The government lies about the earth being round because its easier to get people to word if people think they live on a...

the government lies about the earth being round because its easier to get people to word if people think they live on a ball because its like "we live on a ball so dont try to go anywhere and just stay there and work"

How has being retarded affected your daily routine?



you're right, consider how small the sun looks at noon, and how big at sunset / sunrise, earth is flat dude

>"we live on a ball so dont try to go anywhere"

As opposed to walking/swimming off the end....

.. Dick!

fatuous comment - he could easily step onto one of the elephants, or leap down to the turtle

You're a fucking retard. See unlike you closed minded fleshers, I've gone to the astral plane repeatedly. I've seen the earth in its spherical glory and transcended beyond the plane of requiring the notions of others to craft my world view.

I've been to the outer reaches of the solar system, and to the inner cores of our earth and sun.

You people need to spend less time arguing the government and them trying to educate you. And more time worrying about Antichthon. They're far technologically superior, and within another decade will begin their construction of the Dyson Sphere, and including earth is not in their plans.


t. Non astral projecting shitter.

id love to learn to astral project and see things like this for myself. do you have a guide for me to follow or?

If the earth is flat, you would be able to see mount everest with a telescope from California. The flat earth shit is just a distraction from the upcoming disclosure of ETs.

i've long suspected the world is indeed flat, because the compass pointing north should not be horizontal, it should be pointing down(through the ground towards north pole).
also the world appearing round when on plane is easily explained because the light reflected from the enviroment from a long distance on the round cornea makes it appear round - it's just an illusion.
also if you just look at the nasa images of earth, they change constantly, as CGI progresses.
It is all finally making sense. the world being flat just makes more sense and it feels so right.

Yeah, open your mind, faggot. You can't astral project if you can't even thell the shape of the material plane you reside on.

Look for the Llewellyn practical guide to astral projection. By Denning &Philips

fucking goverment psyop trying to distract from hollow earth with these ridicilous flat earth claims. FUCK OFF SHILLS NOBODY BELIEVES A WORD OF WHAT YOU SAY.

why are you being mean to me :'(((

thank you very much


Magnetism is curved, dipshit.

there is too much air in the way. same way you can't see very far away under water. please use your branes
you truly will believe anything as long as it is written in a textbook and fed to you when you are young enough. magnetism is straight, just drop two magnes next to each other, they will always take the shortest route.

can you imagine humans needing to eat and live and work if we lived on a disk? Unheard of

Fleshers are not a thing, antichthon is one of you autism words mom hits you for saying, and Dyson is a vacuum cleaner company.

I'd say don't reproduce, but it's fairly obvious you won't.

Waist of a good dubs... bad b8 m80

Isn't this just a fucking joke from like the most recent Joe Rogan podcast

People are flat!

Nigga I know it's 420 today and all but damn, slow down a little

yeah, eddie bravo said the funniest shit

You can literally see a magnetic field using iron filings. They are curved outward from the either pole. Guess your autism homeschooling curriculum omitted that basic exercise.



Magnetism is penis shaped.

Irrefutable proof!!!!


that is possible

Quoted that from JRE fucking faggot.

Shouldn't you be at practice kyrie?


No you can't 'literally' see a magnetic field using iron fillings. I don't think you know what "literally" means. Also curved poles could easily be faked with a spell of some sort.

Not how the magnetic pull of earth works retard. Not how magnets work.

i have a surrogate:
we live on a paper plate so feel free to leave by taking a flying leap off the edge. don't just stay here and work.

>with a spell of some sort

well eddie bravo was fucking correct

I bet you're a juggalo.


Source and story?

Yea, literally. Like you are literally a dumpster troll or legit tard.

You are fucking retarded.

Spoken like a true flesher that can't into astral form.

Its 4:30 where I am.

>with a spell of some sort
cringe thread now huh ?

Said the one with atrocious grammar skills and poor education.

Oh, I get. It you just saw the Dr. Strange movie. You are that kid that tried to go super Saiyan in the lunchroom and sharted himself.


But nobody knows how magnes work, it's still one of the 11 biggest world mysteries.
Sure there are some good theories, but no facts yet.

Also ignore the trolls, the image I have provided is how the world REALLY looks. Note - the South Pole does not exist at all and Antarctica is instead a gigantic ice-wall extending the circumference of Earth holding in the oceans like a giant bowl, or a “world cup.”

I have revealed the truth to you now, you may act on this knowledge I have passed on to you anyway you with. But I recommend you don't talk about it in public, there are agents everywhere. They will release mocking sounds to discredit you. You have been warned.


>Oh, I get. It you just saw the Dr. Strange movie.
You don't actually know what a flesher is, do you?

Its what us astrals call you plebian garbage stuck in flesh form.

Its like youre purposefully trying to make more stupid people to make fun off later

Dyson spheres are a real thing tho, in concept


The real question is, even if it was flat who cares. It makes no difference.

Dyson spheres are extremely impractical you dunce. A civilisation capable of building one wouldn't be stupid enough to, but would instead turn those resources into constructing a similar megastructure like a Dyson Swarm.

Just look at the UN logo, they are showing you the truth right on your face! They know the programming instilled in you from a young age will prevent you from accepting reality the way it really is, no matter how many piles of evidence are presented!

Nice bait, OP.


Nah bro. Earth is going to be demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass.

dubs confirms is the vogons are already on their way

>Being ignorant of reality fdor the sake of making a shitty third rate book reference.

laugh it up while you can, faggot.