As its 4/20 best films to watch high bread

As its 4/20 best films to watch high bread

Drop Dead Gorgeous


pineapple express


The Holy Mountain
Naked Lunch
The Devils
Planet Terror

not a movie but the eric andre show

Beyond the Black rainbow,
Enter the void

checkin' in from éire

Sásta Lá Fhéile Raithneach
is amádain sibh
deatach gach lá!

Half Baked adw

fuck, i thought i was the only one to watch this when i'm stoned
i tried to show it to some of my friends but i feel like it doesnt seem so funny to someone who isnt completely baked

Altered States followed by Midnight Express followed by Big Blue. Bong hard before, during and after. Abit of acid to really polish of the evening. No need for reality after that.

Idle Hands is a pretty good movie

Smiley Face
hands down the best stoner movie I've ever seen

yea! Go Go Buffalo!

event horizon is fucking brilliant baked.

Blow, memento, fight club, wanted, kid cannabis

The stoned age

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Inception, looper, hersher

Dazed and Confused

Gayniggers from Outer Space

Poor Little White Guy

Time Bandits

What we do in the shadows


Time Traveling thieving midgets: can't go wrong.

I don't know many folks who've seen this gem.

I'm gonna eat shrooms and smoke later and I'll start the trip with Time Bandits. Thanks for the reminder user


Watch Perfect Blue instead.





Never understood it as a kid. Makes more sense under different circumstances.

End of Evangelion if you're a weeb. Of course, you should also watch the full anime beforehand, but it's incredible regardless.


A bunch of midgets were hired by god to repair all of the holes in space time. Instead they stole the map to all of the holes and used it to steal from famous figures in history.

Terry motherfucking Gilliam

Fucking THIS


I remember an animated film with a guy wearing a lampshade clicking it on and off. That was pretty fucked, but I have no idea what it was called and that was 20+ years ago.