt there at least one bigger player in the game who realizes that this does more damage than good?

I think this stops us from progression. Am i alone on this?

You learn to read, then you read to learn.

hatecrimes have been around for decades but fake news is from something trump said around the time just after he was inaugurated. everything's fucked up. not just because the left didn't win. everyone is wrong in the global situaion and something feels very off about it.

Original poster, a male from the homo sapiens genus, is indeed a very large homosexual (Also known as a faggot). Original poster indulges in the sucking of the same sexes reproductive organ. Many Niggers from Africa gather in one location to penetrate Original posters anus with their reproductive organs. Not much is known as to why the Niggers do this, but we know for certain that Original poster very much enjoys it when the Niggers with large reproductive organs come to penetrate his anus. When Original poster is not being penetrated by Niggers he is usually masturbating to Shotas on the popular website Sup Forums.

It all started with people like you who kept bringing it up. As long as it keeps being talked about, it'll never go away

I didn't have a tantrum. I expressed myself concisely and respectfully then resigned. Clearly I was depressed and disappointed, but never angry or disrespectful. If that approach constitutes a tantrum, then I still have a lot to learn about the workplace in general (I'm 25).

I suppose it's better to be fake and pretend that it bother me. Right now I suppose I'm just not at a point where I can fake happiness or contentment I'm not ready to be a jaded, robotic employee who pretends to feel nothing in order to get a paycheck. I would rather be poor and have my integrity.

I do understand your perspective, though. I have definitely looked back painstakingly on every little transgression I made during that period. At the end of the day, it was probably my fault as you suggested. However, in this situation I felt highly qualified and uniquely experienced for the position, so I just couldn't accept the decision.

because they're the same thing, 1-1 literally is the same thing as 0, and 1-1=1-1, and 0=0, and 0=1-1, etc.

just like how one person can have different names

Deep thoughts... well, I've become something of an environmental nihilist. Not that I don't believe in climate change (don't care to debate, idgaf) but that I don't think we have an inherent responsibility to care.

Caring about the climate is 100% a selfish cause. If we want to continue as a species, we should worry about the environment, and find ways to either adapt to the change, or prevent it. Will it matter in our lifetimes? Not really. Ocean raises a few feet, coastal cities build levees to keep out sea water, blah blah. If it continues, though, within a few hundred years the earth won't be able to sustain the amount of people on it without huge leaps in technology. So, if you want people to be around after you're gone, go right ahead and be an environmentalist.

>but muh polar bears

If they can't adapt to the changes that are taking place, then they are an evolutionary dead end. A different, better adapted species will step up to their niche in the food chain. Should we feel sorry for the wooly mammoth or dire wolf? Fuck no. Nature is a bitch, and killed them off. Because of this, we have the species we have. In a million years, we will have different shit that is struggling to adapt to whatever is going on at that point. Species come and go all the time on a geologic time scale.

Why do some humans think that we can keep everything in a perfect little time capsule that everything that exists now should exist forever? It's an absurd concept.

Lol are we still talking about Star Wars?

Yeah hatecrime has been around longer, thats true.
I just got the feeling its more present in the past months/year. As for fakenews.. they may exist they may dont. But what makes me wonder, is who decides if it is fakenews or "acrtual" news.

I mean couldnt it be more subtle?
This is just basically difamming everything which gies against their own narrative.
No critical questions asked.. This is so fucked up.

I doubt that it started with people like me.
I would even say that people like you are a bigger part of the problem, because being silent about it doesnt make it go away.
It is impossible for me to understand your way of thinking that if you criticize something it would make you part of the very problem you criticized.. thats just bs.

>First layer of perception: random movement, reactions to surroundings. Most humans live their whole lives on this level.
>Second layer of perception: goal-oriented movement, reactive.
>Third layer of perception: endogenously derived goals, proactive/avoids conditions which could derail goals.
>Fourth layer of perception: by studying one's surroundings, a deep thinker can perceive hidden information. Using hidden information, one can make the best possible decisions to approach ones' goals.

I've saved this to my notes, thank you

Nah man, 'cause each shot would only make a limited number of babies. Normally only one. Also, who would fuck you?

Yeah, you're right. Ignoring it won't make it go away. Maybe I'm a bit of an optimist, hoping it'll go away, hoping people really aren't that ignorant? Unfortunately they are. And also unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot we can do to change those ignorant people's minds.

I have deja vu that last for 1-2 minutes at a time. During that time, I know what is going to happen in the next few moments and react exactly as I remember the situation going down. These moments trouble me because it feels like I am tied down to a certain fate that I cannot escape. It makes me question my grasp on the idea of free will.

You cannot be both omnipotent and have a will therefore God does most certainly not exist.

please remain where you are. a technician will be at your door soon. expect a door knock.

What if the universe is a simulation and we're running on the lowest possible graphics settings

I'm always skeptical whenever i see a woman cry about anything that doesnt involve the death of a close one.

humanity is cancer.

There is no reasonable explanation for free will.

That feeling you get when you first see somebody, that "first impression", I believe it's actually the subconscious mind which instantly checked all the non verbal signals sent by the person and then told your conscious mind what he found out. That feeling is usually correct so listen to it !

I wish I liked olives, but I don't

fake news is news that is provably false (or unprovable) yet is published anyway by someone who knows it is false.

true altruism does not exist.

Prepare to have your mind blown about the infinite universe.

I was hoping too..
Just afraid that me missed that train a long time ago...

Political Corectness is a slow and insidious killer of truth.

One of my own

If God created you differently is that to blame for you to not believe in him like others


If God created you the same, is the way you were raised the cause for you to not believe in him the the way others do

Honest question

If it makes you feel any better user they only hired her likely because she was a woman and nothing at all to do with her credentials or whether she was actually qualified or had done good work. Who knows what kind of law suit she could have pulled if they hadn't hired her. And she's a walking liability because she'll demand maternity leave at some point like all dumb cunts eventually do. No one would have ever said it out loud but they probably preferred having a solid, dependable male around instead of a walking time bomb. Good luck to you in your next endeavor and just realize the deck is now stacked against you if you aren't a minority, it's going to require a bit of toughness

This would be the ideal use of said word.
I highly doubt it is used in such a way.

Everything not conform with your version of the story, could be easily shut down with one line: Fake News!

Again.. if there's trivial knowledge about something, such things as Fake News doenst have to exist because its trivial.

I just have the feeling, the only parties complimented by such a phrase would be those who try tom push a specific narrative.