ITT: Describe your sex life with a quote from Star Wars

ITT: Describe your sex life with a quote from Star Wars

> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away

Other urls found in this thread:

He has too much Vader in him

Where do you get your delusions from, laser brain?

I made the Kessel run in 12 parsecs.

You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought

Let off some STEAM, Bennet!

“You do have your moments. Not many, but you have them.”

I went back to doing the only thing I was ever any good at.

I thought he was just a myth...

"It's a trap!"
no joke, i was texting this girl for a week until I found out

It's fine as long as you don't look up


I can't even give you a quote from Star Wars.

pic related



Would Spock, or a Vulcan, find a Jedi trusting his/her feelings as logical or illogical?


>Not even the younglings survived

You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought.

You can do a Star Trek quote if you'd like. JJ Abrams just needs one more successful Star Trek movie before he can get the green light to do a Star Wars/Star Trek crossover

> Please Captain, not in front of the Klingons

words to live by

Back home the sand is so coarse. Here, everything is so soft.... like you.

This is my fetish

What the hell is an aluminum falcon?!

>You old smoothie

"great, kid. don’t get cocky"

"That is why you fail."

I never ask if something is possible until I've already done it

"I have the high ground!"


I think we can all agree Vulcans would completely blow at using the force.

I thought they smelled bad on the outside


"I have a bad feeling about this."
>wilhelm scream

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."

She was very beautiful, kind but sad.

Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi

I am your father

"Myself, the boy and 2 droids. No questions asked."

This holiday is yours, where we all share with you the hope that this day brings us closer to freedom and to harmony and to peace. No matter how different we appear, we're all the same in our struggle against the powers of evil and darkness. I hope that this day will always be a day of joy, in which we can reconfirm our dedication and our courage. And more than anything else, our love for one another. This is the promise of the Tree of Life.
PRINCESS LEIA, Star Wars Holiday Special

The Dark Side of the Force is the pathway to many abilities some consider to be… Unnatural.




"I have seen a security hologram of him... killing younglings."




This was your father's lightsaber, he used it to kill about thirty younglings

"There is another"

Never tell me the odds!


Shut him up or shut him down.


how did i not think of that

Yousa come wit me now okeyday?

"Fuck me. Fuck me harder."

-Luke Skywalker

he's more machine than a man

boring conversation anyway...

these aren't the droids we were looking for


This was posted on Reddit a few weeks ago, and has been reposted numerous times in the same place.

Stop trying to get attention by just reposting shitty posts on reddit

we've been doing 'describe your sex life using a Star Wars/Star Trek quote' for at least two years. that site gets most or all of its good ideas from us, my summer friend

> Didn't we just leave this party?

"Hello There"

another happy landing

There's posts there older than 3 years if you wanna go dig for them m8

"Jedi s'cum"

summer has started early, I see. did the middle school year end early for you, kid?

>that's no moon

" Yesss ! "

>Describe your sex life with a quote from Star Wars

One with the Force.

Get out of there, Wedge. You're not doing any good back there!

Nothing is forcing you to stay, you can go back to Redd, we won't tell anyone

My axe is yours

"Yooouuu weeereeee 'the chosen one'!"

Fuck bitches

> Now this is podracing!


Meesa horny baby

Meesa love you looong time.

"Meeesa Jar-Jar Binks"

>My breasts, Megassa squeeze them

Aaaaaaaaaargh Aaaaaaah - Mace Windu

Somebody help me get this big hairy thing off me!

Yousa haveda liveplay with thisen hisen?

It's a trap!

If there's a bright center of the universe, you're on the planet that's furthest from it.

I'm giving her all she's got captain!

To boldy go where no man has gone before.
