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i miss my liquid dnb phase desu

send me links dude

Tbh one of C&K's best songs up until mandala. That song just took me by suprise

Just go on youtube dopey

Hybrid Minds
Camo & Krooked
Fred V & Grafix
High Contrast
are all i can remenber
hell nah

>Hybrid minds, C&K, high and lenzman all have labels
>that C&K throwback
>Listening to their new style
>It's still good but not as hard

Man I miss the old days, but the techstep days were good.

Also, Fred v and grafix and netsky are pop trash now. It's sad

had no idea about hybrid minds and hc having labels now.
i'm listening to ''honesty'' rn, sounds a bit like their ''minimal dnb'' shit, which i actually enjoyed back in the day, ''all night'' was a banger. it's cool, but its not something that i'll be listening again
I actually never got into techstep, i was mainly into neuro and liquid

i know man, so sad.

Mandala and ember are so damn good. Those drums they've been using are crisp and so nice. Good times bad times was that Zedd remix, and it also showed garage.

Correction:HC doesn't have a label. Error by me sadly. But alix Perez and spectrasoul have labels

Wilkinson, now sub focus. It's sad how these guys are now so pop savvy now that it's sad. I miss the stuff like airplane, x Ray, memory lane, angry jazzer, and hypnosis

This still fucking slaps

i never really liked this kek
c&k's production is solid, i'm listening to ember now, and its fucking beautiful, i didn't really like mandala tho. zedd remix?
ah, i fucked with spectrasoul a bit, never cared about alix

London Elektricity of course

memory lane is the quintessential liquid dnb track.
too poppy dude

I always found that one so much better then the smash and grab mix. Maybe because it was much softer, but who knows

Good times bad times was the Zedd remix of true colors, as stated by Camo.

Mandala is good if you have headphones and appreciate how the two just go well with each other. I'm glad they have their own label, and more people are trying the anti drop again.


Memory lane is still solid to this day. That baseline is so smooth yet untapped. Raw bass with soft beats. That entire album of sick music 2 had some killer tracks like Hong Kong express and that upbeats remix of shapeshifter

He's still pretty good, but hospital has been on a slump.

That's the problem though. DnB now saunters on the line of being too poppy or not having any "soul".

Eatbrain and hospital are two different beasts, yet pump out some good music every now and then, or consistently. Hugh Hardie and agressor bunx also releasing albums is neat, yet I prefer aggressors because it does make some unique attempts at DnB

I hadn't listen to good times bad times yet, digging it. the house part caught me by surprise
never gave it a listen, i was singles guy at the time.

Also, rawtekk

Same. I was playing smash brothers while listening to that song, and gen garage flip caught me WAY off guard

If anything, I'm glad guys like malux and dimension are so good that people finally are noticing them. Malux just released a new single in hyperlaced/time crime, and dimension had made sick a good song in UK and generator

Also, new gridlok, teddy killerz, methlab, and malux

I haven't listened to dnb for a year and a half now until this thread, i'm clueless about what's happening in the dnb scene lol

Okay so quick rundown

>Noisia makes outer edges a thing
>Got leaked
>Albums from tons of guys
>Metrik gets second album on hospital
>bad company signed to Ram
>Noisia radio goes to halftime
>Posij and emperor released on neosignal
>Outer edges got remixed
>1991 is loved by everyone
>Dimension has a possible U.K. Remix from skrillex
>Eatbrain continues to rise
>Current value releases massive songs
>Machinecode album
>Diselboy calls EDM fast food
>methlab rises to true form
>Billain has alter ego in AETHEK
>Neuro continues to grow

>Dieselboy calls EDM fast food
Kek, he's not wrong. How big was the outrage over this? Thx btw

None surprisingly, because this was UKF. I'm suprised nobody is amazed at guys like joe ford and L 33 just going off with killer tunes.

Also, DJ fresh is done with being a DJ, and for good reason. He blames the "industry" after putting his Shit into pop. Glad that the entire crew is in BC again. Also, prototype recordings is supposed to return with a NEW UNRELEASED BAD COMPANY SONG!!!!!!!!!

In other news, we may get reissues of more BC songs, because you can't even get some like China cup or son of nitrous

I remenber joe ford releasing some really fresh shit. I believe i was into L 33 a bit too, he was promoted a few times on neurofunkgrid wasnt he?
I never got into DJ Fresh, idk why. Cool, i might keep an eye for it

Yeah, L 33 is criminally underrated from how good his sound is. Shame how more care for the pop sound then trying to be original.

You know what really should return? Gritty, dark, techstep. Stuff like wormhole, the nine, and titan. It's insane how nobody does it, but it has so much possibilities. Imagine mefjus doing one? The snares would be so tight and make such a good track

Yeah, for sure

Also, just one thing

Pendulum ever returning?

Nah, they're done with pendulum

Well, it was fun when it lasted. Too bad another planet and still grey are forever lost, alongside other BBK albums like the brookes brothers album. That was
Something that more need to talk about. Thankfully, a new brookes brothers album is out soon, and I hope we get more of the older stuff

I'm gonna go ahead and say that there are some genuinely good artists on Med School. I mostly listened to their liquid funkers like Etherwood and Keeno back then, in retrospect they probably weren't as great as I thought at the time. But I remember being amazed by that Rawtekk album. And I think we can agree that Bop's micro dnb efforts are minor classics.

I think what makes med school so unique is that they're willing to try something different to see if it works. The new blood genre is what gave hospital some of their key guys, especially royalston and keeno and anile. It's sad how the latest edition was so much less of being fun and was more of a "listen to rainy day" set of songs.