Are the Vietnamese unstoppable?

Are the Vietnamese unstoppable?

Other urls found in this thread:úc_massacre



Because they are chinese.

But the Chinese have been BTFO time and time again. Including by you David Kun.

But I'm japanese.

No you're not.

You're either a proxy, a military fag, or an English teacher.

fuck off

Post your slant eye or GTFO

No, they can just stop everyone else.
They're the immovable object.

The weak should fear the strong.



nah, they've been cucks for millenniums.

Only reason US didnt crush vietnam was because china held the line in korea and warned US to not to invade north vietnam so they can operate gorilla warfare freely in south, US only withdraw cause of hippie movement.

They have been cucked out of land and sea territory ever since independence, truth is they are only allowed to have independence or territory when benevolent emperor allows them to

pic related: cucks asking bull for territory

You have to go back.
Ah ... I long for the day when the chinks cannibalize each other again just like the old times. Like when the chinks exchanged their children to eat when the Chu state surrounded the Song in the Spring and Autumn period. Or maybe like battle of Suiyang where a few thousand chinks cannibalized a city of 30000. Even better, there's the Great Famine during the Great Leap Forward when flesh banquets were held. It would be great to witness such a sight in my lifetime.

In Rising Storm 2 they are.


They're based.

Best immigrants in Pooland.

Why do you hate the Chinese?

Haven't they helped you out in the past?

nah, we'll just march into vietnam, take everything we need and burn everything we dont like last time, then your women cross the border do sucky sucky for 5 dollar, feel free to protest and chimp out and kill a few koreans taiwanese etc

They are absolutely inhumane scum:
> Haven't they helped you out in the past
And then they supported the Khmer Rouge in their massacres committed against Vietnamese people.

The day where lowlifes like you are forced to cannibalize your fellow chinks in order to live another worthless day isn't far away. Expect it.

They are the cutest enemy to lose too.

The Vietnam War was a mistake.

Fuck you France.

>massacres committed against Vietnamese people.

fucking lol, entire reason your country was shit and other SEA & Oceania cunts got an economic boost was because you massacred and deported chinese merchant class, economic embargo served you right, starvation and prostitution is exactly what your country deserve

I learned something new today.

Thank you Ho Chi Minh

Also dishonest and deceptive to their core:
> Another finding was that less honest respondents also expected others to be less honest, as, unexpectedly, did those from more honest countries.

See this twat for an example right in this thread:
Ignorant scum:úc_massacre
> you massacred
[Citation needed], CCP shill.

Brainwashed and delusional to the max.

>Nams vs aussies
Git gud.

> aussie
Don't kid yourself, it's a fucking chink.


Really makes me want to colonize it again

How do the Vietnamese feel about Koreans? We participated a lot during the Vietnam War so....

Sorry about that....


these people move to other countries and continue to make a living for themselves, while your whore do sucky sucky in east asian countries, ho

Fuck off.


I don't give two fucks about Japan's most frequent rape target.

Fuck you too, commie.

>surprised by the existence of "five cents" or CIDF in 20fucking17

Eat a banh mi and continue losing, Baguette-senpai. Seriously, why was the Parisian chinkout allowed?

Neutral and might be a bit favorable, but one thing is clear that Koreans aren't complete and utter lowlifes like chinks.
Korean presidents and civilians have apologized to Vietnam. That is good enough. Would be cool if the veterans stop living in denial though.

The word "massacre" isn't even on that page, so what the fuck are you talking about, retarded chink?
Here's your own filthy words:
> you massacred

You'd be surprised at how little Westerners know about them. Fucking wumao and ziganwu.

I'm sorry about the veterans.

Most of them were really just bitter after surviving through the hell that was the Korean War. Thankfully most of the next generation Koreans don't have same history, so things will get better I suppose.

Oh please, don't mention anything related to this disgusting whore called Paris.

>While such measures were targeted at all bourgeois elements, such measures hurt ethnic Hoa the hardest and resulted in the takeover of Hoa properties in and around major cities.[105][106] Hoa communities offered widespread resistance and clashes left the streets of Cholon "full of corpses".[100][107] These measures, combined with external tensions stemming from Vietnam's dispute with Cambodia and China in 1978 and 1979 caused an exodus of the majority of the Hoa, of whom more than 170,000 fled overland into the province of Guangxi, China, from the North and the remainder fled by boat from the South. China received a daily influx of 4-5,000 refugees, while Southeast Asian countries saw a wave of 5,000 boat people arriving at their shores each month. China sent unarmed ships to help evacuate the refugees, but encountered diplomatic problems as the Vietnamese government denied that the Hoa suffered persecution and later refused to issue exit permits after as many as 250,000 Hoa had applied for repatriation.

kys monkey whore

Good to know.


why are so few Vietnamese on the internet? Is it because they're still too poor, they don't know English (but it doesn't stop Japanese and Koreans) or they still have censorship?

God bless you.

Some of my family members have stopped them

wtf fampai Sup Forums doesn't cut it for you anymore?
most can't into English so they congregate on native forums instead.

> such measures were targeted at all bourgeois elements
> clashes
So not a fucking massacre, just a bunch of chinks thinking they're special snowflakes who are exempt from laws affecting everyone else. What is the fuck are you even trying say? It seems like living in a Western country didn't help you develop critical thinking one bit, since you're still employing logic with Chinese characteristics.
Do you have anything to offer the world other than your butthurt? You went into a Vietnam thread to talk shit only to spazz out like this? Seriously?

오히려 한국인들좋아함 ㅂㅅ
한국인인줄알고 접근했는데 만약 중국인이면 욕하고가는 나라가 베트남이다

What? There are more Vietnamese internet users than Polish people:
They just stay in Vietnamese sites.


Just here on a whim.

thats the thing with you monkeys. nationalisation, protests, everything you do, people get killed unlike in civilised counties, that's why it serves you right your country was full of corpses in 60s and 70s, your only worthwhile exports are sucky sucky love you long time, nothing of value would be lost if it gets bombed again

THAAD 설치에 대한 중국의 보복 때문에 요즘에 우리도 중국 별로 안좋아해.

I visited Nam a few months ago.

Thoroughly Americanized with a hint of a French cafe and coffee culture. I dont see what the point of the war was.

Viet girls are qt and innocent

Also, lots of Western companies are currently investing and pouring money into it. I predict it'll experience rapid growth similar to China in the next 10-20 years, and become a big player in Asia. Then they'll think they're too good for whitey and superior to him like the chinks do now., and like the Thais are already beginning to.

In short, better go to Vietnam now to fuck qts, because they won't be looking for green cards anymore soon enough. Also, Ho Chi Minh City is already FULL of white SJW smelly degenerate backpacker hippies.

So you can't argue for shit against the fact that you spouted bullshit. Instead of admitting your failure, you're dead set on saving face by speaking gibberish. Typical Chinaman.
Here, Lu Xun wrote a book especially for people like you:
You should read it and stop living in the perpetual century of humiliation.

그래서 뭐

I know one Vietnamese, but he was already born in Poland. Nice guy.

What do Vietnamese think about Poland?

so streets of Cholon "full of corpses" is not massacre according to you

Hà Tĩnh[edit]
On May 15, Reuters reported that More than 20 dead as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam. According to the report, about 100 people were injured and sent to the hospital due to the violence in the night of 14th. A doctor in central Hà Tĩnh Province said that five Vietnamese workers and 16 other people described as Chinese were killed on Wednesday night in rioting.[31]
Central News Agency (Republic of China) confirmed that clash between Chinese and Vietnamese workers and locals at the Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Mill had resulted in the death of Chinese worker.[32]
Bình Dương[edit]
On May 15, a dead body was found in a burnt down Taiwanese factory and confirmed as a Chinese member of staff.[32]
that's the thing with you chimps, you dont see korean jap, us citizens killed in anti whatever protest in china, that's the difference between man and chimps, now back to sucky sucky with you, ho

More like pooland :^)

Most only knows of Lewandowski.

pls don't hate us, we like Vietnamese people, they are hard-working and they learn the language, also they stick to each other and don't want any help or money from the Polish state

ok, that's a lot, I didn't think that Bundesliga was popular in Viet Nam.

Firstly, you are trying to deflect from the fact that you spouted bullshit. That can't be good for your health, stop it.
Secondly, the 2014 incident is in no way related to the imaginary massacre you were talking about. You are committing a logical fallacy.
Lastly, Chinese are a bunch of cowards who only dared to gang on an old man:
> When a 51-year-old man in Xi’an made the innocent mistake on Sept. 15 of driving with his family in a Toyota Corolla past an anti-Japanese demonstration, he was so severely beaten that he remains partially paralyzed from brain injuries, while the car was destroyed. The law enforcement authorities in another province detained last week the main suspect in the beating, a spokesman for the Xi’an police said by telephone on Tuesday.

> so streets of Cholon "full of corpses" is not massacre according to you
Nah, according to anyone with a fucking working brain, unlike you. A massacre it was not. Moreover, the source for that claim is dubious.

Most don't know anything about Poland.

Football is very big in Vietnam, most males are fans of it.

lol, the chink got so fucking mad that he fucked up his post and deleted. Jeez, calm down.

>Most don't know anything about Poland.

That's sad, Polish-Vietnamese friendship was a big thing before 1989.

Will you manage to qualify for the World Cup?

Kek no, we are struggling when playing with Thailand.

Dear Vietnamese. Please fix the following problems:

1) mindless littering
2) replace that disgusting motorbike traffic with civilized public transportation
3) learn how to be punctual
4) learn to admit mistakes. This weird culture of "saving face" is just retarded

An expat living in VN

Good suggestions. Vietnam should try to be more like Japan and distance itself from China and chink culture.

Well, we are trying (although not very successful, i admit). I myself, at least, are almost always punctual.

what the fuck is happening here

Well, Jap culture is just a modification of Chink culture, so... Well, how about simply cultivating your OWN culture?

woah one retard paralyses another person is called killing, meanwhile massacred street full of corpses is me "spouted" bullshit

fucking chimps kys. anyone with a brain would bomb your country the fuck out since your "men" are experts at hiding behind jungles while females take the fight and get rekt

I mean something like the Meiji Restoration. Baby steps first.

Your English is really good user. I didn't realise you disliked thru Chinese as much as you do.

We sadly have a shortage of Vietnamese restaurants in New Zealand. Please come and help fix it.

What's wrong with you chinks?

I thought only niggers, arabs and spics were THIS violent.

I wanna lost my virginity by a vietnamese girl,not a hooker.
What do?

t. Sexpat


Are ASEAN threads like this all the time?
I should visit more often.

>going to SEA to lose your virginity


This is the sad part, we don't actually have our own unique culture.

The Meiji restoration lead them to extreme chauvinism and military aggression, while the economic achievements lead to social alienation, loneliness etc...

>we don't actually have our own unique culture
join the club

Maybe. But the lifestyle is genuinely different from what I've ever seen. I just hope that you guys won't become yet another Japland or Korea.

You must be joking. The American mentality is very distinct. So are its works of art, entertainment and so on.


Seriously? That's all you managed to shit out after deleting your post in shame? Pathetic.

When will you ever stop being retarded? Here's the definition of massacre for you:
> intentional killing
> defenseless people
Feel free to prove those points. The burden of proof is on you.

> one retard paralyses another person is called killing
Holy shit, this projecting chink! I never said anything, not even implied that the picture was related in any way. Seriously, stop projecting. You're so full of shit it's not even fun.

Moreover, this video says that the victims died:

Genetics. Wired biologically to not give a fuck:

There's always a price.

Only true Vietnam.

Do not make fun of me, Vietnamese girls are hotter than jap women desu

I know a thing or two about Korea. Well, to me as of now Korea is basically a carbon copy of Japan. Of course, the history is much more complex than that (for ex: Buddhism came to Japan through Korea). Still, two major differences remain:

- Koreans have never fucking massacred other people and then denied any responsibility;

- Korean art is non-existent, unlike Jap stuff that's recognized and respected in music, literature, plastic arts, cinema etc.

God bless based Vietnam, better than Best Korea.

> intentional killing
yeah man bombs are just on their trajectory, if a vietchimp happens to be near the target, then its just collateral damage

> defenseless people
nice omission of the word relative, trying to deflect now are we

and I dont give a fuck if some retard has personal business to settle, they get punished by law. Unlike in chimp countries, a protest is a protest not a riot, only nigger riot in a protest and
>out of 351 factories that were damaged, looted, or destroyed, only fourteen were owned by Chinese corporations

your people are nigger tier with no civilised segment or engineering merit to speak of, never forget that, good luck with your "meiji restoration", nigger

Vietnam can't attack other countries but they can defend themselves almost against everything but communism. Ironically enough they are fighting that off now.

Like the Afghanistan of SEA but more civilized

What Japs did during the Meiji restoration was to take in tons of specialists from Europe who told them exactly how to build factories, write laws, run ministries etc. If you're interested, you can read about it in Chamberlain's books.

>build factories, write laws

japan didnt have niggers riot and burn factories down tho

> yeah man bombs are just on their trajectory, if a vietchimp happens to be near the target, then its just collateral damage
Huh? How the fuck is this sentence related to your imaginary massacre?

> nice omission of the word relative, trying to deflect now are we
Nope. I only skimmed the text so I didn't notice that part since it was on another lie. Stop projecting already. Scientists have already found out that you chinks are the best at projecting:
> Another finding was that less honest respondents also expected others to be less honest, as, unexpectedly, did those from more honest countries.

> and I dont give a fuck if some retard has personal business to settle, they get punished by law
I've already told you that the pic was completely unrelated to my argument. Get it through your thick skull.

> they get punished by law
So getting stoned to death is "punished by law". That's a strange law.

The rest of your post is just you repeating the same fallacious bullshit again and again. In the end, you're still simply deflecting from the fact that you spouted bullshit. You're trying so very hard to save face. Just admit that you fucked up and then fuck off.

There's a reason why the article you linked to didn't call it a massacre: it wasn't. The only one calling it a massacre is you since you're so thoroughly brainwashed.


My Lai is good day, damn chimps hiding VCs from marines, well deserved punishment for impeding the progress of democracy, now fuck off

The great masses could be saved, if only with the gravest sacrifice in time and patience.

But a Jew could never be parted from his opinions.

At that time I was still childish enough to try to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; in my little circle I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse, thinking I would inevitably succeed in convincing them how ruinous their Marxist madness was; but what I accomplished was often the opposite. It seemed as though their increased understanding of the destructive effects of Social Democratic theories and their results only reinforced their determination.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

North vietnamese are just chinese in denial.
South vietnamese are the real vietnamese.

So you completely gave up on trying to prove your argument. Good to know that.

The chinks argue exactly like how Hitler described the Jews. Truly, chinks are the Jews of the Orient.




Does vietnam even have a space program?

I still don't know how they could come up with THAT name for Italy

There are some satellite. Also the first Asian in space.

What do you mean? Southern Vietnamese are just Northern ones who go down south, we are both Kinhs.

Arent south vietnamese kinda different than the northern viets? A lot of northern viets seems more chinese looking than the south.
South vietnam will rise again!

Our president licks china's ass. We are slowly becoming chinese. So sorry.