I listen to everything

>I listen to everything

Other urls found in this thread:


>I listen to everything (in case Fantano or P4k give something random a 10/10 and then its always been my favorite genre)

I'll listen to anything besides classical.

>i listen to everything...((((except)))) *usually country*

i can literally listen to anything and give it a chance, so when i say that i mean it

my playlist can go from slayer to gangster rap to some soft pop

"anything except rap and country" starter pack

"I would" is not the same as "I listen to everything"

>He listens to anything but everything

>not listening to everything
why are you here?

There are genres out there you've never even heard of.

Unless you're the kind of pleb who unironically uses terms like "world music".

Why do you guys like country?

start at the bottom and post the number that you would honestly listen to


Waiting for the next 10/10 rap album to come out and circle jerk over it with my fellow patricians.

outlaw country is the best

this "body like a backroad" bullshit is lame

Id only say this to a normie when they ask what kind of music i listen to, and i really cant be fucked to explain because i know they wont have heard of any of it

You mean the country singers that secretly want to fuck their trucks?

Art music
Traditional folk
Popular music


You'll listen to everything except GIANT UMBRELLA TERM/some of the most profound and diverse music of all time.

What. A. Pleb. Don't call yourself a fan of music.


But I listen to [insert 732 words for rock] memerap and electronic music [read: Autechre, Aphex Twin aaand Daft Punk]



Music purists need to die.

t. listens to entry-level Sup Forumscore

yes but when someone asks you what you listen to, you are not gonna list every single fucking genre you listen to from time to time

and if you only say 1 or 2 genres you are a pleb, so "I listen to everything" is the best answer you can give

So lying is the best answer?


Will ?mu? ever realize music subjective?

It's not lying, it's conealing a part of the truth to avoid an awkward situation

what if i do though? i'm extremely open minded and listen absolutely everything i think i will like.


Alright, so when someone asks you what music do you listen to, what do you answer?

technically true


>thinking albums

I though rockism died on Sup Forums?

You're mom is about to die if you don't reply to this post


if you listen to folk, classical, experimental, jazz, rock and electronic you actually >listen to everything, which of course doesn't literally mean "i listen to every recording ever released"

I listen to everything though. My playlist can go from The Beatles to Kanye in a second

When asked i usually say
"I listen to a lot of stuff but I'm mostly into hip hop"
Is this too umbrella for mu?
What's wrong with saying "i listen to everything"
It's obvious what they mean. You autists are taking it too literally

>experimental, jazz, rock and electronic

So just popular music

Will (you) ever realize its not
But well thats just my opinion right? ;')

Oh really, I love garifuna music, favourite artists?

Just happened to me at my new job few days ago

>what are you listening to?
>ehm king crimson
>ah yeah guess i dont know them
>what else you listen to?

This is why you have last.fm / RYM

Just whip it out and show 'em your profile

>I don't care and want to change the subject.

>"I listen to all music"
>what about this genre?
>"not music"
>what about that genre?
>"not music"

Now that's some diversity

read my post again mouthbreather

and no, experimental is not popular music

all I read was you lumping the 2 widest, most varied umbrella labels of folk and classical in one term than dividing up Western pop like its more varied lmao


King crimson: it just works


No one cares how fast your computer is, user.

>I have a personality so I don't have to use music genres to define myself

I phrase it more accurately, as I try to listen to music I haven't heard before on a constant basis and expand my horizons, even if I don't necessarily think I will like something, I listen to it

Though I also always introduce myself as a music snob if the topic comes up so nobody else has that one over on me, I know I'm pretentious and this board probably made me that way but that's okay, I make up for it by no longer talking about music anywhere but here

damn, quads confirm.

I've been a strip club DJ off and on for six years, and it's destroyed my personal taste in music. I've spent so much time picking out and finding music for other people's musical tastes that I get this kind of vicarious, empathetic enjoyment out of listening to music. I just think, "oh man, Kitty would love this song," and then I like listening to it too. Even if it's just me listening with headphones, I get uncomfortable if I don't mix it up. It feels shitty and wrong to keep a vibe going in one specialized area for longer than a couple songs at most.

I know I definitely heard the Chameleons back in high school when I was just a chud with a Last.fm so I don't know how obscure they are

But yeah I mean I would say they are lesser known than all the big names like Joy Division or Wire or Echo and the Bunnymen

what kind of music?

Strip clubs play everything, so really everything. You can go from "Falling in Hate" that Five Finger Death Punch song to Toby Keith's "I Love This Bar" to the Benny Benassi "California Dreamin'" remix to "I Wanna Be Your Underwear" by Bryan Adams to "Shawty is a Ten" by The-Dream to "Natural Blues" by Moby to "Whole Lotta Love." And everything in between.

A lot of yesterdays hits. "Lovefool," "How Bizarre," "Billie Jean". I used to say no hard rap, but then I spent a year in South Carolina as pretty much the only white guy in a hip hop strip club in Columbia, so I got really, really familiar fast. That place was totally obsessed with everything new, so the minute Future released Honest, I was skipping around the tracks to identify club appropriate ones to start bumping that night. Even then, gearing up to close it could slow down with something like the Yo Gotti "Pure Cocaine" thing.



well how do you explain what a last fm is to ''''''''''normies'''''''''' (don't like that word but i don't know what is a good synonym to it) ?



even worse
too different

"Normal people" is ok tho i'll probably use that one since it has kind of a satire edge to it

Will plebs ever realize that there is objectivity in music?

Huh, good to know.

i listen to genres you have never even heard of, pretty underground


>music tastes so basic they give no information on personality


After a while i learned that music is expression no matter how different it sounds and i csn aporiciate all of it

I hope you do too one day user

>yeah i listen to everything
>radiohead, kanye west, aphex twin, mozart, miles davis, nick drake, autechre, metallica, neutral milk hotel, beethoven, captain beefheart

>insert 732 words for rock

rock has been around for less than a century. classical has been around for several centuries. just because you arbitrarily chop up rock into 700 subgenres doesn't actually mean that there are 700 different types of rock. meanwhile, there is more diversity and experimentation in pretty much any century of classical than there has ever been in rock. and it's still going strong. rock is dead. in 50 years nobody will remember any rock artists, and Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, plenty of other 500+ year old classical artists will still be being performed and recorded regularly.

That's what I meant, I was being sarcastic.

I accidentally said this the other day.

Why is so much of music listening concentrated in a relatively few popular artists? With the Internet the entire breadth and history of music is at our finger tips. But when people ask me what artists I enjoy, they expect to know them. I'd really rather not name artists in the vain hope that some chick who primarily listens to Mac Miller knows who TTNG is.
What do I tell these people without seeming pretentious?

I just say the popular artists which best represent my overall taste and go from there.

Sorry user, but I really think in 50 years The Beatles and maybe like ACDC will still smoke Classical on, say, Spotify playlists.

you forgot folk and experimental

by this logic saying that you listen to any genre would require you to literally listen to every single album in the genre

No it wouldn't.

Saying I would listen to everything means you listen to what you listen to but you'd try something new.

Saying you listen to everything means you already listen to every genre, ever, already and unless you use super wide-reaching umbrellas to pretend you do, you don't.


>no harsh noise on the list
fucking plebify

But does he listen to Crunkcore?

no, I made sure to add babby's first experimental (Beefheart) and babby's first folk (Nick drake)

beefheart is experimental rock
drake is folk rock

>one folk-rock artist for 100,000 years of music from over 200 countries

still folk
still experimental
are you retarded

No, it's rock, folk-rock.

I unironically like Millionaires.

Calm down satan

>not being able to go from Frank Sinatra to Killswitch Engaged to System of a Down to Slipknot in a matter of minutes

>those digits

>There is the music you're listening to
>There is the music you love from heart from your whole you're life
>There is the music you listen to daily
>There are the artists you "like" from a genre you like
>There is the music that you are getting to know
>There is the "chapter" of your life, focusing on a new and certain" kind of music.
>There are the common and regular artists to answer plebs
>There is the answer you would give to a casual person, and there is the answer you would give to a person wanting to know you seriously
>There are (...)

Quite difficult to answer

you have to go back

>listening to music

There is no more going back, user.
Not anymore

classical music blows.
just like you



>my playlist can go from slayer to gangster rap to some soft pop

wasn't this from that one pasta

pretty much this. I find it really hard to answer that question, if it's done online i'll just link my last.fm but in person i can't figure out a way to explain it. it's easy to just say i listen to loads of different types of music and maybe name a couple of the bands i'm into at that moment in time

>no, guys, I actually DO listen to everything! I listen to a popular style of rap, mainstream metal, AND some soft pop!