Guise, I'm in a bind

Guise, I'm in a bind.

I just became a school security guard at a junior high school.

tbqh, I am finding a lot of the female students attractive. Girls did not act this way in my middle school. They are acting so much more mature. They are wearing push-up bras and skin-tight leggings or really short skirts.

I find myself flirting with them and they are flirting back.

This can't end well.

What do, Sup Forums?

btw, I am asking here because my insurance doesn't start for a few more weeks, so you guys are my shrink in the meantime.

Well think of it this way. Do you want to go to prison and get out and become a registered sex offender?

you are there to protect them, so imagine you're their dad, minus the chewing them out for dressing like sluts
>im not good with advice

I wish I could find a job with kids. I would be in heaven

Not to mention the brutal rape done to child predators by other inmates

>my insurance doesn't start for a few more weeks, so you guys are my shrink in the meantime

This goes without saying, but never discuss ANYTHING with a psychiatrist/psychologist/therapist. Ever. They can and will report you as being "a danger to others" and you will lose your job.

This has got to be bait. I teach middle school students, and they're anything but mature. They're fucking annoying, especially the girls. I can honestly -- yes, honestly -- say that I've never felt the slightest bit of attraction to a middle school student, and the thought kind of makes me nauseous.

Now high school girls on the other hand...

That's what I was going to say

don't forget the spankings

JUNIOR high damn. go jump off a bridge pedo.

No, obviously. am I supposed to get help then?

I figure that most of the attractive ones are 8th graders. Junior highs don't have 6th graders.

a) nice dub-dubs

b) A school having a security guard is so weird, but then again I didn't grow up in the Excited States

And by "mature" I was comparing them to what middle school was like for me and how I pictured they should be acting.

Just fuck one of them

> so you guys are my shrink in the meantime.

Legit advice: If you say anything that could remotely be interpreted as "I'm thinking of molesting kids" to a shrink, they CAN and likely WILL report you to the cops.
There are special exemptions in Dr-Patient confidentiality laws for kiddie-diddling.

Who does tardy sweeps and escorts baddies out of class?

In a lot of America schools have cops that work there as apposed to security guards.

> tardy sweeps

There don't need to be sweeps through the school to find anyone skipping class. They'll get in trouble when attendance shows they didn't show up. Obviously, if a teacher sees you where/when you shouldn't be, they'll send you to class or to the vice-principal's office.

> escorts baddies out of class
Teachers handled in-class discipline, send a student to the office if necessary. If a student is sent to the office and doesn't show up there, it'll be noted and they'll be disciplined later.

I don't see why you need a "security" person to escort students out of class.

ask them for nudes or jack off onto them. They'll love you for it. So will the principal and police.

The idea of needing a cop to 'work' at a school is crazy, too.

It either means the parents or school board are irrationally frightened or the school is actually in a hell-hole that wouldn't be tolerated in any decent first-world country.

bro I was a strait male cheerleader who coached and legally touched middle school ass more times than I can count.

You just need to work on your dick discipline dude. Like, just get some fucking dick discipline and stop flirting with preteens. They'll just use you for your car

Nice dubs and it was mostly about drugs, we still moved/used product though.

The noise. The commotion. The just-another-brick-in-the-wall mentality that is junior high school. The cunt-ridden matriarchy, the clitocracy of every middle school. Aged dykes with endless control schemes and rules.

Go ahead and flirt. Maybe get some head in your car in the parking lot. Live it up.

>Thirteen is preteen


And I think that tricking a girl into letting you touch her ass is immoral.

If you're in the United States, there are very few ways for you to get help. It's not a good country for people who exhibit abnormal chronophilia to openly be in. While it will never be okay for them to act on their attraction, I hope that someday these people can get help without getting stigmatized.

Nice dubs.
The school I graduated from was somewhat decent, but was attached to a ghetto shithole that was a separate school. We both had cops, called Student Resource Officers. They dealt with all the fights and all the kids that brought guns to class and shit.

> brought guns to class

So yeah, like I said, a horrible shit-hole that no decent first-world country would tolerate

Pics or gtfo

walk up to your favorite and be like " you know you want muh cawk "
pic related

>The school I graduated from was somewhat decent
>all the fights and all the kids that brought guns to class


I'm a senior in high school and there's a cop at my school. As well as a security guard. I'd consider my school decent. We have drug problems now and then. Some kid got arrested in front of me last year for dealing drugs. Underage kids send nudes to each other so the officer deals with that too. Nothing really crazy happens though. I think it's just as a safety precaution in light of all the shootings that have happened and continue to occur.

>in light of all the shootings that have happened and continue to occur

So, yeah, a shit-hole and not in a decent first-world country

>Underage kids send nudes to each other so the cop deals with that too

WTF is a cop going to do? "I'm calling your parents!"

Kids that get busted for that shit get suspended and sent to police-mandated "therapy" sessions


>Girls did not act this way in my middle school.
Unless you're some 50yo+ geriatricfag, they did, you were just too much of a beta nerd to look up from Nintendo Power issues or Star Trek novels to notice.
And being a total beta loser, you are now a security guard.

How do the cops find out?

I know one story where a freshman couple broke up and the girl ended up Snapchatting the guy a nude as a way to get him back. Well that fucking idiot screenshotted it and showed all his friends. One of his friends told the school, who then notified the police. Kids snitch on each other

if this were me, i would have raped one of them by now, so i just keep away from jobs and situations like this

OP can't control his pedophile urges. He'll end up raping one of them soon.

Just enjoy from afar, dude. Revel in the sight of beautiful youth and beat off on your own time and write poetry about it. That's what I do.

Just don't rape one of them and you'll be fine, till then no wrong has been done