also when making commands sign as
or else wont count it
2 rolls per nation


German puppet state



South San Francisco Bay Area

Communist Canada

Change color to blue



name: goyland
location: southwestern alaska
color: green


i might need a little help playing this, ive never played before

Change color to pink

Happy Birthday Hitler
Somewhere in Mexico

>Blue Eyed Cat
>Blue or first color free

>Happy Birthday Hitler
Make it Teal

op is a fag, how are we gonna keep track of whos who if we cant have names?

are you from the risk thread last night, right?

We do have names, you dip.

first time doing this so bare with me haha


>Blue Eyed Cat

that green text with the name I choose is the name that states my name


Expand into South America

Fill in Latin America south


Claim rest of Arizona and Utah.

like how can we stop other people from saying they are us and playing for us instead? we cant go tripfagging like you can on pol risk threads

>Blue Eyed Cat

Two rolls per round, right?

this is my first roll: the Cats expand south

>Happy Birthday Hitler

First course of action is to immediately destroy Antifa

>German puppet state

goyland- expand east

>Happy Birthday Hitler
So heading North

Second roll for same purpose

So be it.

Antifa moves into New Mexico and swings south.

>Blue Eyed Cat

Second roll, repeats order

>Happy Birthday Hitler
And by that I mean emphasis on Texas

No queers in Texas and that's how I like it.

>Happy Birthday Hitler
I think its natural that we develop a strong relationship, Vichi Mexico

move northwest
>communist canada


I propose an alliance with Communist Canada.

we can't

nobody does that anyway


Second roll
I would like the game to have more rounds before I make an alliance but for now we can have a non-aggression pact
>communist Canada

dont forget to tag
so i count it !

expand east again

Move into Florida



Take Colorado and expand into the midwest.

>Blue Eyed Cat

we expand west, I mean, north from the south edge (filling all Chile, guess you understand)

Also move into Brazil


Roll for more prarieland.

>Blue Eyed Cat

We expand east now, from top to bottom (that was easier to say than previous roll...)

shit this is my first time playing but its alot less complicated than i thought it would be

>Happy Birthday Hitler

And alliance with German Puppet State to form the Greater German Alliance!

Start moving northwest before Goyland gets to it
>communist Canada

>German puppet state
Keep attack south of Central America

>Happy Birthday Hitler
And fill out the non-German Puppet State regions south of my state

Save Puppet Bro the roll so he can expand south or into cuba

Second roll
>communist Canada


expand south


Attack Texas

Keep moving into Brazil

>Blue Eyed Cat

we expand west to fill that awful blank in northen Chile


Roll for Mexico

Take more land in Canada Without interfering with Gotland
>communist Canada

>Blue Eyed Cat

We expand west again if not completed

if so, we start crawling north by the Pacific shore


Push towards Colorado and capture their weed supplies. They'll be sober and back to work within days.

Roll 2
Take the South West Towards Arkansas


Also tale the land along the northern atlantic borders of South America


Damn, blue eyed cat, witnessed



yes, the cat is very happy

>communist Canada

go southwest



Both rolls to reclaim lost land


Continue taking Brazil

>Blue Eyed Cat


so, the cat wants to have the shore of Brazil. Get as much of the atlantic shore as you can

>Blue Eyed Cat

expand north from the pacific shore

always defend if needed, in both rolls

Move south and destroy the nigtopia
>communist canada

>Retake Southeast Texas, pushing North East

Roll 2:
>Invade the American South West
Ie. Arizona and SoCal

Berkeley Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

French colonials

Start at the farthest North part of eastern South America.

Long live Marine LePen.

Color Merlot.

Take the northern atlantic borders I don't want to attack you blue eyed cat so can we sign a Non aggression pact?

>German Puppet State
Rest of untaken Mesoamerican land (Yucatan, panama)

Continue moving south
>communist Canada


>Blue Eyed Cat

but what if the Cat gets locked in south america and doesn't have any more room to expand? will Yellow allow the Cat to pass to free territories?


French colonial push into "yellow".

>long live fascism


Counter offensive against HBH.

Start moving north from Florida

push south and take over some of the antifa territory

>Blue Eyed Cat

fill the territories left in the zone of ecuador and colombia until reach the limit with Yellow, without interfering with them

Also take as much of Brazil without interfering with other countries

French colonials seek agreement with blue eyes cat.

>we are here to slay yellow
>join us

>Happy Birthday Hitler
Roll 1: I grant German Puppet State my Western Coastline up to the Bay Area. If that land is lost this turn, then this partition is with respect to the Western Coast until German Puppet State borders Antifa.

>Blue Eyed Cat

keep doing that, going south once limit is reached


Push down the CA coast

Occupie Greenland
Use extra rolls to expand south
>communist Canada