Explain how Homosexuality is mental sickness

Explain how Homosexuality is mental sickness

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> LGBT against islamophobia
OPs pic does that well enough
everyone in that picture should be shipped to an islamic nation; they can only come back if they survive a year

Because they can't make babby

Op's image is my explanation

reproduction is the basic main goal of life. if gay you choose to not mate. its against your basic instincts.

What is "babby"?

>homosexuality is natural occuring but comes from environmental or genetic regeneration
>islamophobia is a word made up by fundamentalistic sheikhs in qatar and saudi arabia

but why do I have a prostata if no one should stimulate it?

Simple. An organism is built to reproduce and pass on genes. This stops them from doing so, which would be classified as a disability. According to nature, you're either fucking stupid or disabled.

Those fuckers don't realize that their kind is being hung and thrown off buildings in the Middle East. They don't realize they are protecting islamofascists, and that they will be the first ones to go once it's no longer a minority.

To add on, all homosexual animals in the wild end up dying without producing offspring, the polar opposite of the reason things are alive

>the reason things are alive
are you really this retarded?

So how does homosexuality persist if it won't be inherited ever?

It's a genetic disease, actually.

Setting aside neat rhetorical tricks that make black equal white, you're left with reproductive organs being used to fertilize turds instead of eggs.


helps overpopulation, happens in nature anyways

To all the faggots saying it's genetic it's proven to not be


Look at how retarded those homos look defending something that is completely against them wow just wow
It's really mental disorder

>there are a lot of errors in nature
it's not a perfect system

Explain how is that different from hetero couples having anal, using condoms, or not wanting children

>we exist to reproduce
speak for yourself faggot, I exist to have fun

its not, they just need some reason to vilify people who aren't like them

>happens in nature
yes, lots of defects happen in nature
>helps overpopulation
not really

It's an instinct to prevent overpopulation, for the good of the group/species

To all the faggots saying it's not genetic it's proven to be


They are literally insane. Do they even know how people live under sharia law??

>not reproducing
>not helping overpopulation

no, just survive the arrival

how is it different for a man to have sex with a woman (which is normal) but avoid pregnancy as compared to a man cumming in another man? well, the drive is normal. that's the difference.

Thats leftism, not homosexuality

holy fuck, this place sounds like a sorority

>gr8 b8

Don't presume that you have the right to decide the meaning of my life.

I said it doesn't really help
Straight people going from 3-kid families to 2-kid families reduces pop growth by 33%.
Fags not reproducing would reduce it by 2%.
And fags do reproduce now.

Well in Men if you wanna fuck an asshole find a girl they got both. Not to mention its digusting the thought of 2 guys getting it on. I call fags freaks because thats what they are, they are abominations and should be put to death like the freaks they are. As for lesbians, well there is no balls touching so its ok. It seems lesbians are miles above more acceptable than faggots.

lol these retards... islam wants to kill gay people

>you need to hav sexuals lol otherwise life is meeningless
t. only teenagers

Okay, Brenda. Tell Kirsten to get more wine coolers when she goes to Whole Foods.

>Explain how Homosexuality is mental sickness

That picture answers everything


kill yourself

A baby with down syndrome

homosexuals are just bisexuals who gave up the opposite sex probably because they are ugly or have some sort of personality flaw

No it's not


Because you want to be impaled on a nigger cock? No, you.

No, because you're a retard. The gene pool would be better off if you didn't contribute.

nah. it's probably the same as evolution. an error turned out to be useful in some way


It's impossible to explain to someone they have a mental disability because crazy people don't know they're crazy. Case closed faggots

Normal? How's it normal if you fertilize a latex penis bag? Clearly it's a bad argument. Straight people fuck for fun just as much as gay people. They just have the choice.

100% true


LGBT against Islamophobia

Hahahaha are they for real?


>no penis cuts
>decent penises for all

Too late, I have three kids.
I guess I know what my sex organs are for...

>Explain how Homosexuality is mental sickness

Fags and dykes are insane.

They have a normal sex drive. The man wants to go balls deep and empty his seed in a vag. He doesn't for a variety of reasons, but his desire is normal.

Producing genetic pollution, apparently.

ah anonymous narrative
as satanclaus i birth 27 fully-developed /btards from my 9-chambered anus every .236 seconds

>are they for real
under contemporary islam?
they'd be first to die
for real

Right, because wanting to inseminate some man's half-digested lunch makes you a genetic superman.

>Natural selection

You aren't special faggot. Your kids will just grow up to be more wastes of precious resources, just like you.

It would almost be worth it.

Biggest mental disorder in the world is Liberalism.
Am I right

confused you are
the strain of failed rationale it is

It's like the jews made a group called "Jews against anti-nazism".

>precious resources
Holy shit, you have the whole tumblr ideology down pat, gayboy.

ad hominem you post
boring you are

i may not live long enough to see it
but it's otw
contemp West is far too weak culturally, socially to withstand a unified attack by those familiar with bloodshed and living with daily death and brutality

this is /b
where are you?
orient yourself on all axes

You really aren't very bright.

1. Because they are more likely to have suffered from sexual abuse or neglect from childhood.
2. Are more likely to be overly promiscuous or engage is high risk sexual behavior
3. Were at one point diagnosed as having a mental disorder, but the APA was lobbied by a bunch of pedos to remove the diagnosis from the first DSM update, and it was removed. It wasn't removed because of lack of scientific validity

Appeal to Nature. ROFL. Grow a brain shitstain. Why don't we thump our chests and start killing for survival too?

You wouldn't be such a leftist twat if you weren't also an arrogant fuck. They go hand in hand, or in your case, dick in butt.
Anyway, if you'd like to take the conversation to a brighter lever, be my guest. Shall we talk Foucault or Judith Butler?

Are you so fucking stupid that you really don't realize that discussions of illness are premised on what is natural?

Certainly one of the greatest crimes against reason was when a political lobby convinced the DSM to drop homosexuality from its handbook of mental disorders. You can trace grotesqueries like Bruce Jenner to that very moment.

Why would I go that far when you can't even distinguish between libertarianism and leftism.


it's a slippery slope when society gets to dictate what is 'normal'.

Certainly I can. Obviously, you can't. You seem of the imbecilic position that we've even discussed the law or how the state should treat sodomites.

The slippery slope is, literally, a logical fallacy.

Still better than liberals deciding

Nobody cares

Well, technically, people who don't want to be illogical do care.

cis swine the slippery slope is fundamental to all liberal thinking

Why should I even entertain having a serious debate with you now? You've already responded to my initial disagreement with a childish display of mockery, go fuck yourself.

What would happen if a fag and a dyke fell in love and had a baby though?

I sense that you're uneducated and afraid. A lot of degenerates seem to think they have a monopoly on education and deep reading, and so when they encounter someone better read and better educated who isn't a cultural relativist or a champion of libertinism, they get very defensive. Don't feel too bad. I see it all the time.

probably this

>cultural relativist
Not him but holy fuck, all these "evol libturd communist" meme buzzwords and that condescending attitude
You sound insufferable

We do faggot.
You are the negative consequence of Western Civilization.
>Completely removed from human nature


That Libtard deserve anal gang rape by some Somali or Boko Haram member.

errrrrrr he would fucking love it

you might consider, after you gargle all that cum in your mouth, that I didn't use any of the words you quoted as meme buzzwords.
Homosexuals are degenerate. Cultural relativism is a philosophical position people stake. If you can't argue, fine. But I actually find your lazy thinking insufferable.

Shame about the glasses though i bet those eyes are wide and saying WTF