To be a female...

To be a female. You can be paid by lonely men on cam sites to pleasure yourself or can get money thrown at you for simply existing on Twitch. Attraction or personality not required.

When does male privilege start kicking in?

You've got to have personality. Also you need either big tits, a good ass or a 7/10 face. It's not like every female can do that shit user.

Sure they can. There's older and fatter women who stream on cam sites. They don't make as much money as the 18 y/o fresh Euro girls but some of them still make bank.

Then you have girls like pink sparkles on Twitch. She's trailer trash but has big tits and white knight donations come pouring in.

Some men will grow fascinated with women they've never met and will probably never meet. They'll sit in their channel 24/7 waiting for them to get on so they can read their donations.

Also, the sugar daddy fetish which is weird.

Idgaf, who is that woman

If you're decent looking and have a nice dick you can make like £50-£100 a week on sites like chaturbate, apparently ..I'm tempted to start doing it

Wow! a whole 50-100 euros! you fucking loser.

amanda cerny
she was in playboy

haha, sorry Richie fucking Rich

>To be a female. You can be paid by lonely men on cam sites to pleasure yourself or can get money thrown at you for simply existing on Twitch. Attraction or personality not required.
Has it struck you that this says more about the weak men who pay rather than the women who exploit that weakness?

yeah I don't blame them (the women that is)

Men have been taking care of women since the sexes existed. All animals do. The male provides. It is part of our instincts and psychology. Now the dynamics have changed. Women can go work. Men still want to take care of them. So they give them money. What is not to understand? Women take advantage of it, whether they are consciously aware of it or not

There's loads of example of the female providing for the male and the family in the animal kingdom, use google bitch

Same here. If I was a girl I'd do it too, no shame in using your natural talent to get dumb guys to give you money.

Yep, you're exactly right. I've gotten gifted multiple games over steam by a few whiteknights and I didn't even ask. They just did it because I had a vagina.

Feels good to have privilege!

I went through a time after I got my first job where I was travelling all over the fucking place.
And when I say travelling all over I mean all over the midwest. North Dakota/South Dakota/NW Nebraska. The middle of fucking nowhere.
Spent $400 or so on the cam whores during a six month period. Beta as fuck but it gets crazy lonely out there. The attention was nice.

Cool, stupid. Women provide in SOME cases with humans as well, dumbass. I'm talking about over thousands of years, idiot. I'm talking about fundamentals that have been built on over thousands of years, retard. Do you not understand basic psychology in humans, bitch? Like I said, what is not to get, fag?

You have greater physical power on average.

Both genders have their flaws and strenghts. Stop whining about it dude.

Amanda Cerny, botched boob job.

t. male feminist

When you start making money and have women around you who know that they rely upon you.
When that happens you will start to see women defer to you, work to make you happy and put up with your bullshit.

haha. i love how at the end of every sentence the last word was an insult , funny.

I don't think you understand what you're saying, bro.

He sounds like a twelve year old. Who doesn't understand why he sounds like a twelve year old.